Classic Rock As a Means of Teenage Self-Expression

VIII Международный конкурс научно-исследовательских и творческих работ учащихся
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Classic Rock As a Means of Teenage Self-Expression

Носенок А.А. 1
1МАОУ "Академический лицей"
Ахметзянова Т.Л. 1
1МАОУ "Академический лицей"
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The age of 10 to 19 is determined as adolescence in psychology and pedagogy and any influence on the development of personality can cause negative or positive impacts for adolescents. Thus, all forms of teenagers’ free time activity and leisure including their music and art preferences should be thoroughly examined. Music is known to be a powerful means of harmonious intellectual, moral and personal development. But at the same time music may cause aggression, uncontrolled fury and panic attacks.

Nowadays, it’s not difficult for teenagers to make friends, download music from the Internet and even to listen to music at any time and place completely hidden from their parents. Nevertheless parents are often worried about what music their children listen to, what movies they watch and what books they prefer to read. During adolescence teens usually become more sensitive and adults should be very patient and attentive towards them.

Music is an integral part of teenagers’ life, the way of self-expression and they should censor or at least be aware of the effects of the music the teens are listening to. As music influences spiritual and emotional part of everyday life it may contribute to development of aesthetic tastes, views, opinions and provide an opportunity for creative self-expression. Many cultural and artistic figures believe that music develops aesthetic features of personality which are necessary for all-round education of a teenager. That’s why parents need to be constantly informed of musical genre their children prefer to listen to. The aims of our research work are: 1) to review scientific material on this issue; 2) to conduct a survey among secondary school students. The survey and its results can be found in appendix 1 and appendix 2.

The subject of our research work is the effect of rock music upon teenage value orientations.

We used empirical method of research (analysis of materials received from scientific journals and interviewing classmates) and theoretical methods of research (interpretation, comparison and compilation of information).

1 Classic Rock can help people self-express

The world we are living in is filled with many different natural and artificial sounds, but the sounds themselves are not the music. Only when people have learned to modify these sounds the music appeared. But the music we are used to listen to every day can not only entertain, calm and delight but also can have a positive or negative impact on emotional and physical state. Music is able to convey our emotions and feelings that can't be expressed in words.

There is a wide variety of music genres: classical music, rock music, pop, rock and roll etc. Most experts believe that rock music is not only music genre, but a special socio-cultural phenomenon of the second half of the 20th century with its subculture. Rock music emerged in America and had reached its culmination of fame by the 1960s and remains one of the greatest music genres nowadays.

Undoubtedly, all philosophical questions are demonstrated in rock music. It's a kind of protest against the “old-fashioned” music and the birth of a new music genre. In this youth’s protest a new kind of music appears. It is the very rock music that makes laws of unity of opposites to be united. Some experts believe that rock music allows teens to get away from stereotypical attitudes and behavioral practices and to fell more individual freedom.

Rock music is usually performed by rock bands that consist of a lead singer, a lead guitarist, a bassist and a drummer, seldom a piano player. The vivid feature of rock is a mighty beat and a lot of exciting power. When rock admires are asked about their feelings and emotions while listening to music they describe them with following words: “…… this music can be wild and expressive”, “…it can make you addictive to music”, “.. rock prevents me from giving up in my life”.

The most popular now is classic rock or “soft” rock which differs from hard rock with quieter rhythm, vivid lyrics and lack of aggression.

2 Rock is a subculture

There is no doubt that the role of music in the world history is enormous. Popularity of rock music greatly impacts our society. With its beat, melody, harmony, dynamics, diversity of sound combinations it gives us a range of feelings and sentiments. The power of rock can be seen in how it goes through the mind and penetrates straightly into our soul, subconscious, and creates humans’ mood. The content of songs can respectively cause the most different feelings, incitements and desires. It can relax, invigorate, provoke and etc. Some people believe that rock gives a relaxation, other people suppose rock gives feeling of psychological release or sense of communicative ease.

Let’s review such kind of rock as a punk-rock. It’s a music that has turned many people against it not with the acts hooliganism but with an idea. Punk-rock is like a state within a state, a solitary punk community. They have their own rules, laws, postulates. So, for example, punk-ideology in the original arose due to the anxiety about working class of their position in society and frustration. And at the same time it also affected such concepts like egalitarianism, anti-racism, anti-sexism, antimilitarism, freedom of thoughts and non-conformism.

Rock music, like cultural phenomenon, gave birth to “rock ‘n’ roll lifestyle”, that is a certain style of behavior and life values system – so called “rock ‘n’ roll psychology”. Reflection of protest, exposition of conflicts lies in a basis of it. Thus, people’s sights, habits and principles are multifaceted, and different flows of rock-music subcultures have much common with, for example, to create something new.

Music obviously can bring light thoughts. Such a great musician like John Lennon has done it. He with his songs and his performances prove the whole world that humans should fight for peace and freedom:

(Imagine - John Lennon & The Plastic Ono Band)

Imagine no possessions

I wonder if you can

No need for greed or hunger

A brotherhood of man

Imagine all the people

Sharing all the world

3 Examples of negative impact of rock music

There are so many stereotypes of the influence of rock on a human, especially on teens that promote Satanism, aggression, drug abuse and etc. All this contributes to forming negative stereotypes about this subculture. We must recognize that some hard rock bands really influence teens’ psyche negatively. We tried to formulate some negative effects of rock music on teens. They are followings:

violent lyrics inspire violent acts;

rock music effects depressed teens;

rock music tends to be the loudest of all music genres and increases the hearing loss;

it often touches negative occultic themes.

Сonsequently, thinking, strength of will, moral consciousness of teens are affected by influence from rock music, so that teenagers cannot control themselves sometimes. And exactly in these conditions of mental confusion all moral barriers can disappear.

Sometimes, in the midst of rock concerts and festivals riots, fights and frays take place. During the performance of “The Who” in 1979 11 fans were died and about 26 were suffered, moreover most of them were representatives of the youth. Fortunately it happens rarely and is mostly a tragic accident.


Unlike the hard rock classic rock or soft rock is possibly the greatest and the most influential genre of music of our time teens prefer listening to. Undoubtedly classic rock is a mixture of awesome background music and genius lyrics that takes true talent and love for good music. Several generations have already been living and listening to greatest hits of the Beatles, Rolling Stones, Bruce Springsteen, Duran Duran, Pink Floyd, Queen, Jimi Hendrix, David Bowie.

Fortunately, there are some ways to enable them to express themselves. The task of adults is to handle teens tactfully in every situation and to help them discover themselves through appropriate self-expression form. In fact, teenagers can choose some musical genre as one of self-expression forms. It would be a great success if musical preferences of parents and children correspond to each other! Adults brought up with “a good quality” classic rock can provide teenagers with a good taste for it.

Every person has his own preference in music. In rock we can find more than 200 genres: melodic, “black” or calm. Anyone can seek through veil and find something that he’ll like. Young people choose what matches with time, fashion, situation in the country, peer’s preferences or purely individual needs. But one thing we can tell exactly, that if teenager listens anything, that means, he need it.

Classic rock is possibly the greatest and the most influential genre of music of our time. Undoubtedly, classic rock is a mixture of awesome background music and genius lyrics that takes true talent and love for good music. Several generations have already been living and listening to greatest hits of the Beatles, Rolling Stones, Bruce Springsteen, Duran Duran, Pink Floyd, Queen, Jimi Hendrix, David Bowie.

Appendix 1

The Survey





Do you listen to classic rock?



Do your parents like listening to classic rock?



Has classic rock ever inspired you or improved your spirits?



Do you consider classic rock to be aggressive ?


Appendix 2

The Results of the Survey





Do you listen to classic rock?




Do your parents like listening to classic rock?




Has classic rock ever inspired you or improved your spirits?




Do you consider classic rock to be aggressive ?




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