Barbie- the standart of beauty

IX Международный конкурс научно-исследовательских и творческих работ учащихся
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Barbie- the standart of beauty

Валькович М.М. 1Пичикян О.М. 1Аракелян Н.Р. 1
1МБОУ СОШ №16 им. Серёжникова А.И.
Сафонова Н.М. 1
1МБОУ СОШ №16 им. Серёжникова А,И.
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Project passport


Authors: Margarita Valkovich, Natalia Arakelyan, Oksana Pichikyan

Project Manager: Safonova N. M., English teacher

The problem of the project: Surgical interventions to imitate the ideal

Object of research: the concept of "ideal" beauty

Subject of research: Influence of the Barbie doll

Relevance: in the modern world, the number of people who resort to the help of surgeons to change their appearance is growing. It seems to us that this is also due to childhood injuries, including a variety of «perfect» dolls.

Goals and objectives:

Improve your English language skills

Show the uniqueness of natural beauty

Understand the concepts of beauty


Each of us has a choice between accepting ourselves and imitating our ideals. Some accept themselves and love their body in any form, trying to improve its condition as much as possible through proper nutrition and sports. Others, trying to make themselves "perfect", resort to "beauty shots" and the help of surgeons. What is better to imitate or to improve yourself other ways?

The progress of the project:

Developing questions

Conducting a social survey

Preparation of statistics

Summarizing results based on the data received

Execution of the project

Creating presentations

Methods of research:

Analysis of materials of network the Internet

Social survey

Analysis of the results obtained


Project passport ………………………………………………………….2-3

History of the Barbie doll………………………………………………...4-5

Plastic surgery ……………………………………………………………5-6

People dolls…………………………………………………………….....6-8

Opinion of psychologists…………………………………………………8-9



Source of information……………………………………………………..11


On the Internet, we stumbled upon a photo of girls who, in the hope of becoming like a Barbie doll, did a lot of plastic surgeries and “beauty injections”. We decided to delve deeper into this topic and analyze the problem of such operations.

The text of the study:

History of the Barbie doll

The creator of Barbie dolls is Ruth Handler.  Once, when the Handler couple were vacationing in Switzerland, Ruth saw a Lily doll, which was popular with Europeans, and acquired it.  Upon arrival home, Ruth, together with designer and engineer Jack Ryan, created the first Barbie doll, the prototype of which was Bild Lilly.  The reason for the appearance of the doll is that Ruth wanted to create a doll through which little girls could try themselves in different roles, be it a housewife or a rock star.  With the help of this doll, Ruth wanted to show that girls have the right to choose, that they are able to work and be independent.

So, in 1959, a Barbara Millicent Roberts doll was released, named after Barbara Handler, the daughter of Ruth Handler.  It was first sold at the American International Fair.

Initially, dolls were not in demand, did not make any impression on buyers and retail chains, but Ruth Handler launched a large-scale advertising campaign, which brought worldwide success.  The popularity of dolls is due to the constant development of the product.  Producers instantly reacted to the opinion of the audience and adjusted to emerging trends.

Plastic surgery

The very phenomenon of plastic surgery appeared a long time ago. The first mention refers to 800 BC. It is to this period that the first operations are attributed. But if we consider the operations that are known and popular now, the most accurate can be called the period of the First World War, when plastic surgery was used for the first time to sew people's noses, which they lost when they were injured. We asked questions to our classmates. The results of the survey can be seen on the diagram. It means that many people have not even seen human dolls and have never thought about the influence of dolls on the psyche of people. (applications1,2)

The development of plastic surgery dates back to the 19th century, when antiseptics appeared. With the advent of painkillers operations have become safer

In today's world, many Hollywood stars owe their careers to plastic surgery. They spend millions to remake themselves. Changing the contour of the face, breast augmentation, rhinoplasty, liposuction and much more, this is exactly what makes many people look like dolls.

People dolls

1-Valeria is the most popular copy of the famous doll today. However, the girl often says in interviews that she hates being called "live Barbie".Valeria Lukyanova claims that she has only had one plastic surgery-breast augmentation. And rumors about removing ribs, correcting the shape of the nose and other interventions angrily denies.

2-Moscow Barbie - 26. and the image stretches from childhood. Angelika Kenova says that her parents are to blame for everything: they dressed her up as a doll. The girl grew up, but did not get rid of parental control.Angelika Kenova (she changed her last name in her passport) says that she has not had any plastic surgery.

3-The Brazilian spent a huge fortune to achieve the appearance of a dream. He underwent 8 cosmetic procedures and 12 plastic surgeries. During one of them, Rodrigo was almost paralyzed. But Alves is not deterred.

4-"Addict" of plastic surgery has undergone 550 operations, which spent 560 thousand dollars. He not only completely reshaped his appearance, but even removed the veins on his forehead. Justin admits that these modifications make him more exceptional than other people.

Opinions of psychologists

There are two opinions about the influence of Barbie dolls on the future life of girls who were fond of these dolls in childhood.

Some experts in psychology believe that Barbie dolls are dangerous for children. An ideal Barbie with a model appearance leads to a decrease in the child's self-esteem, and, unfortunately, in some cases, it can not be restored for life. Girls want to be like their ideal beauty-Barbie, but when they see a discrepancy in this image, they are disappointed in themselves, in their appearance, which leads to a deep depression. Already grown-up girls begin to do " beauty shots”, as they strive to be like a long-legged, buxom beauty, going to various tricks, up to the removal of the lower ribs, so that the waist seems thinner. A woman looks at the doll, the woman looks at her reflection in the mirror: her nose is different in shape from the doll, so he's ugly; she has a different eye shape, so the eyes are ugly; she's not so plump, so they are ugly.

As a result, even a very pretty woman is ready to reshape herself completely to match the ideal. Even if this ideal is not perfect at all.

"Have you seen at least one Barbie in stores that looked a little like an ordinary average woman? - asks the psychologist Ekaterina Klimova. Personally, I don't. They all looked like they'd stepped off the cover of a glossy magazine. It turns out that the girl is taught that her main advantage should be beauty!".

But other psychologists say that it is not the Barbie dolls that are to blame for the girls ' complexes, but the upbringing of their parents.

"In my opinion, the study of Australian scientists speaks more about the substitution of concepts than about serious work," says psychologist Olga Yurkovskaya. - Most of the girls who played with Barbie as a child have grown up to be absolutely adequate people with normal self-esteem and a good attitude to their bodies. If we talk about sad cases of mental disorders that led to anorexia, then one doll can not affect this. As a rule, several factors are heavily involved in such things, and in the first place - heredity and the influence of the mother. I'm not in favor of banning Barbie, after all, this is a normal toy. My daughters had several dozen of them and it didn't break their psyche. You might as well say that if a child is surrounded by Teddy bears, he will want to grow up shaggy, fat and with claws. After all, the child's perception is influenced primarily by parents, not toys. If you raise your daughter in harmony with the world, explain that beauty is not the first among the necessary qualities that a good person should have, then there will be no distortions. A few more words about the study: if you conduct a counter and interview girls and women who did not have a Barbie as a child, it may well turn out that they are more unhappy than their peers who had a toy. They may have more complexes, dislike of their body, and rejection of themselves. And primarily because they grew up in poor, or even marginal families that did not care about children or did not have the money to buy a beautiful toy. That's why I wouldn't do a witch hunt, or rather an innocent Barbie. And first of all, I would think about the relationship in the family.”


We believe that there is no need to change yourself beyond recognition. Each of us is beautiful in his own way, you can emphasize your advantages, but not become a different person. You need to understand that in any case, plastic surgery is harmful to our health, if they are done at the request of a person, and not on the prescription of a doctor. So, our hypothesis has been proved.

Application 1:

Application 2:

Sources of information:




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