My Perfect School

XI Международный конкурс научно-исследовательских и творческих работ учащихся
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My Perfect School

Мякотникова С.В. 1
1МБОУ "Сергинская средняя общеобразовательная школа"
Елтышева Е.В. 1
1МБОУ "Сергинская средняя общеобразовательная школа"
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School. What a nice word it is! Nobody can live without school. We study interesting subjects and learn new things at school. We make friends here. School prepares us for adult life. It is our second home. It's a place where we have fun.

My name is Sveta. I am in the third form. I study at primary school in Serga. I am happy to have a school in my village. I like it.

They say that my school has got a rich history and interesting school traditions. That's why I am going to research some interesting facts about my school.

The aim of my work is to prove that my school is perfect.

I. My Perfect School

1.1.The History of My School.

In 2011 my school celebrated its 140 jubilee. Is it much? Of, course, it is.

My school's birthday is on the 2d of March.

In 1871 it was a school for boys. 59 boys studied there. In 1872 there were 96 boys and 5 girls in our school.

In 1920 our school was named "The farm youth's school".

In 1939 Serginskaya school was transformed into a secondary school.

In 1941 - 1942 there were 635 pupils in our school.

In 1973 a new three-storeyed building of our school was built.

In 1980 a school museum was opened.

1.2. My School Nowadays

My school is situated in Shkolnaya Street. It is a three-storeyed building. There is a sport ground and a big gymnasium behind it.

On the ground floor there are the classrooms for the primary-school pupils,

a library, a dining-room and a gymnasium.

On the second floor there is a nice assemble hall. Meetings, conferences, concerts and all the celebrations take place here.

On the third floor there is a computer class with the Internet and a new school museum.

In my school there are special classrooms for Chemistry, Physics, History, Geography, English, Mathematics, Technology, Russian and Literature. Our classrooms are nice and light. There are computers with multimedia projectors in our classrooms.

1.3. My School Family

This year 220 pupils study at my school. 84 pupils get only good marks. There are 13 forms in my school. 8 forms out of them are cadets' forms. The first cadets’ form was opened in 2008.

25 teachers work at school. The Head Teacher is Babushkin Pavel Valentinovich. Our teachers are very skilled. They give us all their knowledge. They teach us to be kind, strong and smart. They teach us to make friends and not to leave them in trouble. Our teachers tell us about everything, about the history of my country, about different problems of our world. They teach us to understand life, to have the aim in life.

The pupils and the teachers of my school take part in different competitions. They have many awards.

1.4. School Clubs

My school has got a lot of school clubs: the Singing Club, the Dancing Club, the Travellers' Club, the Young Explorers’ Club and different sports clubs.

The pupils who want to study the history and traditions of our region choose the Young Explorers’ Club. The pupils who like singing choose the Singing Club. The pupils who like dancing choose the Dancing Club. The pupils who like travelling and climbing choose the Travellers' Club.

My school also has good facilities for doing sports. Pupils can ski and do athletics. They can play football, basketball and volleyball.

1.5. School Traditions

My school has got many traditions.

In September we have got the camping. We make a fire and cook meals. We take part in different competitions. We learn to provide first aid, work in a team. The group activities help us to feel the team spirit. Then we sing songs and tell funny stories about camping.

In January we take part in the festival “I can”. We sing songs, recite poems and dance. It’s great!

Every year the people who graduated our school come here to meet their teachers and classmates. The former graduates' reunion takes place in my school in February.

In February the cadets of my school celebrate the Cadet's Day.

In February the fathers of our pupils take part in the fathers' conference. And in March the mothers take part in the mothers' conference. Here they discuss different educational problems and tell about their interesting hobbies.

Every year different sports competitions take place in our school. In September we take part in autumn running and in May we take part in spring running.

II. Investigation

I like my school. And I asked 30 pupils and 20 teachers to talk about our school. I asked questions to get more information.

My questions:

1. Do you like to go to your school? (for pupils)

Do you like to work at your school? (for teachers)

2. What is your favourite school club? (for pupils)

3. What is your favourite school tradition? (for pupils and for teachers)

1. All pupils like to go to my school. 20 pupils out of thirty like to learn new things. 5pupils out of thirty want to meet their friends here. 5 pupils out of thirty like to go to school because it is fun. All teachers like to work at my school.

2. All pupils visit different school clubs. 9 pupils out of thirty prefer to play volleyball. 6 pupils out of thirty prefer to play football. 5 pupils out of thirty prefer to play basketball. 4 pupils out of thirty prefer to do athletics. 3 pupils out of thirty visit the Dancing Club. 3 pupils out of thirty visit the Travellers' Club.

Different sport clubs are popular among the pupils. They like to play volleyball best of all.

3. All pupils and teachers know and like their school traditions. 21 pupils out of thirty prefer to take part in the camping. 6 pupils out of thirty prefer to take part in the festival "I can". 3 pupils out of thirty prefer to take part in autumn running. The Camping is the most popular school tradition among our school's pupils.

15 teachers out of twenty like the former graduates' reunion. 3 teachers out of twenty like the festival "I can". 2 teachers out of twenty like the camping.

The former graduates' reunion is the most popular school tradition among the teachers.


I have learned a lot of new facts about my school. I think I have achieved the aim. I am sure that my school is perfect.

Firstly, my school is perfect because the pupils like to go to my school. And the teachers like to work at my school.

Secondly, my school has good facilities for studying different school subjects and doing sports.

Thirdly, my school has got a rich history and interesting school traditions.

Now I can tell my Spanish friends about my school.


1. Английский с удовольствием - 3 класс / М.З. Биболетова и др. - Титул, 2010.

2. Английский с удовольствием - 5 класс / М.З. Биболетова и др. - Титул, 2012.

3. Английский с удовольствием - 6 класс / М.З. Биболетова и др. - Титул, 2014.

4. сайт школы – www sergashcolaucoz. ru


My School

My School Nowadays

Classrooms of My School Library

Gymnasiums Assemble Hall


School Traditions


Festival "I Can"

Former Graduates' Reunion Autumn Running

Why do my school's pupils like to go to school? Study thediagram .

What is the most popular school club among the pupils? Study the diagram.

What is the most popular school tradition among the pupils? Study the diagram.

What is the most popular school tradition among the teachers?

Study the diagram.


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