Unusual hobbies

XI Международный конкурс научно-исследовательских и творческих работ учащихся
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Unusual hobbies

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The hobby does our life more interesting, more fascinating, more stoutly. We devote to hobby the free time.But whether it is possible to tell that the hobby will remain relevant during all life?!

The hobby is necessary to spend free time with advantage. At what, it is important that the advantage is meant as moral satisfaction and feeling of joy, but not as something material.To some people a hobby helps to have a rest from work. Not always the profession which is chosen by the person is connected with creative activity therefore many people in off-duty time find to themselves hobbies to realize the creative potential in some hobby.

Relevance: Almost all people have some hobbies, a hobby. They aren't connected with work, but it takes them much time. Whether there are a need and sense for these occupations.

Perspective: Does the hobby influence human life?


To find out influence of a hobby of the person on his life


To give a theoretical concept to the term "hobby";

To organize and investigate influence of a hobby on human life


Hobbies, or a hobby is one of considerable components of human life. It brings a variety, a highlight, creativity life. For the first time the concept "hobby" has been used in 1759 in the work "Life and Tristan's Opinions of Shandi" by L. Stern. To this novel, the word "hobby" was used calling a little working horse that meant "hobby, "skate". Women became pioneers of carrying out leisure. Limited in movements and having a lot of free time, they thought out to themselves occupations. During this era various technicians of embroidery and weaving of a tapestry have appeared.

In the 19th century, trying to be allocated people, collecting, games and other small pleasures were as a hobby. In the Soviet Union existence of a hobby was welcomed with the following intention. The occupied person is socially safe. At this time collecting of brands, butterflies, sports sections and theatrical circles gain distribution. In the modern world, a hobby is a part of soul of the person. It can tell much about the personality. For example, the people aspiring to privacy, to an order are engaged for collecting. The activity in usual life isn't peculiar to them, or they seek to hide from it.

People inclined to dangerous types of hobbies, opposite try to escape from the ordinary life.They seek to receive as much as possible thrills. The cookery as hobby is closed to extreme types of a hobby. The person who is fond of cookery, deriving pleasure from mixing and obtaining new tastes too in own way to search of new feelings he runs from "persons".But what wouldn't be your hobby, main to remember sides which you shouldn't cross not to do much harm to the health. And especially it belongs to extreme types of a hobby.


The hobby helps the person to be improved. When we are given something with soul, we want to study completely this craft, to be the best in the business. Any laborious business, such as embroidery or beadwork, will develop assiduity and patience, extreme types of rest help to struggle with fears and learn to see the hobbies connected with cultivation of flowers or drawing fine in ordinary.

Each person has a business which is interesting to him. It can also become a hobby. Someone well drew in the childhood, someone liked to sew dolls or to cut out on a tree. The main thing to listen to itself and to understand that it is valid to you to be pleasant.


Some people perceive a hobby as an excess waste of time. It seems to them that hobby for something doesn't pursue any aims, except one: it is simple to spend time. For people keen on hobby is more, than just entertainment. The hobby has the advantages and disadvantages to each person. For some it is a way to express the emotions, for others it is a way to learn something new. Hobbies occupy our hands and reason. If you want to get a hobby, pay attention to advantages which will help you to make the decision into account:

The hobby allows to spend time alone with itself and it is his most important advantage. People are inclined to think more soberly while they do favorite thing, without being distracted by anything. The hobby allows to disclose talent or addictions.People, keen on hobbies, very often disclose in themselves talents about which they even didn't suspect.They realize that they have abilities to various crafts already from the first attempt. But the only way to disclose the talent is to try. For a start, decide that it is interesting to you. After that you will manage to understand that you have for this purpose necessary abilities.

A hobby is a way of interaction.You can mention the hobby in the summary or the application for work if it directly belongs to that position for which you apply. Psychology of the person: how to choose the hobby?Still you are in search of the hobby? Further we will give some councils which can help to find work to liking.In the choice of a hobby it is possible to proceed from the addictions and habits. Do you like to travel and photograph new places and you are able to tell stories interestingly? Try to share the impressions, having written article response about places which you have visited, having issued it the unique pictures.

Memories of children's hobbies can sometimes help with the choice of a hobby. Perhaps, being a child, you collected calendars, and now want to switch to other subject of collecting. In those far times you sewed dresses for the dolls and now you will wish to master this craft in larger format, for example, having pleased the child with the new, with own hand sewed New Year's suit.

You can't choose a hobby independently, try to talk to the relatives or colleagues. Sometimes we tell with enthusiasm about something and it also can become our hobby!It is also necessary to consider psychology of the person, his temperament and a warehouse of character and also a life rhythm, habitual for him. Vigorous people can take dancing lessons or master new sport, and those who are eager for a privacy and tranquility can find themselves in needlework or gardening.

It is interesting!

In Iceland knitting is the real national hobby and not only women, but also men knit. Perhaps, originally such choice of hobby has been connected with a frigid climate and the fact that it was necessary to occupy with something itself in the long, winter evenings. Now more it is widespread in farms, small by the size.

Free time

If you have a sedentary work, then after day of work it is possible and it is necessary to force it to move, fitness classes, for example, such fashionable hobby as water aerobics will come to the rescue here.The advantage of occupations is as a hobby obvious influences positively emotional health of the person, awakens in him interest in life and love to the world around.


How to relieve a stress using needlework?

According to some scientists who conducted research, such a hobby as needlework relieves stress. The work that is carried out with your fingertips refers to the so-called fine motor skills. Active points in this area are stimulated during work and increase the overall tone of the body.

Hobbies as a way to health

If the house has hand-made things, it is always a cozy and unique home. Such home furnishings carry a positive charge; they talk about the owner’s addiction, his talents and zeal. The Internet is full of options: soft toys are made from socks, pillowcases are made from old sweaters, and bags are made from jeans. The list goes on and on.

If all family members engage in hobbies, it is always a peaceful and harmonious hearth, the benefits of shared leisure time are not disputed by anyone, and a personal example helps to educate a healthy, thinking and creatively gifted person.

A pillowcase

A cat made of socks


1.1. Research "Questioning of Pupils"

We have carried out questioning at a parallel of 10 classes.

Questions for questioning:

1. Do you have a hobby, hobbies?

2. In what type of a hobby you are engaged?

3. What is the time you spend on average for a hobby.

1.2. Result

As a result of questioning groups of relevant hobbies have been allocated:

5 persons are keen on dancing

7 persons are keen on drawing

10 persons are keen on playing computer games

6 persons are keen on different sports

Amount of the spent time is from 2 to 10 hours.


To sum it up, I come to the conclusion that nowadays people are really keen on absolutely different and astonishing hobbies and some of them can be unusual. A lot of people can’t make a choice in hobbies as there are a lot of them. My project stands that the hobby positively influences human life.This work has both theoretical and applied character.The hobby became the second or priority profession. The modern world is becoming more and more virtual, and millions of young people for hours do not tear themselves away from a computer monitor or phone screen. But despite this, recently various hobbies have been popular.



2. https://www.google.ru/imghp?hl=ru

3. http://www.peoples.ru/friday/houses_of_cards_from_brian_berg.html






While I was asking people about their hobbies I found a really nice girl. She is a student of the 9th form. Her name is Nadezhda Getman. She is keen on braiding from rubber bands.

Here are some of her works:

This is an octopus.

This is a watermelon slice

This is a rabbit.


I also have an interesting hobby. I exchange postcards with people from all over the world.

Here are some examples of the cards that I have received a while ago.

This is my favourite card because I like to watch Simpsons. It is from Oakland,USA.

This is a card from Dubai. It is a small copy of the painting. There are only 20 such cards in the world.

This is a card from United Kingdom. It shows us Royals: Elisabeth the Second, her husband Prince Edward, her son Prince Charles with his second wife Camilla.In the left corner of the picture Garry and William with his wife Kate Middleton. This postcard was sent to me over a year ago from a woman who works as a florist.


In our school there are a lot of talented students. There is a girl whose name is Sonia. She is a student of our Lenogorodskaya School. Her hobby is drawing. She is particularly keen on digital illustrations. She uses a computer using some special programs and tools. She also graduated a drawing school with a red diploma. At the moment she attends some courses to practice creating different characters. It lets her doing her hobby more comfortable and with pleasure. Now Sonia is creating some concepts of cars and fruit.

This is a drawing that Sonya has made recently and she is going to use it for a comic book.

This is a fantastic hero of one of Sonya’s countless stories. He has earrings in shape of a green peacock’s fears.


The museum of games in our School.

There is a very famous museum in our school. It is based on different games which people used to play in the past. However, there is a great teacher which interests young students to play those games as an afterschool activity. These pictures show us some of them.

In this picture we can see some Russian traditional whistles. These whistles are hand-made and they are also very colorful.

This picture shows us a Russian Matryoshka (dolls which are made from wood and colored). Children used to play with them for many years.


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