English borrowings in the Russian scientific and technical language

XI Международный конкурс научно-исследовательских и творческих работ учащихся
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English borrowings in the Russian scientific and technical language

Вахрамеев Н.О. 1
1МАОУ "Академический лицей"
Кошелева Т.А. 1
1МАОУ "Академический лицей"
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The lifestyle of modern children and teenagers has changed in 10 years. Nowadays, there is an excess of information in the world. No one can tell if it’s good or bad, but one fact is evident to everyone. This excess of information will cause an occurrence of new words which will describe unheard before events and things.

A new term is specialized for a specific sphere of activity, so due to this fact, not everyone knows the meaning of it.

The main idea of our project is English borrowings in the Russian language.

The object of the research is the usage of the borrowed from the English language words. How do we use such borrowings in the technical and scientific sphere?

The relevance of our project is obvious. We are living in a time of technological development when we always have our smartphone with us. The technological progress doesn’t stay still. It continues to develop and bring new gadgets into our life. New words inevitably come to us together with those gadgets.

We put forward a hypothesis: some words that people use in the technical sphere for specific purposes have their origin in the English language.

This research aims to identify the origin of the words people use for specific purposes.

The tasks we are going to solve during the study are:

To explore literary sources.

To choose the most used words in the scientific field.

To summarize the results we obtained, in conclusion.


The popularity of the English language in the modern world

There were several international languages during the time of human’s existence, but neither of them was as popular as the English language. Nowadays, English is the language of communication for all people in the world. Only the Chinese language has more native speakers than the English one. But we should take into account the number of the Chinese population. We can say that English is the leading language in many spheres of life, for example, international relations, business, commerce, science, medicine, tourism and so on. The English language is easy to learn. You can understand and even talk to native speakers despite the fact you know English at the elementary level. Students study this language at schools in China, France, Japan, Russia, Norway and many others. People speak in English in more than 90 countries, and the importance of this language is growing from day to day.

The reasons of borrowing words from other languages

There are several reasons for borrowing words from other languages. The famous linguist Breiter has highlighted some of them.

There is a lack of a corresponding concept in a particular language. In many languages, it becomes necessary to give a name to some new phenomenon. Since there is not always an exact word in Russian or some other language, it is possible to take one or several terms, which convey the precise meaning from the English language. The examples of such words are a scanner, tuner, login, user, printer, and many others.

It is necessary to provide a stylistic effect. In our life, we often mix words from our mother language and the borrowed ones. The reason for this is homophony, which connects the meanings of languages, for example, trainer (English) and тренер (Russian).

Some positive or negative connotations are not inherent to an equivalent unit in a receptor language, and it is necessary to express them. Breiter writes that the idea of ??people who speak Russian is that foreign technologies are much better than the Russian ones. People believe that foreign companies are more reliable and that the quality of goods is much better. However, the more often Anglicisms are used in advertisements, names or product descriptions, the more negative is the reaction of the Russian-speaking population. That is why the use of Anglicisms is a very controversial issue.


2.1 The relevance of the Anlicisms today

The vocabulary of Russian origin is limited. So, it is easier to take the existing words or even word combinations together with the phenomenon we borrow. But at the same moment, there will appear a question. From which language should we take those words? The answer to this question is clear well. English is an international language, that is why we can take word units from it. Russian vocabulary broadens due to the Anglicisms. The scientific and technical sphere is developing rapidly today. That is why it needs more and more terms, to name a new phenomenon. And these new terms we borrow from the English language. These are the words, we use every day, for example, browser, log in, site and so on. All these terms, that we borrow into scientific language for some specific use, in one way or another turn out to get into our everyday vocabulary. It happens so because we use smartphones, laptops, computers, and other modern gadgets. We learn Anglicisms while using different modern equipment. Another advantage of the Anglicisms over Russian words is that such vocabulary emphasizes the awareness of the speaking person.

2.2. Ways of forming Anglicisms

To understand and to recognize anglicisms from other borrowings, we should know the ways of their forming. At the present moment, there exist eight ways of forming the anglicisms, such as direct borrowings, hybrids, loan translation, semi loan translation, exoticisms, foreign-languages blotches, composites and jargonisms. You probably don’t know all these names and don’t understand what they mean. Let us figure it out.

Direct borrowings. These are the words that have similar construction and meaning as they have in English. For example, money – мани – деньги.

Hybrids are the words of the English language with an added Russian suffix or Prefix. This way of forming anglicisms may cause a slight change of a word meaning, for example, abuse – абузить-злоупотреблять.

Loan translations or tracings. These are the words adopted from the English language which keep their shape, for example, login, driver, disk, internet and so on.

Semi loan translation or semi tracing form the words which started to obey the rules of the Russian language (suffix addition) as a result of their transition into this language.

Exoticisms are the words which are specific for customs and traditions of other nationalities different from the Russians. The specifics of this type is that such terms have not got synonyms, for instance, cheeseburger, pizza, and so on.

Foreign-languages blotches are the words that have synonyms, but they fix only in a few communication scopes. Their role is to add more expression, for example, noob -нуб- плохой (teenagers use it in a computer gaming).

Composites. As the name implies, this type is a word consisting of two English words. For example, a second-hand store that sells used clothing.

Jargonisms are the words that appeared due to the distortion of sounds, for example, easy-изи (легко).

2.3. Anglicisms’ classification

Although a foreign word grows into a substitute language and becomes an independent unit in it, it still keeps its foreign part, which we can find. This particle is represented by its phonetic and morphological features, which cannot find in the Russian language.

As far as we can identify some specific particles in foreign words, we can understand to which language those words belong.

We can define the following signs of anglicisms:

The presence of the pointed below letter combinations

- tch -тч(scotch -скотч)

- j -дж (jazz - джаз)

2. The presence of the given below endings:

- ing (meeting -митинг)

- men (businessmen- бизнесмены)

- er (timer -таймер)

3. The presence of paired consonants at the end of a word:

- abstinent (абстинент)

- absorb (абсорб)


As mentioned earlier, the words that we borrow into the scientific and technical field, as a rule, come from the English language. I have done a little research and will provide you with a list of words that have come into this area.

Аддитив (from the English additive) tech.- is a lubricating oil additive; a modifier for polymers.

АДСЛ(from the English asymmetric digital subscriber line) - it is a high-speed data transmission technology.

Адсорбент (from the English adsorbent) chem., phys. - It is an adsorbent body that creates an adsorption field.

Ай-пи-телефония (from the English Internet Protocol Telephony) Telephony over IP protocol.

Аутсорсинг(from the English outsourcing) - Transfer of certain types of work to third-party specialistson a contractual basis.

Бренд(from the English a brand) - A brand of a product that is very popular with customers.

Виральный (from the English viral) - very popular on the Internet.

Деструктивный (from the English to destruct) - destructive, devastating.

Дистрибьютор (from English to distribute) - It is a representative of a manufacturing company who purchases goods on its behalf and sells them either to retailers and dealers or directly to the buyer.

Драйвер(from the English driver) - A program that provides interaction between the operating system of the computer and its hardware components.

Нетворкинг (from the English Net and Work) - Establishing business contacts, creating a network of useful acquaintances for work.

Провайдер (from English to provide) - that is a company that provides access to the Internet, mobile communications.

Сабсоник (from the English subsonic) – a filter that cuts off everything that is below 17-20 Hz.

These vocabulary units are among the most common ones. I didn’t include in this list well-known words, such as server, login, site and many other widely used words. Otherwise, we could continue this list endlessly.


After all the work we have done, we can say with confidence that anglicisms are necessary for the Russian language since modern technologies are developing at an incredible speed. Literally, in 10 years, a huge breakthrough has been made in the development of technologies. Consequently, with the appearance in our life of new phenomena, gadgets and objects, they need to be given a name, and that is why anglicisms come to the Russian language. However, it is not enough to have anglicisms in the language. It is still necessary to understand their meaning. And most of all, it is necessary to be able to use them in the language. If a person does not know how to use borrowed words, then what is the point of importing them into the language.








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