Проблема понимания аббревиатур

XIV Международный конкурс научно-исследовательских и творческих работ учащихся
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Проблема понимания аббревиатур

Муртазина А.Р. 1
1МБОУ "Гимназия №6"
Музафарова Э.С. 1
1МБОУ "Гимназия №6"
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Development of Abbreviation and use of abbreviations (shortenings) become popular among many national languages. Number of shortenings in the world is growing at a tremendous rate and it becomes difficult to understand all the new abbreviations. When I went in 6, then in 7 and 8 form and picked up the new tutorials, faced a variety of abbreviation and I couldn’t understand their meanings. Even the title of the Studentbook in English contains within itself the abbreviation "English Language" by M. Vereshchagina and O. Afanasieva. I was curious what they stand for. This work is the study of abbreviations in modern English and the use of English abbreviations in Russian.

Urgency of an issue can be explained by the fact that, at present, abbreviation is one of the main methods of communication used in everyday life of Russian people. Therefore, the study of English abbreviations those meaning we sometimes don't know is very interesting! Practical material for study is the classification of the abbreviations in English. The aim of this work is to explore the concept of "аббревиация" (abbreviation), classification of English abbreviations, make a list of commonly used abbreviations in Russian.

To achieve the goal we need to research the following steps:

1. To examine the literature on this subject;

2. Give the classification of abbreviations;

3. Make a list of the most common English abbreviations in Russian;

4. Conduct a questionnaire survey among students in 7-8 classes to identify knowledge values of English abbreviations.

Material research have provided tutorials (tutorial in English, English-Russian dictionary), the Internet-resources.

The practical value of this work is that it can be used as additional material on English lessons. The information provided will be of interest to those who use the Internet, mobile phones, different technology.

The theoretical part

Abbreviation (abbreviatura-reduction) - 1) word formed reduction phrases and readable by alphabetical name initial letters (air force) or the initial sounds (UN University) words within it. 2) Shortening words. 3) Signs of decreasing and simplifying the recording in the note letter.

Dictionary of the Russian language of Vladimir Dal’: abbreviation (LAT.) is an abbreviation, shortening and passes the letter; words marked by initial letters, ligature, notation.

Abbreviations or shortenings have long been applied to the letter all peoples with written language. The aim of shortenings was saving space on the medium of text information (bark, ceramic plates, parchment, etc.) and speed of writing common words and expressions.

We use shortenings everywhere, so should know the value of the abbreviations just because they contain enough important information that will be useful to us in work, travel, communication and other areas of our life.

There are following types of abbreviations in English:

1. Abbreviation of initial type abbreviations composed of the initial letters of the phrase components. Such as:

sound type, readable as plain words, the accent falls on the first syllable, e.g. (as soon as possible) - «какможноскорее» UFO - unidentified flying object -«неопознанныйлетающийобъект», UEFA - Union of European Football Associations - СоюзЕвропейскихФутбольныхАссоциаций.

literal type, read as a series of letters, or rather, the names of the letters in this acronym, stress falls on the last syllable, for example:BST - British Summer Time - «Британскоелетнеевремя», CAB - Citizens Advice Bureau - «Бюроконсультацийнаселения».

2. The abbreviations from a combination of initial part (the letter) words with whole word, not subjected to reduction, for example:Н - bomb - водороднаябомба, Н - bag - hand bag - «дамскаясумочка», X - card - рождественскаяоткрытка.

3. The abbreviations from a combination of the beginning of the first word with the beginning and the end of the second or only with the end of the second: motel - motorists' hotel - «гостиницанаавтомобильныхдорогах».

4. WEBlish. Shortenings composed of the first letters of words violate downsizing English linguistic norms, when reduction are not only nominal phrases, but also more complex, different combinations of English words in terms of their syntactic structure. Communicating on the Internet, we often encounter language web communication or communication. It is based on the spoken language of sounds, icons and abbreviations. This language is used in various forums, chats, correspondence through email, etc.

The practical part

The purpose of this work is not only to learn what is "abbreviation" , but also to draw up a list of commonly used abbreviations in English language in Russian, an analysis was conducted of the textbook of English " English 8 class", various Internet resources and media.

This list includes initial lexical abbreviations that we can hear and see on television, on the Internet:

BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) – Британскаявещательнаякомпания

UK (United Kingdom) – ОбъединенноекоролевствоВеликобритания

The USA (Unites States of America) – СоединенныештатыАмерики

EU (European Union) — Евросоюз

PC (Personal Computer) - персональныйкомпьютер

WB (Workbook) – Рабочаятетрадь

PIN (Personal Identification Number) – личныйидентификационныйномер

Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity) – беспроводной доступ в Интернет;

Internet (International Network) – всемирная компьютерная сеть связи;

e-mail (electronic mail) – электронная почта.

CD (compact disc) компакт-диск;

CDROM (compact disk read-only memory) – компакт-дискбезвозможностиперезаписи;

DJ ( disc jockey) ди-джей;

DVD (Digital Video Disk) цифровойвидеодиск;

GPRS (General Packet Radio Service) пакетнаярадиосвязьобщегоназначения;

HD (Hard Disk) - жёсткийдиск;

LCD (liquid-crystal display) ЖКД, жидкокристаллическийдисплей;

MMS (Multimedia Message Service) - службапередачимультимедиа-сообщений;

PE (physical education) -  физическое воспитание;

PR (public relations) - связи с общественностью;

SMS (Short Message Service) - служба коротких сообщений;

SOS (Save our souls) - радиосигнал бедствия, "спасите наши души";

TV ( television) – телевидение;

USB (Universal Serial Bus) универсальная последовательная шина;

VIP (very important person) ВИП, очень важная персона, особо важная персона;

WC (water closet (комната) – туалет;

WWW (World Wide Web) - сеть, веб, (всемирная) паутина.

We often use these reductions (shortenings) in our everyday communication, but not all people know their value and full meanings. So I decided to conduct a questionnaire survey among students in grades 7 - 8 grades. 30 students answered the questionnaire, which contained the following questions:

Do you know what the abbreviation is?

What reductions (shortenings) do you know?

Do you deal with English phrases such as SMS, MMS, DVD, WWW, VIP, WC?

Do you know what they stand for?

Would you like to know the meaning of these shortenings?

The result was revealed, only 56% know what is an "abbreviation". The most common shortenings are USSR, DPS, SMS, DVD, WWW, WC. 100% of pupils meet with the proposed reductions in life, but only 60% have an idea of what they stand for. 64% of respondents want to get further information on this issue.


Coming to conclusion of this study, I was able to learn a lot about the abbreviations in English.

Tutorials, books, Web-resources, dictionaries, helped me to compile a list of common English abbreviations in Russian. I came to the conclusion that contractions firmly entered the life of Russians. We can see them on television, hear on the radio, and meet in the Internet.

The practical value of this work is explained by the fact that it can be used for English lessons as additional material. This information will be useful for users of the Internet, mobile phones, electronic devices, travelers.


«English-Russian/Russian-English Dictionary», 150000 words and expressions-V.K. Mueller, m.: Eksmo, 2010 г.


http:// ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Аббревиатура


Большой Энциклопедический Словарь

English language. VII-VIII class.. M. Vereshchagina, O. Afanasieva -М.: 2012


Weblish is the new shorthand English used in text messaging and Internet chat rooms. How about these text abbreviations?

A3=anytime, anywhere, anyplace her=here

ATB=All the best!(Good luck!) kno=know

IYKWIM=If you know what I mean LOL=laughing out loud

KISS=Keep it simple, stupid! LV=love

HAND=Have a nice day! No 1=no one

BBL=(I’ll)be back later Ova=over

b=be R=are/our

bout=about Rite = write

BRB=Be right back Thr =their

By =busy TTYL=Talk to you later

C = see ur=your

Cing = Seeing Urs=yours

D =they wot=what

Dey=they BFF=best friends forever

Dunno= I don’t coz=because

Frnds=friends Gonna=going to

Gr8=great Wanna=want to

Hafta=have to I have=ive

Hav=have years old=yo


Hey Leo,

Any plans 4* tomorrow?Wanna* hang out at my house? I’m staying home all day coz* ive* got to babysit my little sister. Wanna do homework together?

Got the new video game, btw. It’s brilliant! Just text me b4 u come over. OK? CU soon.


Просмотров работы: 77