II Международный конкурс научно-исследовательских и творческих работ учащихся
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Левширбанова А.С. 1
1МБОУ "Гимназия №8"
Алексеева Е.В. 1
1МБОУ "Гимназия №8"
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People all over the world use different languages. Variety of languages is caused by plenty of reasons: different climate, historical events, the way we understand the world and etc. But in spite of it all of us have lots in common. We have similar purposes in our life, some universal values. All of us are humans. We are always in contact with each other, especially nowadays, when we can even talk free with a person from a distant country without any problems. We travel, have a world trade, business. So we influence on each other. That is why language is very changeable. And this quality gives us an extensive range of research.

So, there is one interesting phenomenon in the language. When people from different countries have to communicate, but they don’t know the languages of each other or do it extremely bad, they have nothing to do, but to use all the means: gestures, signs and even mixture of languages. And the last one is called pidgin. It is a simplified kind of a language, based on different ones, and used by people from different countries, who don’t speak languages of each other, to communicate. One of the most popular scopes is trade. The first pidgin was formed in the Middle Ages in Europe between Mediterranean traders. It was called Lingua Franca. Now there is a plenty of pidgins. Pidgins, based on English, are the most spread ones, but French and Portuguese pidgins are popular too.

Often pidgin is based on the vocabulary of one language, but under the influence of phonetics and traditions of several cultures it is being changed a lot. All pidgin languages have some common traits. For example, there is a reduction or elimination of syllables, addition or reduction of consonant clusters, no tones (special intonation), almost total absence of morphology, a very flexible and small vocabulary (about 1500-2000 thousand words) and etc.

Pidgin differs from Creole with the thing, that the Creole language is a complete stable language, used in a community and acquired by children as their native language, and pidgin is a nobody's native language. But also some linguists consider that pidgin can become a Creole in some time (such as the Chavacano language in the Philippines, Krio in Sierra Leone, and Tok Pisin in Papua New Guinea). However, not all pidgins are becoming Creole languages. Also some people may mix up pidgin with koine, but the last one is formed with similar languages, which are related or even based on dialects of one language.

So, all of these languages are forms of contact languages, but we have decided to explore pidgin, because we think that it is not very investigated. Pidgin has a vague position in the system of languages, because some linguists consider, that it is the second-class one. But we think that this phenomenon is very interesting because it helps us to understand and to discover something new about language and, thereby, about culture of different nations. So, it is the actual topic in our theme. The object of our research is Pidgin Runglish (pidgin, based on English and Russian languages). The subject is a pidgin Runglish in oral and literary speech. The aim of our research is to discover, how and where this pidgin develops in length of time. So, in order to reach this aim we should solve some tasks:

  1. to reveal what has had an influence on the development of Runglish and where it is used;

  2. to compare use of this pidgin among English-speaking and Russian-speaking people;

  3. to consider the status of Runglish.

The general part

Chapter 1

Emergence of Runglish

English language is an international language. It is one of the most spread languages in the world. It is caused by some several reasons: English colonization, might of the US and other English-speaking countries, popularity of American culture (movies, especially Hollywood blockbusters, music, literature), it is quite simple compared with other languages. Also it is the language of business and travel and the unofficial language of Internet and computers. Therefore, it is doubtless, that English has an immense influence on other languages and cultures. And, that is why pidgins, based on English, are the most spread ones, as we have told earlier. And moreover, now we have a new pidgin Runglish. Firstly, it was used in 2000 aboard the International Space Station. Cosmonaut Sergei Krikalyov said: "We say jokingly that we communicate in “Runglish”, a mixture of Russian and English languages, so that when we are short of words in one language we can use the other, because all the crew members speak both languages well." NASA has since begun using Runglish as one of the on-board languages. Although less widespread than other pidgins and Creoles, such as Tok Pisin, Runglish is spoken in a number of English-Russian communities, especially in the Russian-speaking community of Brighton Beach in Brooklyn, New York. Nowadays common number of Runglish-speaking people is about several thousands. Also, quite recently Runglish has become popular in Russia too.

Chapter 2

Aspects of the influence on the development of Runglish

Why and how is Runglish used? So, let’s consider two variants of using this pidgin.

2.1. The first group is Runglish in English-speaking countries, where it is used between Russian immigrants.

1. The most spread reason of using Runglish is an intention to make the language easier in everyday life. For example:

«Послайсайте, пожалуйста, пару паундов сыра» instead of «отрежьте, пожалуйста, несколько фунтов сыра» or "would you please slice a couple of pounds of cheese”;

«Вам турку наслайсовать или писом?» instead of «Вам индейку порезать или кусочком?» or "Would you like this turkey sliced or in one piece?"

«Выйди с хайвея в девятый экзит, там толл два доллара» instead of «Выйди с магистрали на девятом съезде и заплати за проезд два доллара» or “Take exit 9 from the highway and pay a two-dollar toll”;

«Запаркуй машину здесь, а то тикет выпишут» instead of «Поставь машину здесь, а то выпишут штраф» or “Park your car here or you’ll get a parking ticket”;

«Завтра у меня два апойнтмента и продуктовый шопинг» instead of «Завтра у меня две встречи и поход в продуктовый» or “Tomorrow I have two appointments and a grocery shopping trip”;

«В магазине крим-чиз был на распродаже и я купила паунд, сделать чизкейк» instead of «В магазине был сливочный сыр по распродаже, и я купила фунт, чтобы сделать чизкейк» or “The store had cream cheese on sale, so I bought a pound to make a cheesecake”.

2. Another reason of using Runglish by Russian immigrants when they speak Russian, but haven’t used it for a long time and remember it badly. For example one woman, Zoe Vekselshtein, a manager of clothing store in Canada. She was brought there by her parents when she was a little child decades ago and as a result did not have enough time to build up a complete vocabulary of Russian words and, of course, forgot some of them. So, Zoe was giving an interview for MixTV, a channel for Russian-speaking people in Canada. That is how she was trying to speak in Russian: «Его designs могут носить любого возраста, любого shape, size, height и он timeless» and etc. (Видео «На каком языке говорит эта женщина» https://youtu.be/EOYl-TUmm0U)

2.2. The second group is Runglish in Russia. It is the fact that we use Runglish, too. However, we do it quite differently from immigrants. We use it with other purposes and in other scopes.

2.2.1. Reasons of use of Ringlish in Russia.

1. So, the first one is to accentuate the word, to give an extra expression to our speech. For example, sometimes when we use the word «окей», it can mean not just only “good”. It also can be a demonstration of frustration, humility. The words «хорриблы» and «трабблы» usually signify light, little issues. «Бро» can be a good friend. It’s strange, but «найс» can mean “bad”.

2. We have to use some anglicisms, because there are no any Russian equivalents. There are lots of computer words: сканер, принтер, компьютер, интернет, программа, сайт, драйвер, айкью and etc.

2. Another reason is the simplicity of the English equivalent. Especially this cause is topical in some extra spheres as in computers and game area. For example, gamers have to talk very quickly in online games. So, it is obviously, that the word «крафт» is much shorter and easier then «самостоятельное создание игровых предметов».

3. Moreover, there is another reason. It can be strange, but lots of Russian people think, that it’s prestigious to use English words. They think that knowledge of some words of foreign language, especially of such a popular one as English, makes them cool and important. As an illustration of this phenomenon we can use a story, which was found by us in the Internet. «Однажды в студёную зимнюю пору я поленилась пройти три остановки пешком и решила проехаться на автобусе. Зашла в общественный транспорт и тут же услышала громкий голос соотечественницы – она говорила по телефону, не замечая никого вокруг. Через пару секунд я уже засомневалась в своём поспешном выводе, ведь женщина раз за разом повторяла в трубку «Ok. All right, ok», но тут она начала прощаться с собеседником: «Ok, доча, восемь O’clock on Tuesday. Ок, я поняла. Bye, да, доча, это Ok, bye». Моему священному ужасу не было предела. Я не могла понять, почему эта женщина не замечает, как она разговаривает, и почему собеседница её не исправляет. Как вдруг мне вспомнилось, что я сама регулярно главному редактору е-мейлы «отфорварживаю» и, разговаривая с друзьями, часто в свою речь на великом и могучем вставляю слова «плиз» или «гуд». Чего, спрашивается, не сказать «хорошо»? Но вот, поди ж ты, использую не существующее в русском языке слово».

(с) Юлия Юзефович, еженедельник «Англия»

  1. Also using of Runglish is often caused by our different way of thinking. Sometimes it is hard to understand the true meaning of the word or, especially, of the phrase.

    1. Therefore lots of people, who study English, may do some mistakes in lexis. These mistakes are caused by our way of thinking in our native language, in Russian. For example, how will you answer the question “How many fingers does a man have?” Is your answer “A man has twenty fingers”?But this answer iswrong! A native English speaker would say that a man had eight fingers, two thumbs and ten toes. And how will you translate the phrase “Она не в моем вкусе” in English? Lots of students say “She is not in my taste”, but it is not right too. The correct translation is “She is not my type”. Also in English we use different words with the same meaning when we talk about different things and we should distinguish using of it. For example, in English we have lots of synonyms to the word «красивый». They are beautiful, pretty, gorgeous, handsome and etc. But we can’t say “handsome girl” or “pretty man”, we should say “handsome man”, “pretty or beautiful girl”, “beautiful garden”, “gorgeous dress”. Some people mix-up the words “toilet” (туалет, уборная) and the “closet” (чулан, шкаф), because in British English “water-closet” means «туалет», too. Also we mix-up some words, which sound in Russian in the same way, but has a different meaning. For instance, there are such words like “sanatorium” (стационар для психически нездоровых людей) and Russian «санаторий» (оздоравливающее учреждение), which should be translated as” spa”, “a year in university” (курс в университете) and “a course” (программа изучения одного предмета), bureau (комод) and “commode” (туалет, унитаз), “bouquet” (букет) and “bucket” (ведро).

    2. Moreover, for this reason we do some mistakes in grammar, too. We just transfer Russian grammar into English. For example, there is no any article in Russian. So, the question “Do you know the man who is standing there?” can be sound in Runglish like “Do you know man standing there?“ or “Do you know a man standing there?”, “Do you know the man standing there?” Also we sometimes use the wrong verb “to be” when we talk about uncountable nouns. For example, in the Russian word “hair” is in plural form, but in English it is uncountable, so you can’t say “her hair are beautiful”, you should say “her hair is beautiful”. Also we use the Russian word order. For instance, some of us may say “I very like English” instead of “I like English very much”. There is a whole system of tenses in English. So, a lot of Russian people use it incorrectly. Due to it some Russian speakers can’t see the difference between the phrases “I eat cheese” and “I’m eating cheese”.

Also, we see the difference between semantic nuances of modal verbs. But it is really important, because they can change the whole meaning of the phrase:

Imustgonow (Я должен идти сейчас)

Ihavetogonow (Мне нужно идти сейчас)

Iwillgonow (Я непременно пойду сейчас)

Iwouldgonow (Я бы пошёл сейчас)

Ishallgonow (Мне идти сейчас)

I shouldgonow (Мне стоит идти сейчас)

Ioughttogonow (Я бы должен идти сейчас)

Iamgoingtogonow (Я собираюсь идти сейчас).

And another peculiarity of Runglish is that sometimes Russian people use double or even triple denial, because it is normal in our country. But it contradicts English rules of grammar and indicates the irony. Ihaven'tseenanybody(Я не видел кого-либо) but not Ihaven'tseennobody(Я не видел никого.)

    1. As for the phonetics Russian speakers confuse words “heart” and “hut”, “heat” and “hit”, “bad” and “bed”, “bet”, “bat” because their pronunciation is bad. We confuse open and closed, short and long vowels sounds [i] and [ɪ ], [ɑ] and [ʌ], [æ] and [ɛ]. Moreover, there is a popular mistake, when people say “zen” instead of “then”, confuse the words “dog” and “dock”, “hard” and “heart”. Our [h] sometimes sound like Russian [х]: “heart” — «харт". Also usually we make a stress on each word, and in this way our “English” sounds roughly and we break true English intonation.

    2. But not only our habit to think in Russian influences on our English language, but also our knowledge of English has an influence on our Russian in the same way. For instance, some of us may say «Братьавтобус» that is a result of English «take a bus», in spite of the fact it is better to say in the Russian language “сесть в автобус». Or the phrase «Пройдитевнизподороге» came into use in Russian speech after our practice of English phrase «down the road». «Уменянетидеи» is a changed English phrase «I have no idea», that should be translated as «понятия не имею». For example, our English teacher uses some phrases in Russian, which have English grammar: «Могу я продолжать?», «Можно вы перестанете разговаривать, пожалуйста?».

Chapter 3

American and Russian Runglish in literature

We consider that it is interesting to find out Runglish usage in literature, because it means, that this pidgin is really widespread nowadays. Therefore we have explored some books by Russian and foreign authors and found it in Arthur Clarke’s novel “2010: Odyssey Two” and in a great amount of Russian modern books about young generation (For example «Духless» by Sergey Minaev). This way we discovered a really interesting thing: the differences of Runglish usage in the USA and Russia are not only in its reasons, but in use of words too. People in America use various English words and Russian people usually use some specific ones. To confirm this suggestion, we have made a survey in our school. There were asked two groups of people: pupils and teachers. The questions of it were:

1) Do you use any English words in your everyday life? Which ones?

2) Do you do it specially or accidently?

And so, on the base of literature and this survey we have composed four groups of anglicisms, which are often used by Russian-speaking people:

  1. Computer and game industry words: «лайк», «лайкать», «зафрендить», «линк», «ник»/ «никнейм», «копипастить», «сейвить», «форвардить», «приаттачить», «зашерить», «юзер», «софт», «апгрейд», «борд» (клавитаура), «дивидишник», «кликать» (нажимать кнопку мыши), «флуд» (от англ. flood – «наводнение», набор бессмысленных сообщений, отвлекающий других), «геймер» (игрок), «абилка» (способность), «аддон» (новая возможность), «ачивка» (достижение), «дэф», «хелпа», «кикнуть», забанить, «респавн», «реснуться», «законтрить», «бамбэкнуться», «баг» (ошибка, глюк), «ваншот» (убийство с одного выстрела), «гайд» (руководство), «дамаг» (урон), «донат» (вложение реальных денег в игру), «крафт» (самостоятельное создание игровых предметов), «манна» (от mana point – «очки маны», магическая энергия, которая расходуется на заклинания), «мили» (от англ. melee рукопашная), «рога» (от англ. rogue класс разбойника), «спел» (заклинание), «стат» (от англ. stats характеристика), «читер» (от англ. cheater – «мошенник») - игрок, ведущий нечестную игру.

  2. Fashion and beauty industry words: «лук» (образ), «шопиться», «скетч» (набросок), «шоу» (показ, телепередача), «боты» (обувь), «имидж», «мейкап» (макияж), «фешенебельный» (модный), «тренд» (направление), «принт» (рисунок на одежде), «снуд» (от английского слова snod – лента- замкнутый в кольцо длинный шарф), «худи» (от английского слова hood – капюшон - олимпийка), «мастхэв» (модная вещь, которая должна быть у всех модников), «реплика» (подделка), «пуловер», «топ» (верх), «кроп-топ» (укороченный топ), «лонгслив» (верх с длинным рукавом), «блэк тай» (black tie - разновидность строгого дресс-кода), «дресс-код» (правила одежды), «гайд-лайн» (запоминющийся момент модного показа), «дафлкот», «тренчкот» (виды пальто), «лоферы» (от англ. loafer, т.е. бездельник – вид ботинок), «преппи» (стиль одежды «золотой» молодежи, которая училась в pre-college preparatory (заведения, подготавливающие к поступлению в престижные университеты), «бьюти-средства», «фэшн-иллюстратор», «плюс-сайз».

  3. Simple everyday words and phrases, youth slang: «плиз», «гуд», «кул», «нот бэд», «найс», «окей», «вау», «лол», «лулзы», «вэлком», «оу май гаш», «рили», «реально», «гоу», «хорриблы», «траблы», «пипплы», «респект», «нотис», «ми», «фэнкс», «хай», «бай», «уэлл», «уикенд», «бойфренд», «герлфренд», «персона», «пати», «файтинг», «тестинг» (проверочная работа), «фейс», «фейспалм», «мани» (деньги), «систер», «бро», «пролонгировать» (продлить), «оффтоп», «месседж», «маркет», «ресепшэн» (приемная), «стаф» (персонал), «фэйк» (подделка), «деп» (факультет, от англ. department), «терм» (семестр), «холидэй», «хостел» (общежитие), «джим» (спорт.зал), «лайфхак».

  4. Firmly entrenched words: момент (миг) трейдинг (торговля), традиция (обычай), толерантность (терпимость), уникальный (особенный), хобби (увлечение), эксперимент (опыт), презент (подарок), постер (плакат), хоррор (ужастик), лузер, (неудачник), менеджер (управляющий), пазл (головоломка), массмедиа (СМИ), секьюрити (охрана), хит (популярная песня), хэппи-энд (счастливый конец), ланч (обед), брейк (перерыв), кастинг (отбор), интерактив (взаимодействие), слоган (девиз), волонтер (доброволец), коуч (тренер).

1.Russian Runglish. So, in the Alexey Ivanov’s book «Комьюнити» we have discovered some use of Runglish with a purpose to seem cooler: «Глеб понимал, что пользователям «ДиКСи» приятнее быть luxury. Потом Глеб перешёл к себе в комьюнити».

Also there we can see use of Runglish in computer sphere: «Но поскольку мониторинг доступен любому, у кого есть на это время, мониторингом шибко-то не самовыразишься, и Kuporos убивает разговор, вываливая сразу весь контент. Глеб пошёл по ссылке». «Дрова ставь только самые необходимые. Если на Винде, то один только и-эн-эф-пакет для чипсета и драйвер видеокарты. Иначе, Конь, будет у тебя тормозня, конфликты и глюки." " От настроек по умолчанию отклоняйся по минимуму. С такими настройками софт протестирован лучше, чем с другими, понял? Не трогай инсталляций в режиме фулл, бери в режиме дефолт, особенно на микросифе офис". «Секьюрити эксенциальс» — лучший, — вещал Борька. — Мышей ловит, экологичен, топлива жрёт мало, не буксует… И вообще, берёшь на халяву бета-версию — не затачивай под неё всякие кастомайзеры, зачем тебе это? Под видом вареза тебе такой маздай подсунут!. .»

Moreover, characters of the book use Runglish in their everyday life: «Подождёшь, пока я на флэт залечу? — Кабуча рылась в сумочке, отыскивая ключи». Also it is remarkable, that the name of the book is an anglicism too.

In «Духless» by Sergey Minaev, we have met a large amount of usage of Runglish too. Even the name of it is a kind of “Runglish” word, because the root of this word is Russian and the suffix is English. Moreover, soon it has come in Russian vocabulary as a name of lack of spirituality, immorality and anomie. Also some parts and chapters of the book are written in English: “In Memory Of Our Sweet Dreams”, “Get Rich Or Die Tryin’”, “Perfect day”, “Insomnia”, “Overture”. Sergey Minaev explains that this way he wanted to show his erudition and stylishness.

Characters of this piece of literature use lots of anglicisms. The author says that the language of the novel and of its characters incarnates their values. The world of the novel is the world of multinational business. Alexander Bushev, doctor of philological sciences, says that idols of the characters live in The West, and borrowings and anglicizms are the symbols of prestige. So, the characters are rich, but in spite of that they try to seem cooler too: «А некоторые просто представляют собой одну сплошную фотосессию с бесконечной party».

«Я освобождаю все больше и больше времени в своем личном графике для того, чтобы занять его пустотой всех этих вечеринок, презентаций и опен-эйров».

They use Runglish very often in their everyday life: «Нет, что ты, welcome, — говорю я, стараясь быть как можно более гостеприимным».

«Я уж постараюсь, swear, — я прикладываю руку к груди, — делать гадости — наша профессия!»

«И отчет о своих рабочих визитах и плане визитов на следующую неделю приатачь к себе, о'кей? Мы с тобой аналитику и устроим».

This manner of speaking is normal for them; it seems them even homely, cozy: «Хай, кофе будете? — поворачивает к нам голову Саша. Из-за того, что он жует печенье, фраза звучит как «Фай, фофе вувите? », что сразу создает ощущение домашней обстановки».

2.American Runglish. But also we meet a foreign person here, Alan Garrido, who uses mix of languages too. But it is not a “simple” Runglish. In his speech we meet French words too: «Этот имажь похожь на гангста-фильм «Scar Faced» с Аль Пачино, ву компроне? (Продолжает он на англо-русско-французском диалекте.) Этот гора корн луке лайк а (он делает паузу) драг, ю си? Нашь консьюмер не есть гангста. И это очень демеджь имажь брэнда и можеть вызывать у консьюмер не хорошьий филинг. О'кей? И у нас есть проблем, который нада решить. Вот что я хотель говорить».

Vladimir Mayakovsky’s poem “Russian Americans” is a good instance of use of Runglish in English-speaking sphere too.

So, on the base of these literary instances we can see the difference between Russian Runglish and Runglish of English-speaking people again. It has helped us to sight and to make sure that the base of Runglish in America and other foreign countries is their native language and in Russia we use Russian words and grammar as a base analogically.

Chapter 4

The status of Runglish

3.1. Different opinions.

There are lots of different opinions about Runglish. Some people think that it is not necessary and just fouls our language. "The internet brought a lot of words from foreign languages," said Vladimir Dolgov, the head of Google Russia. "But the jargon is now moving into the press and advertising. This is the way language develops and it is a process that can't be stopped." Also concerned by the growing influence of English, the Kremlin declared 2007 the Year of the Russian Language. But on the other hand the linguists, however, say the fear of English is misplaced: "Young people always develop fashionable ways of communicating," said Yuri Prokhorov, head of the Pushkin State Institute of Foreign Language. "It is Russian words used incorrectly that damages the purity of the language not the introduction of foreign words", he added. A great amount of people think that the phenomenon of Runglish is very interesting and that it makes our speech more diverse.

3.2. Spread of Runglish.

So, we considered, that Runglish uses not only in oral speech, but in fiction too. Moreover, nowadays there is even science fiction literature, for example an interesting publicistic book by Nina Naydenova “Runglish”.

To determine an attitude to Runglish among pupils and teachers from our school, we conducted a survey. The question was “what do you think about people, who use English words in Russian?” Therefore, according to the results of the survey, we have noticed, that senior generation had a better attitude towards the use of anglicisms in the Russian speech, than young people, in spite of the fact, that we use it much more. There were 42 interviewed people. 47,6% were adults and others 52,4% were young ones. Almost all the adults are in favor of using of English words or just don’t care about it and only one person thinks, that it is bad. As for the young people, there were different opinions: 36,3% think, that it is fine, 27,4% have an uncertain opinion and 36,3% are against. We suggest that it is caused by popularity of Runglish among us, and we hear very strange variants of Runglish sometimes. So that is why there are some persons, who told, that using of English words damages the purity of the language. Using of it can decrease our own vocabulary, because we can forget some Russian words. But on the other hand they say that it is normal, when we use English words which have no equivalents. It makes our language more complete, helps us to understand English-speaking people. So, the statistics of our survey is that 85,8% of interviewed have a good attitude towards using of anglicisms in our language, and 14,2% are against it. Also we’ve met only 11,9% of people, who doesn’t use English words, in spite of there are 14,2% of people, who are against it. Other 88,1% of people use it. Also it is remarkable that almost all the interviewed people use anglicisms accidentally. They don’t even think about it. It confirms the popularity of Runglish again.


As a result we have understood that nowadays Runglish has a big and fast growth. We have revealed, what has had an influence on the development of this pidgin. Also, we have compared practice of Runglish among English-speaking and Russian-speaking people. Therefore, we have considered that people from different countries use Runglish with different purposes. Russian immigrants use it because they try to make the language easier in everyday life or when they try to speak Russian, but remember it badly. As for Russian-speaking people they use Runglish to give an extra expression to our speech or to make their speech shorter. Also they do it to seem cooler, more important. Moreover, we have determined some peculiarities of Runglish. They are the simplicity and the mixture of rules in grammar and pronunciation, co-influence in lexis. As for the significance of Runglish in our life we have two opposite opinions about it, but anyway it’s doubtless that it has a big role in our life. We observed that nowadays Runglish is so popular that it is being used not only in oral speech, but in fiction too. Besides, as a result of this observation we understood that the differences of Runglish usage in the USA and Russia are not only in its reasons, but in use of words too. People in America use various English words and Russian people usually use some specific ones. We’ve determined four general spheres of anglicisms which are used by Russian-speaking people: computer and game industry words, fashion and beauty industry words, simple everyday phrases and youth slang, firmly entrenched words. So, we have reached the main goal of our survey and have explored, how English and Russian languages are mixing, forming and evolving a kind of new pidgin.


  1. Дьяков А.И. Причины интенсивного заимствования англицизмов в современном русском языке. Язык и культура. Новосибирск, 2003. — С. 35—43.

  2. Иванов А.В. «Комьюнити» - Санкт-Петербург: «Азбука-аттикус», 2012. - 320с.

  3. Маяковский В.В. «Американские русские»

  4. Мельникова А.И. Изучение англицизмов в курсе «Современный русский язык» – Москва,1999. - с. 95-101.

  5. Минаев С.С. «Духless» - Москва: «АСТ Москва», 2013. –352с.

  6. http://angliya.com Еженедельник «Англия»

  7. https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Пиджин https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pidgin

  8. http://dic.academic.ru/dic.nsf/ruwiki/1129986

  9. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Runglish

  10. https://youtu.be/5tkMi72w8j0

Appendix 1

Владимир Маяковский, «Американские русские»



за пуговицу пойман.



как балканская карта.

«Я вам,


назначаю апойнтман.

Вы знаете,


мой апартман?

Тудой пройдете четыре блока,


сюдой дадите крен.

А если

стриткара набита,


можете взять

подземный трен.


с меняньем пересядки тикет

и прите спокойно,

будто в телеге.

Слезете на корнере

у дрогс ликет,

а мне уж

и пинту

принес бутлегер.

Приходите ровно

в севен оклок,—


про новости в городе

и проведем

по-московски вечерок,—

одни свои:

жена да бордер.

А с джабом завозитесь в течение дня


раздумаете вовсе —



отзвоните меня.

Я буду

в офисе».

«Гуд бай!» —

разнеслось окрест

и кануло

ветру в свист.

Мистер Петров

пошел на Вест,

а мистер Каплан —

на Ист.

Здесь, извольте видеть, «джаб»,

а дома

«цуп» да «цус».

С насыпи


летит на полном пуске.


только очень образованный




соображать по-русски.


по этой Америке самой



Уж если

Одесса — Одесса-мама,

то Нью-Йорк —



Appendix 2

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