II Международный конкурс научно-исследовательских и творческих работ учащихся
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Сутягина К.С. 1
Мельникова В.И. 1
Автор работы награжден дипломом победителя III степени
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It's hard not to agree that teenagers nowadays have a lot of problems, wich belong only to this period of our lives. Teens' problem is definetly relevant today. As in any other country, British teens have plenty of troubles. But most of them could not deal with their problems.

On every indicator of bad behaviour - drugs, drink, violence, promiscuity - the UK was at or near the top, said the Institute for Public Policy Research.

The institute looked at the results of a number of studies of adolescents conducted in recent years. The researchers believe the country's record can be explained by a collapse in family and community life in the UK.

Measured against German, French and Italian youngsters, British 15-year-olds are drunk more often and involved in more fights, and a higher proportion have had sex. In England, 45% of 15-year-old boys spend most evenings out with their friends, and in Scotland the figure is 59%. In France just 17% of boys spend their time in the same way.

The main purpose of this research: to find the main causes of teenage problems.

For realization of this purpose it is necessary:

1. To consider all types of teenage problems in the UK;

2. To consider some statistics about teenagers in the UK;

3. To give some advice for the ones who faced with theese problems.

The objects of our study: problems of my classmates.

The subjects of our study: the Russian and the British teenagers.

The practical value of the research: the possibility to use these materials in the proccess of learning English. This theme is common during the passage of the oral examinations in the eleventh class.

The hypothesis of our research is that the main reason of teens' problems in the UK is a lack of parents' attention to children.


Chapter 1


1.1 Why frienship is important

Firstly,Our parents love us because we are their children. Our wives or husbands love us because of the marriage. Our family loves us because we share blood. However, friends love us without any such condition or relation. They unconditionally love and care for us without expectations and assurances. We get to share the most amazing kind of love and relation with friends. Secondly, friends are the open and free access to ultimate laughs and fun times. There is no need of topics to laugh on. They can make us roll on the floor laughing even without any funny reason. Moreover, no one in the world, understand our thinking, dreams and desires like friends do. They generally have common ideology and opinions, hence it becomes easy for them to perceive.

1.2 The loneliness reasons among teenagers

Teen might be noticeably different: physically or intellectually

He might not share the same interests as his classmates

Or maybe the family has moved and their teen has never been able to break into any social groop

1.3 How to stop feeling lonely

  • Spend more time around people.

  • Join an organization or club with people who have common interests

  • Join a sports team. As long as you enjoy the sport and support your teammates could be a great way to make new friends.

  • Talk to people


Chapter 2

Family Conflicts”

2.1 Relationship with parents

Some young people are just sure that their parents don't want to understand them. It's a very serious problem. Teen's physical and emotional status, as well as their social and cognitive development, greatly depend on their family dynamics.

2.2 Qualities of a Good Parent-Teen Relationship

  • Respect for one another

  • Understanding each other’s feelings

  • Being able to trust each other

  • Having concern for each other’s well-being

  • Knowing each other — what each other is like, what each other wants, and what each other likes and dislikes

2.3 Reasons of family conflicts

  • Large families.

  • Family stress: working parents, job dissatisfaction, fatigue, stress and time, household chores.

  • Violence within the home.

  • Child sex abuse.

  • Trauma.


2.4 Consequences of the wrong education

10% of children aged 5-16 in Great Britain had a clinically diagnosed mental disorder: 4% had an emotional disorder, 6% had a conduct disorder, 2% had a hyperkinetic disorder, and 1% had a less common disorder such as autism, tics, etc. Some children had more than one type of disorder.

16% of children from single-parent families experience a mental health problem compared with 8% from two-parent families.

Mental disorders are more common in reconstituted families (14%) compared to families containing no stepchildren (9%).

Mental disorders were also more common in families where neither parent worked (20%), families where someone received disability benefit (24%), and families with lower levels of educational attainment.

2.5 Generation Gap

In our society youngsters are at odds with their parents on a wide range of issues, from how late they can stay up to who they should marry. It's called generation gap. In most cases teens don't understand their parents and become very nervous. When it happends, it's time to say “stop” and try to find more positive than negative traits. Our parents should understand that today's children will become tomorrow's civilization.


Chapter 3

School Life”

3.1 Why is it important to have good relationship with classmates

Relations with classmates become more important when students are teenagers. Classmates are people with whom teenagers spend a lot of their time at school. Experience of communicating with peers is vital for future life, because after school teenagers will live in adult world and behave with others how they learnt to do at school. When students were younger, they were satisfied with being among others. But when they are at teen age, the most important thing is to be accepted by class and to find their place in system of relations.

3.2 Manifestations of pressure

  • Insults

  • Reasoning

  • Rejection

  • Unspoken pressure

3.3 How to resist peer pressure

  • listen to all opinion carefully

  • do not interrupt

  • help if somebody needs help

  • to be tolerant

  • do not lose head in conflicts and not to start blaming


Chapter 4

Problem teenagers”

4.1 Who are they

There are also so called “problem teenagers” who already have bad habits (smoking, drug addiction, alcohol, violence and promiscuity)

4.2 Reasons teenagers take drugs

Young people use drugs for the similar reasons as adults do – to change how they feel because they want to feel better or different. Other reasons may include:

  • Socializing with friends, peer pressure or the need to feel part of group

  • Relaxation or fun

  • Boredom

  • Curiosity, experimentation or wanting to take risks

  • To escape from psychological or physiological pain


Chapter 5

A future job choice”

5.1 Choice of future career

Choosing a career and getting a job are two of the most important things any person does in his life. Before young people finish school all of them think that they will choose a profession they want. But later all of them understand that choosing a profession or a career is a very serious problem. So when young people leave school, they face that problem. If pupils want to achieve their purpose, they should use the opportunity for promotion in the early age. The young people have to know that if they don’t think about their future life earlier, it will be too difficult to think about it later. It is an advantage to choose a future career while being at school because it gives a goal in your studies and enables to choose a right, suitable course of study. This is a universal problem of our epoch. Every generation in this or that way comes across it. For most people choosing a career is not an easy task. It is one of the most important decisions one makes in life. The properly chosen career makes a person happy and successful for the rest of his life.

5.2 Receipt and examination

Other very serious problem is to enter a good university and find a good job afterwards. Unemployment rates are extrimely high – even qualified people with great knowledge can't find something good.


Chapter 6

"In Work and out of Work"

6.1 Teen Job

For many young people life is harder now. Most of them worry more about money than their parents did twenty years ago.

6.2 The Pros and Cons of teen Jobs


  • Work skills

  • Sense of responsibility and independence

  • High grades


  • Low grades if you work >13 h

  • Less activities

  • Bad habits

6.3 Popular jobs for teenagers in the UK

  • Delivering newspapers

  • Babysitting

  • Helping the Milkman on his round

  • Working in a shop

  • Working in a hairdressers


Chapter 7

Teenage Complexes”

7.1 Diffidence

Teenage age not without reason call transitional. The organism matures, appearance and behavior of the child change. At teenage age children very often have various complexes of which then it is very difficult to get rid.

In general teenage call age of puberty when at boys and girls characteristic male and female features start being shown. Because of changes of appearance the majority of teenage complexes is based.

Diffident girls with despondency look in a mirror and keep saying: "I ugly, thick, at me am curve feet, a small breast, spots on the face, boys do not pay to me any attention, etc.". They are adjusted on negative attitude of people around in advance, become reserved. Such complexes often are the reason of the early introduction in sexual life of teenage girls. They try to prove the importance and appeal in such a way.

7.2 How to avoid similar complexes

  • Parents should explain their children that actually appearance is not the most important thing in life

  • Address for consultation to the psychologist

  • Pick up simply the corresponding style in clothes and a make-up

7.3 In what teenage complexes can pour out

One teenagers become reserved, become very constraining, and others, on the contrary, are rude everything, impose all the opinion, try to ego-trip. Many teenagers, testing uncertainty in itself, prefer the computer to communication with contemporaries, the virtual world completely replaces for them real. Teenage complexes become the reason of many rash acts. Teenagers try to ego-trip by means of alcohol, smoking, drugs, sex. As soon as possible start explaining to the teenager that such ways of self-affirmation is not an exist.


Chapter 8

Teenage problems in Russia”

8.1 The main Russian teens' problems

1. Parent-teen relationships

2. Overload at school and the lack of free time

3. Lack of pocket money and difficulties with getting a job

4. Problem leisure

5. Bad habits

6. Reluctance of teenagers to learn

8.2 Parent-teen relationships in Russia

This problem has always been relevant in Russia. Teenagers begin to mature and acquire their own opinion. But parents sometimes don't take their opinion to attention. They are trying to impose their views, specify, what to buy, what to read, with whom to make friends, how to behave. In this way they attempt to save their child from adult life problems. Such intervention in personal space teenagers sometimes do not like. It's hard to maintain close and good attitudes in family, because they mostly depend on parents.

8.3 Difficulties of Russian schoolchildren

According to F. Dolto, about 30-40% of adolescents in our country feel discomfort at school. Motivation to the learning in teenagers losts to 15 years. If in fifth class 70% were learning successful then in ninth class there is only 40%. The reason for reducing the motivation I see in excessive loads. School difficulties, in turn, affect the health and spiritual state of students. Many teenagers go to school, not for knowledge, but for communication with peers.


Every teacher requires love to his subject, but for some teens they seem difficult. It leads to misunderstanding between student and teacher.

8.4 Employment of teenagers in Russia

Teenagers nowadays need to have some pocket money for their small current costs. Parents encourage teens by giving them pocket money for successful studying at school or for household chores. Basically, teenagers spend their money on sweets, computer games, clothes, accessories, alcohol and sigarettes. Some of them save up money for something substantial and expensive.

8.5 Russian teens in comparison with British

Relations between parents and teenagers in Russia and the UK are different. This can be explained to customs and traditions of education. Russian teenager is under the constant care of his parents, but in Britain teenager is more independent and separate.

Another serious problem in Russia is reluctance of teenagers to learn, while in the UK student is interested in obtaining sound knowledge and further education.

Teenagers in the UK don't face with such a problem of lack of pocket money, because they can easily apply for a job. But in Russia teenagers are mostly dependent on their parents.

8.6 How Russian teenagers deal with their problems

The Russian teenagers are largely dependent on their parents and can always rely on their support. At school students are mostly more friendly then British because there is no social division into losers and machos, so its easily to make new friends in Russia. Because of this support from so many loving people, teenager can share his problems and get some helpful advice.


Chapter 9

What do we really know about teenage problems

While doing the research on the Internet, I suddenly came up with an idea to ask my Russian schoolmates and teachers about what they think about teens' problems in the UK. 37 people in my school were asked (5 teachers, 30 students, 2 parents). I also attracted to my research some people from social network “Vkontakte”.

I asked them about in what country the indicatir of bad behaviour is higher; the UK or Russia, what are the reasons of teen loneliness, how to stop feeling lonely, why is it important to have good relationships with classmates. The majority of my classmates think that the indicator of bad behaviour is higher in Russia. 20 out of 30 people in Russia can call the right reasons of teen loneliness and say how to stop feeling lonely. Most of Russian students cannot give the right answer on a question why is it important to have good relationship with classmates. There is a many small percent of students who already have work in Russia. (see application №8)

According to my internet research, 91.7% of respondents already know what does the generation gap mean and 92% can say the reasons of taking drugs among teenagers. 70% know the most popular jobs for teens in the UK, but 30% are wrong. 19.4% of teenagers are going to go into politics. (see application №9)



The teenage years can be full of pressure, uncertainty, and change, and it’s normal to worry sometimes. But no one should feel hopeless or worthless all the time. Whatever challenges you’re facing, there is help available.

It’s not easy being a teenager in today’s world. From depression and eating disorders to bullying and cutting, teens grapple with a wide range of issues as they grow and develop.

But here’s the good news: you’re not alone and you can feel better. Read on to learn more about the signs and symptoms of some common teen challenges, what you can do to help yourself, and how to reach out and talk about tough subjects with your friends and family members.

As we know, British teenagers are one of the worst in the world. In my scientific work I conducted research about the reason of this fact. One of the major is lack of education. Parents don't even try to talk and understand their children. Absence of support from seniors leads teenagers to continuous failures.


Sources of information

1. Used literature

1. Baranovsky F.L. “Drug Addiction in the Great Britain”, 2000

2. Loustan M.G. “Teenagers and Law”

3. O'Jackson H.B. “British Teens”, 1996

4. Киперченко Е.И. “Relationship with friends, relatives and adults”

5. Мурлинова Е.С. “Teen's problems”

2. Internet resourses











Application №8

1. In what country the indicator of bad behavior is higher: Russia or the UK?

2. What are the reasons of teen loneliness?

3. How to stop feeling lonely?

4. Why it is important to have good relationships with your classmates?

5. Do you work anywhere?

6.Do you have any complexes?

Application №9



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