Actuality of the project.
Students often ask a teacher to translate their favorite hits, or try to figure it out with the help of dictionaries. But what if there are words in the dictionary, but it does not work to link them into a logical chain? Here the almighty Internet helps us to find a translation of almost any song. But we are learning language, and for sure many people want to do it without the World Wide Web. Undoubtedly, in the process of translation, we will have a number of difficulties, such as stable expressions, abbreviations that we do not understand, unfamiliar vocabulary. The topic of research work is relevant because the material is useful for students and teachers.
The problem of our research work is whether knowledge of the basic features of the translation of English songs will help us to cope with the translation of the meaning of the text into Russian.
The object is the translation of English songs.
The subject of the research is the search for strategies, methods and problems of translating popular English songs
The aim is to identify features of English songs’ translation of and to use revealed strategies, methods by practice.
1) Find techniques and strategies of translation;
2) Find out what difficulties can be in the process of translating English songs;
3) Translate some popular songs by myself;
4) Organize a lesson, where my classmates can try to translate a song
In this research work, we used method-analysis of the theoretical material and
empirical methods – observation but my favorite method was an experiment because during translation with my classmates I understood how difficult was to find useful translation techniques and strategies.
The practical significance of this research consists of the suggestion the practical examples and situations, when these techniques and strategies
can be revealed, and the way it can be applied.
The practical value of this workis to show that the students faced difficulties in determining figurative language, idiom, linguistics factors grammatical, referential, connotative, and contextual meaning in song lyrics. Learning techniques of translation and their strategies are useful for receiving a better understanding of language enhancement. In addition, to translate the source into the target language, students will also have a good comprehension of the song's content.
The structure of the research work includes an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a reference list, and an application. The theoretical part (defining the topic and purpose of work, studying the literature and required sources) is shown in the first chapter. The practical part (translation of the songs) is presented in the second chapter. Each chapter consists of three paragraphs. In conclusion, there are the main key messages and findings, which are emerged from the work. The reference list consists of 19 sources. In application there is the examples of songs and their translations to the second Chapter 2.
English is one of compulsory subject in secondary school. In learning English, students will encounter the process of translation to find out the meaning of subject material.
Basically, «translation is an activity for replacing text from one language to another»[Larson 1984: 121]. But, it is more than just replacing the text; «translation is the process of conveying the same message from Source language into target language in proportion» [Dan 2017: 22]. However, translating is not an easy undertaking. «During translation process, students could find some problems and errors in producing translation products because some students tend to translate the text literally which cannot be avoided» [Dan 2017: 25]. Consequently, «by implementing literal translation, translation result will be acceptable or not. Thus far, translation problems have been approached almost exclusively from a linguistic point of view» [Anna 1965: 34]. Besides, «there are a broader aspect of problems such as textual, pragmatic, cultural and linguistic [Nord 1991: 127; Oliver 2017: 128]; textual, pragmatic and semiotic [John 2012: 47]; text linguistic, extra linguistic, pragmatic, instrumental» [Molina & James 2002: 51]. This could be because translating is not only associated with language alteration but also related to competence in understanding the meaning, context, speech acts and cultural values contained inside.
Another problem related to translation is «lack of translation techniques», that is, steps to create a compatible meaning which can influence the translation output [Molina & James 2002: 50]. As pointed out that «in the activity of translation, some problems, linked to the difference of the two languages, often occur, so that translators need to master the techniques of translation» [Gabriel 2016: 54]. To solve these problems, students should have comprehensive proficiency of both source and target language to be a good translator [Zoe 2004: 76]. The meaning of Target Language (TL) must be relevant with the Source Language (SL). The output of the translation process must be accurate toward original text [Laura, 1992: 114]. In fact, translation and accuracy have a strong connection and cannot be separated each other. In addition, the success of a translation is measured by how closely it measures up to these ideals [Larson 1984:86]. Consequently, the competences of students in translating intended meaning from SL to TL is decisive for translation successfulness.
In general, the process of translating deals with source language (SL) and target language (TL). Harry believes that translating is a skill that a translator needs to master and understand the source text and put it into the target language, keeping the style when translating, and need to be a competent translator in both foreign languages and mother tongue [Harry 2016: 87].
Translation covers two areas, product of translation and process of translation. Those two areas are connected with each other. Translating is not simply as reading the original text, opening dictionary and rewriting the expression into target text. It is the old assumption in translation. Translation needs some process to gain the accurate translation.
Talking about the product of translation, equivalence becomes the “core” in translation. Translating consists in the reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source-language message, firstly in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style [Nida and Taber 1982: 90]. With regard to equivalence, Nida maintains that there are two basic types of equivalence: (1) formal equivalence and (2) dynamic equivalence. In particular, Nida argues that in formal equivalence the TL resembles very much the SL in both form and content whereas in dynamic equivalence an effort is made to convey the SL message in the TL as naturally as possible [Edgar 2013: 28].
Related to the product of translation, the quality of translation must be maintained by the translator. A good translation has several criteria, such as: accuracy, clarity and naturalness. Accuracy refers to the precise understanding of the source language message and the transfer of message as accurate as possible into the target language. Here, the translators have to bring the expression in SL into TL accurately [Larson 1998: 485].
One of the strategies to improve the accuracy of students' translation is the use of songs. Compared to translation studies of literature, translations of singable songs pose specific demands on the translator [Andersson and Mark 2009: 172]. For instance, the translator needs to have a good sense of rhythm to make a successful translation, so that she does not put a long syllable on a short note, to mention but one example. Rhythms, note-values, harmonies, durations, phrasings and stresses are examples of features within music that simply cannot be ignored when translating lyrics [Molly 2005: 185]. In addition, the translators have to consider some aspects. For instance, the song must be singable, and the text must sound as if it had been made for the music [Molly 2005: 186]. Further, when choosing words, the translator must be semantically flexible and pay great attention to rhythm and rhyme in order to get a natural sound to the song [Molly 2005: 187]. This problem is relevant now.
To solve the problems of translation, it is important to understand the translation techniques.
1) Adaptation, to change the cultural element that existed in original language and have a similar meaning in target language.
2) Amplification, paraphrasing and adding the information from original text that used to make the readers can catch the meaning easily.
3) Borrowing, translation technique which borrow the word or expression from source language in target language.
4) Calque, translating the word or phrase literally; it can be lexical or structural.
5) Compensation, this technique is affected by a stylistic in source language that cannot be applied in the target language.
6) Description, to replace a term or expression in source language by giving a description or explanation.
7) Discursive creation, to present the equivalent meaning which out of the context in order to attract the readers’ attention.
8) Established equivalent is kind of translation techniques that use common term of expression based on dictionary and daily conversation.
9) Generalization used a general term to translate a specific term in source language. [Laura 1992: 113].
Learning English through song enhance students’ interest, the students will face the problems in translating and understanding the meaning of the song lyric correctly. Because most of the song lyric contains of language variation, figurative language, idioms, pragmatics to create beautiful meaning. Therefore, to figure out the message and get an intended meaning and from the lyric song, the students should be taught on translation techniques and strategies. Regarding with statements, this study aims to find out kinds of difficulty faced by the students, to analyze kinds of translation technique used by the students and strategies to overcome their difficulties in translating English song.
Translation is the process changing a text from one language into the target language about the written message or ideas without changing the meaning in the source language [Laura 1992: 28; Donald 2007: 25]. Basically translation means reproducing the message in the source language with the most reasonable and closest equivalent in the target language, either from the meaning or from style in translating. A translator should first aim to re-imagine the contents of the message that contained in the text. However, to reproduce the message, inevitably, grammatical and lexical adjustments are required.
There is a time and a place for each of these strategies and techniques. On top of mastering the languages, a translator must know which technique to use and when, and sometimes even why.
Talking about translation, it has many definitions. The replacement of a representation of a text in one language by a representation of an equivalent text in a second language [Bell 1991: 6]. Translation is the replacement of textual material in one language (SL) by equivalent textual material in another language (TL) [Anna 1965: 20]. From those definitions, it is implied that translation covers three key terms: replacement, language (SL and TL) and equivalence.
Translation difficulties related to the thought process of finding an appropriate translation, this is due to individual factors and lack of knowledge about language, context, culture, and translation [Nord 1991: 198]. Moreover, grammar, structure, vocabulary and writing mechanism are problems of linguistic aspects in translation activities [Noah 2015: 167]. When translating, the translator should have comprehension to both of the language, context of the text in source and target language. Knowledge about culture, context, process translation and the techniques should be learnt in order to be able to create intended meaning from the original author. Some studies investigate the difficulties in the translation process such as: grammar, literature work and vocabularies [Gareth and Felix 2019: 75]. In addition, incapable to determine ellipsis, idiom, lexical meaning, word to word translation, less understanding of translation strategies and text content become causes errors in the translation process [Arthur 2011: 16] and [Anthony 2012: 39]. Students have difficulties in translating idiomatic expression related to culture, grammar, lexical and stylistic aspect [Calvin, Austen and Andrew 2018: 47]. Translation difficulties are not only occurring in text but also in lyric of the song because translator should maintain the beauty inside the lyrics. Translators who translate three Disney movies soundtracks use literal strategy; they tend to shift the song meaning using literal translation strategy without keeping the sense of the song [Ethan 2018: 57]. Understanding of the translation will increase along with facing difficulties in the translation process and the best solution to overcome the problem lies in the translator's point of view, because each translator has a specific strategy in translating different sources of translation [Emma 2016: 89]. Furthermore, translators must be able to understand the translation strategy and apply it if there are no matching words in the target language. In addition, the implementation of the translation strategy will help translator to get satisfactory translation results [Agata 2012: 32].
There are kinds of difficulties which faced by the students in translating English song:
(1) Grammatical Meaning, it is the rules in using language in order to understand the meaning which is conveyed by word order and grammatical signal.
(2) Referential Meaning, meaning that has a reference. In other words, a word that refers to an object of people, objects or something abstract to explain the meaning.
(3) Connotative meaning, additional meaning or contain of unreal meaning.
(4) Contextual meaning, the meaning which can be understandable if keeping
attention to the use of language and its context.
(5) Figurative language, deviation of meaning in creating special effect to beautify the words.
(6) Idiom, the expression of meaning which is not predictable from the usual meaning.
(7) Linguistic factors such as textual, syntactic, lexical, and semantic that can affect the process and the product of translation. Those difficulties faced by students in translating the meaning of song lyrics such as grammar, idioms, context, and linguistic aspects as supported by Amelia [2018:25].
So that, understanding of the translation will increase along with facing difficulties in the translation process and the best solution to overcome the problem lies in the translator's point of view, because each translator has a specific strategy in translating different sources of translation.Furthermore, emphasized that translators must be able to understand the translation strategy and apply it if there are no matching words in the target language. In addition, the implementation of the translation strategy will help translator to get satisfactory translation results.
Before proceeding to the direct translation of the text, it is necessary to make a special preparatory analysis of the text. The main aspect of the analysis can be distinguished:
Determining the source and recipient is the most important and, at the same time, not obvious point. Their correct definition will help to take the right guidelines in translation. Considering the song discourse, in addition to traditional songs about love and human relationships, experiences, the following types of songs can be distinguished:
Dedication to any important events in history, calling for an understanding of the causes and consequences, as well as possible ways to prevent the occurrence of similar situations in the future.
Songs are a response to events occurring in a given time period, which usually contain some kind of appeal.
Trying to stay within the correct rhythm might be even more challenging if music is not some pop standard but something complex with numerous timing changes. Therefore, while preparing translated song lyrics, one should sing it while choosing various words so that the stress falls upon right syllables in translation to let it fit your melody. Thus, any changes implemented should be melodic from the very beginning so that any adjustments are made by the translator, not the musicians in the studio. Thus, any changes implemented should be melodic from the very beginning so that any adjustments are made by the translator, not the musicians in the studio. There are cases when producers talk to local poets or famous lyricists who add their professional touch to songs even if it’s something minor. Translating songs is very challenging where an expert’s creativity should always come first.
In this work I tried to follow the rules of translation by choosing the necessary strategies.
I tried to translate a Russian song into English. For translation, I took the popular Russian song of the group Open Kids "Кручевсех"
This song is very familiar to many adults and children. But most of all it is popular among teenagers. The song motivates not to give up and go to your goal.
I used a poetic translation. It was difficult for me to translate the lyrics of the song into English in rhyme. The words were simple, but it wasn't easy to find a rhyme.
Ну же, вытворяй чудеса
Сам ты нельзя! Да кто так сказал?
А ты не слушай и ни шагу назад
В момент, когда надо им всем показать
Кто тут свеж? Ничего себе!
Ничего себе!
Покажи им всем, покажи им всем
Покажи им
Кто тут свеж? Нет, ну кто тут свеж?
Ничего себе!
Покажи им всем, что ты чувствуешь
То самое чувство, когда ты круче всех
То самое чувство, когда ты на волне
То самое чувство, когда ты круче всех, круче всех
У тебя всё получится
Покажи им
Come on, boy
Ну же, провоцируй успех
Пусть завидуют все, ты по жизни в игре
А ты, ты лучший - впереди твоя цель
Сделай так, чтоб они изменились в лице
Кто тут свеж? Ничего себе!
Ничего себе!
Покажи им всем, покажи им всем
Покажи им
Кто тут свеж? Нет, ну кто тут свеж?
Ничего себе!
Покажи им всем, что ты чувствуешь
То самое чувство, когда ты круче всех
То самое чувство, когда ты на волне
То самое чувство, когда ты круче всех, круче всех
Come on, make wonders with me
Who leads us so sad,
We don’t agree
Don’t listen to them and no regrets
Interference, drawbacks
Don’t give up, if you feel your success!
Who makes a splash? (2 times)
Show the way! Show me the way!
Who makes a splash? (2 times)
Show them all, what you are feeling now!
That is the feeling when you are the best,
That is the feeling when you are on the wave,
That is the feeling when you are the best,
are the best,
You win success!
Come on! Provoke success!
Someone envies, but you in this game
You are the best
Your goal is ahead
We don’t it forget!
Who makes a splash? (2 times)
Show the way! Show me the way!
Who makes a splash? (2 times)
Show them all, what you are feeling now!
That is the feeling when you are the best,
That is the feeling when you are on the wave,
That is the feeling when you are the best,
are the best,
You win success!
I gave my classmates the song lyrics in a rolled paper. After grouping the students, I gave them six rolled paper where the title and song lyric written inside. Then I called group leader to take the paper. Then, they back to their group and open the paper. They had a chance to switch the title with the rest of the paper if the song was unfamiliar to them. However, they had to take the last paper decision.
The students found the core meaning of the song. After reading the song lyric, the students were given time to listen to the song. They searched the core meaning of the song. It is important step because translating song is not translating word by word. They had to catch the overall meaning first, and then decided the words choice.
The students translated the song. After completing rewriting the song lyric into Russia, they must harmonize the translated lyric with the rhyme. It is the difficult step in translating a song lyric. They must “mix and match” the meaning into a singable translated version of a song lyric.
The students tried to sing the translated version. After completing translating song lyric, they tried to sing the translated version together. In this step, they can add, omit or change the words due to the reason of singable translated version. However, they still keep the meaning of SL.
The students sang the song after practicing together with their group, I called them randomly to perform and sing the song in front of the class.
The difficulties faced by the students in translating song such as finding the synonym of the words that can be sung as in the original song. Translating song is not easy. The students have to focus into two areas: bringing the meaning in SL into TL and making the translated version singable. Some students keep the meaning tightly based of what is written in SL but they had difficulties in singing the translated version. The other cases, they got the singable words, but the meaning is omitted in some parts. Here is the example:
The example above shows that the translator omits the words in TL in order to sing the expression.
The students got difficulties in maintaining the words as in the original song rhyme. Some expression cannot be translated completely because of differences song rhyme. Especially, Russian language tends to be longer than English language. However, the solution is implementing omission and addition to keep the song rhyme, as in the example below:
The result showed that the implementation of song translation was divided into these following steps: (a) the lecturer (I) managed the class into some groups, (b) the lecturer gave the song lyric in a rolled paper, (c) the students found the core meaning of the song, (d) the students translated the song, (e) the students tried to sing the translated version, (f) the students sang the song.
The students faced some difficulties: (a) the students got difficulties in finding the synonym of the words that can be sung as in the original song and (b) the students got difficulties in maintaining the words as in the original song rhyme.
After analyzing the students’ difficulties in translating English song lyric, the result of the research showed that the students faced difficulties in determining figurative language, idiom, linguistics factors grammatical, referential, connotative, and contextual meaning in song lyric. There are six translation techniques used by the students. As the most occurrences are literal translation, it can be said that the students tend to translate lyric song literally. However, translating the song lyric as their material in 21st century curriculum is not only about changing the language but also knowing about languages, the context and cultures.
Therefore, we can conclude that the songs not only strengthen the teenager’s interest in learning the language, but also tell about the cultures and lives of other countries and people. Students have to understand techniques and strategies of translation there with their usage in order to create an appropriate meaning and the accuracy to get the proposed meaning. In this research, I found that there are several strategies can be used to help students in translating variation of meaning in English song.
Learning techniques of translation and their strategies are useful for receiving better understanding in translation skill enhancement. Besides, to be able to translate the source into target language, students will also have a good comprehension of the song’s content. They will easily find the intended meaning from the song. Furthermore, they can understand the cultures widely. Hence, teacher must teach translation techniques and strategies to help the students gain successfulness in translation.
Our aim and tasks of work are completed. Next year we are going to research another problem. Perhaps, it will be “ the world of inscriptions on the t-shirt”
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