Способы перевода имен персонажей российской мультипликации на английский язык

XXII Международный конкурс научно-исследовательских и творческих работ учащихся
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Способы перевода имен персонажей российской мультипликации на английский язык

Булычев И.А. 1
1ГБОУ СОШ №291
Осипова Н.Е. 1
1ГБОУ СОШ №291
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The topic, “Ways of translation the names of Russian cartoon characters into English”, was the subject of my research.

This theme reveals problems of creation, usage and translation of the names of Russian cartoon characters. The relevance of the project lies in the fact that modern animation has become popular and famous all over the world. A lot of Russian animated films and TV series are translated into English to attract English-speaking audiences. However, the accuracy of the translation of the names of Russian cartoon heroes can influence the understanding and perception of the characters by the English-speaking audience. This project will help to find out how important an accurate and original translation of the names of Russian cartoon characters is for English-speaking audiences and what factors can increase or decrease the understanding and perception of characters during such translation. The survey results can be used by developers and translators of animated films and TV series when working on translating the names of characters into English.

The aim of my research is to identify the basics and principles of translating the names of Russian cartoon characters into English in order to develop interest in Russian culture and animation among the English-speaking audience.


  • to explore information sources;

  • to research and systematize different methods of translating the names of characters of popular Russian cartoons into English;

  • to analyze cartoons “Смешарики”-“Kikoriki”, “Фиксики”-“Fixies”, “Барбоскины”-“The Barkers”, “Лунтик” -“Moonzy”;

  • to enlighten the basics and principles of name translation, including cultural and linguistic aspects;

  • to carry out the online survey to identify the level of knowledge among students, English language learners on translating the names of characters of popular Russian cartoons into English;

  • create a glossary (creating a glossary with translated character names, indicating the original Russian name and its translation into English);

  • present a project at the conference.

The object of the research isthe names of characters of popular Russian cartoons in English.

The subject of research is translation of the names of Russian cartoon characters into English.

The hypothesis of the researchis that translation of the names of Russian cartoon characters into English affects the popularity of these cartoons in the international arena.

Research methods: analysis of literature and video material, problem-finding method, research method, systematization and generalization of knowledge method, the usage of Internet.

Practical relevance: this work can be used in English lessons to get acquainted with the ways of translation the names of Russian cartoon characters into English. Also, itcan be used by developers and translators of animated films and TV series when working on translating the names of characters into English.

Chapter 1. History of Russian animation 

The history of Russian animation dates back to 1906, when the choreographer of the Mariinsky Theater in St. Petersburg, Alexander Shiryaev, created the first puppet cartoon.The second person who independently discovered animation was Vladislav Starevich. A biologist by training, he began animation using embalmed insects for educational purposes, but the medium soon became one of the undisputed masters of stop-motion in later years.His first few films, made in 1910, were dark comedies about the family life of cockroaches and were so revolutionary that he was awarded a medal by Tsar Nicholas II of Russia. He made many popular animated films about insects in the studio of Alexander Hanzhonkov. There, he also worked as a cinematographer and director of live-action films, sometimes combining live-action and stop-motion animation, such as Christmas Before Christmas and Terrible. Revenge (both 1913). 

In 1935, Russia’s prolific animation studio Soyuzmultfilm was founded as a Soviet response to Disney. Its inception was allegedly initiated by Joseph Stalin and has since produced over 1,500 cartoons. 

Among some of Soyuzmultfilm’s masterpieces are such classics as the 1971 “Cheburashka,” a story about a furry creature with large ears who arrived in the Soviet Union inside a box of oranges; “Hedgehog in the Fog,” (1975) a stop-motion, poetic masterpiece that is often considered the best animated film of all time; and “Well, Just You Wait!,” Russia's very own “Tom and Jerry,'' released in 1969. 

Soviet animation was financed by the state, and when the system collapsed after the dissolution of the Soviet Union and screens were full of imported cartoons, Russian animation struggled to survive. But now Russian animators are producing a new generation of award-winning films for children and adults. Here are some of the best recent animation films made in Russia today, from big-budget, full-length commercial films to independent animated shorts.

Chapter 2. Ways of translation the names of Russian cartoon characters into English

1. Use transliteration: This involves converting the Russian characters into their closest English equivalents. For example, Колобок-Kolobok, Роза-Rosie, Лиза-Liza

2. Use a direct translation: Some Russian names can be translated directly into English. For example, "Буратино" can be translated as "Pinocchio".

3. Use a descriptive translation: If a direct translation doesn't work, you can use a descriptive translation that captures the essence of the character's name. For example, "Чебурашка" can be translated as "The Little Creature from the Big Green Forest", Конек-Горбунок-The little Humpbacked Horse, Kusachka -Сhewsocka.

4. Use the original Russian name with an explanation: If the name is difficult to translate, you can use the original Russian name and provide an explanation or pronunciation guide for English speakers. For example, "Смешарики" can be left as "Smeshariki" with a note that it means "Funny Little Balls" in Russian.

5. Use a nickname or alternative name: In some cases, a character may have a nickname or alternative name that is more easily translatable. For example, "ЗмейГорыныч" could be referred to as " Gorynych the Dragon ". Dim Dimych-Tom Thomas, Лунтик -Moonzy

Practical part

Smeshariki” (2004-) 

Another commercially successful Russian animated series is “Smeshariki.” Children's channel broadcasting "Smeshariki" in English, is called Kika, and the Russian production center, which is promoting the cartoon outside the country, called "Ricky." So, the union of these two companies gave us Kikoriki. In America - “Gogoriki”. The series depicts nine intelligent, round-shaped characters, who resemble various animals and live in their own peaceful valley, solving daily problems harmoniously. The Kikoriki represents different generations and use a set of signature expressions. Unlike most cartoons, the show has no traditionally negative characters, emphasizing the importance of friendship and kindness.

Losyash-Dokko (“Gogoriki”-Doco) Can you guess why Losyash is in has the English version become Dokko? The fact is that during their numerous experiments, this character often wears a white coat. This children associate a wardrobe item with doctors. That's how the name appeared Dokko.

Kopatych-Barry (“Gogoriki”-Boba). It can be assumed that this name comes from the English word “bear” or from the word “berry” - berry, because bears love berries.

Barash -Wally (“Gogoriki” -Wolli). Wally is a bungler. Suitable for the character.

Pin-Pin (“Gogoriki”-Otto) Pin is an abbreviation for the word “penguin”.

Sovunya-Olga. The most interesting transformation can be considered lover of grass skiing Sovunya. In the English version, she became Olga. This name is known in many countries and is consonant with the English word “owl”, which means “owl”.

Yozhik -Chiko. Chiko in Spanish means “nice guy,” which Yozhik undoubtedly is. Another version of the appearance of this particular name is associated with one of the hobbies of this hero - collecting cacti. Perhaps these plants evoke associations among the English-speaking public primarily with the countries of Latin America.

Nyusha-Rosa. Nyusha is the pig and she is pink. The name suits her appearance.

Krosh-Krash (“Gogoriki”-Pogo). Crash is crash. Krosh is very loud, the name suits his character.

Fixiki – Fixies

The idea of the cartoon belongs to Alexander Tatarsky.The cartoon premiered on December 13, 2010.Since the project was intended to be international, the name was taken from English. The company brought together people of different professions from Russia, speaking English, and originating from different English-speaking countries. During the discussion, the name “Fixie” was approved, which comes from the word “Fix” (to fix, repair) and “Pixie” (a small magical creature like an elf, fairy, gnome, etc.). Thus, the name meant small magical creatures who repair equipment. Then the name “Fixie” was adapted for the Russian language and became known as “Fixik ”.

Dim Dimych-Tom Thomas

Verta-Verda (verdant-green)

Shpoolya-Toola (tool)

Igrek-Digit - digital, digit

Fire-Fire (flame)

Professor Chudakov (Geniy Evgenievich) -Professor Eugenius (from Eugene and Genius)

Dog Kusachka -Сhewsocka (chew)

The Barboskins -The Barkers

The Barboskins/ The Barkers(to bark-лаять)

Роза-Rosie, Лиза-Liza, Малыш-Kid, Дружок-Max, Гена-Alex, Тимоха-Timothy, Мама-Mum, Папа-Dad, Дедушка-gradndad

Лунтик -Moonzy

Лунтик -Moonzy, moon

Кузя (кузнечик)-Skip. (Skip-jump)

Пчеленок-Weebee. Bee- an insect

Баба Капа-Granny Annie

Дедушка Луш-Grandpa Stringer

Мила (божья коровка)-Dottie

Паук Шнюк-Mr. Webber- spiderweb)

Тётя Мотя(черепаха)- Tina Turtle

Characters of Russian fairy tales in English

Баба Яга костяная нога-The Bony-Legged Baba Yaga

Кощей Бессмертный-Koschei the Immortal

Иван Дурак-Ivan the Fool

Колобок-Kolobok, The little Bun, The little round Bun

Конек-Горбунок-The little Humpbacked Horse

Водяной-Vodyanoy, Water Spirit

Змей Горыныч-Gorynych the Dragon, Zmey Gorynych

Муха-Цокотуха-Buzzy-Wuzzy, Busy Fly

Мойдодыр- Washemclean

Незнайка-Dunno (Dunno — это разговорно-бытовая форма от don't know)

Cheburashka - the word "Cheburashka" is difficult to pronounce for many foreigners. Therefore, when dubbing a cartoon, the hero was renamed. In English and American box office, the main character was given the name Topple (“Topple” probably because topple-overturn, fall).

The results of public opinion

To confirm the relevance of the chosen topic, an online survey among students was conducted at the school, which showed the importance of this work for educational activities, for highlighting the ways of translation the names of Russian cartoon characters into English. We asked 38 students. Here you can see the answers and the results of our poll. There were several questions to answer which helped us to distinguish that 50 % of our classmates watch cartoons every day and the majority of the students (60%) claimed that it is very important that the names of Russian cartoon characters are accurately translated into English because it could increase understanding of the characters. Interestingly, 57% of respondents choose “loss of features of Russian culture” as a significant reason for the decrease in understanding of characters by the English-speaking audience when their names are translated inaccurately. This was the starting point of our work.


The research deals with ways of translation the names of Russian cartoon characters into English.

As a result of work on the project, the hypothesis was confirmed. It became clear that translating the names of Russian cartoon characters into English could help increase the popularity of these cartoons on the international stage. Correct and high-quality translation of names can help viewers better understand the characters' personalities and motives, which in turn can increase interest in the cartoon and its appeal to an international audience. We have also created a leaflet with a glossary with the names of Russian cartoon characters.

Appendix 1 Booklet«Glossary»

A list of bibliography cited

  1. КабакчиВ.В. The dictionary of Russia. Англо-английский словарь русской культурной терминологии. СПб.: Союз, 2002.- 576 с.

  2. Казакова Т.А. Практические основы перевода. СПб.: Союз, 2002.-319с.

  3. Комиссаров В.Н. Слово о переводе. М.: Международные отношения, 1973. - 245с. Теория перевода. -М.: ВШ, 1990.- 251с.

  4. History of Russian animation in the 21st century [Электронныйресурс] /(https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2022/02/18/more-than-kiddie-cartoons-russian-animation-in-the-21st-century-a76453)

  5. History of Russian animation [Электронныйресурс]/(https://academic-accelerator.com/encyclopedia/history-of-russian-animation)

  6. Онлайн опрос [Электронный ресурс] /(https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd5cLPd59tjUvZMHXPr4I4cTIFX4yN4u_K58C_k4CZq-5reXA/viewform )

Просмотров работы: 52