Английский язык в социальных сетях

XXIV Международный конкурс научно-исследовательских и творческих работ учащихся
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Английский язык в социальных сетях

Инухова М.В. 1
1МБОУ "СШ №25" г. Смоленска
Семченкова А.К. 1
1МБОУ "СШ №25" г. Смоленска
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The relevance and practical aspect of our work is related to the fact that a foreign language is of great importance nowadays. English is the most popular language in the world, it is spoken by most of the world's population (20%). Also, the relevance of the chosen topic is due to the need to use modern tools in mastering a foreign language. A person who speaks English is provided with unhindered communication with people around the world, has the opportunity to learn new culture and traditions. Thus, the relevance of our research is related to the popularization of the English language and the Internet, and lies in the need for effective ways to learn English through social networks.

Hypothesis: English is necessary for using social networks.

The object of the study: social networks.

Subject of the study: English in social networks.

Research method: observation, questioning, social media research, conversation, literature study.

Purpose: to prove the hypothesis that English is necessary for using social networks.

Task: to study the history of the creation of social networks, to find out which social networks are the most popular, to prove that social networks can be used to improve English proficiency, to analyze students' opinions about using the network as a means of teaching English, to study methods of learning English.

II.The theoretical part

The history of the development of social networks

For about twenty years, social networks have been developing at an accelerated pace. If at first these were platforms for long–distance communication, today they are full-fledged platforms with huge functionality. Social networks have greatly simplified life and given impetus to the emergence of new professions. It is here that a person can find friends of interest, solve work and social issues, and even conduct monetary transactions.

However, social media has not always been the way we see it today. How did they appear, and why were they planned by the developers? [5]

The term "Social Network" was introduced long before the advent of the Internet and the actual modern Internet networks, back in 1954 by James Barnes, a sociologist from the Manchester School.

At that time, this phenomenon had nothing to do with the Internet and was interpreted as follows: "A social network is a social structure consisting of a group of nodes, which are social objects (people or organizations), and connections between them (social relationships)" In simple terms, a social network is a group of people between whom there are certain relationships, bilateral or unilateral ties. With the advent of the Internet (1969), James Barnes' scientific concept began to gain popularity. This led to the development of social networks on the world Wide web.[6]

Stages of development of social networks

The development of social networks is divided into three main stages:

The first stage: is the period from 1995 to 2002. At that time, the main task of social networks was to provide remote communication between people. The simplest text messages at that time were a real breakthrough. However, in order to find the right person or news, the person himself had to use the search. No recommendations and no individual "tape" were provided. At the first stage, social networks did not perform the function of a "virtual assistant".

The second stage: is the period from 2002 to 2003. During this period, the functionality gradually began to expand. Users have the opportunity to post their photos, share audio and video files. File sharing has been added to the communication. The popularity of social networks was fueled by celebrities registering there. Fans got the opportunity to follow their lives, in addition to communicating with friends, people began to be interested in online dating.

The third stage: is the period from 2004 to the present day. A real golden age for social media. It is at this time that advanced features, video calls, blogs, and advertising appear. [7]

Methods of learning English

When people are just starting to learn any foreign language, the first thing they face is the serious question of choosing a method and method of learning. I would like to say right away that there is no universal technique that will suit everyone. Various ways of learning English include both formal approaches (working with a teacher in the classroom) and informal ones (watching TV, visiting conversation clubs). If the classical system is clear: it is enough to study grammar and practice reading, writing, listening through exercises, then there are so many author's methods that separate research papers are written about them. Those who are looking for the most effective ways to learn English, it is recommended to familiarize themselves at least in theory with a variety of approaches in order to choose one for themselves. It cannot be said that there is one best method of learning English. It all depends on individual needs and inclinations.

Modern effective ways to learn English:

Group classes

This is the most popular way to learn English. If you want to study in a group, you can choose a convenient format: online or offline classes at a language school. For those who prefer face-to-face communication, face-to-face lessons are suitable. There are usually several schools in large Russian cities, so a student can choose the right one based on reviews and the number of people in the group. [1]

1. This is an opportunity not only to learn the language, but also to arrange a trip. [1]2. Such courses usually bring together people from different countries. Most likely, you will study with students from Korea, Spain, Japan, etc. This is a great chance to learn to understand different accents. [1]

3. Abroad, everyone will communicate only in English. And in lessons, and on excursions, and among themselves. No indulgences — every minute will be a contribution to the piggy bank of your language practice. [1]

Like any other method, this method has its pros and cons.

Among the advantages are fairly reasonable tuition prices compared to individual classes, the ability to communicate with other students, healthy competition in the group, a variety of lesson formats and, of course, the opportunity to learn not only from their own, but also from other people's mistakes [2].

One of the main disadvantages is the lack of an individual approach, personal attention and the opportunity to analyze your questions in more detail. This is due to the large number of students in the group, and some students may even experience a socio-psychological barrier and be afraid to be liberated. Also, the class schedule may not always be convenient for the student due to work and other daily activities.

In general, the group language learning method is suitable for sociable and communicative people, especially children and adolescents. But it will be quite difficult for closed and eternally busy people with a busy schedule to attend such schools[2].

Private lessons with a teacher

Those who do not like group classes, but need a person to control and analyze in detail incomprehensible material and grammar, should opt for an English tutor. With the right method of learning English, individual lessons can be as effective as possible. Personal communication allows the reader to form a complete picture of what the student needs. Any standard program will be adapted according to the strengths and weaknesses of the student. The more individual lessons, the faster the progress. Although the teacher will try to ensure that the presentation of information takes place at a pace comfortable for the student[2]. The only disadvantage of such lessons is the high cost, in comparison with other methods. But remember: the most difficult thing in this option is to find a teacher with whom you can comfortably and effectively study.Do not think that every tutor on the website with ads will give their best for the sake of lessons with you. And you won't get along with everyone in order to study together for a long time. We recommend choosing tutors based on reviews or contacting a school with individual classes that has a good reputation. [1]

Author's methods of learning English

The author's methods are a combination of classical techniques that are used and modified by experienced teachers, linguists. To some extent, this is the philosophy of teachers regarding the methods of presenting information. It is necessary to be critical of each technique. After all, a "unique innovative approach" is sometimes just a marketing ploy designed to increase sales of textbooks, writing simulators. [2]Let's take a closer look at the proven methods of learning English:

Pimsler's method

This author's technique, developed by Paul Pimsleur, is patented and widely known all over the world. He has developed a series of audio courses, each consisting of 30 lessons, each lasting 30 minutes. The Russian version is Pimsleur English for Russian Speakers. According to Pimsler's idea, it is during this period of time that the human brain is able to assimilate information most effectively. The technique can be useful for developing memory, setting the perfect pronunciation. But the learning process can take a long time. In addition, the technique largely depends on auditory perception and may not be suitable for those who perceive visual information better. Also, the Pimsler method is not suitable for those who want to learn how to write correctly in English. If the student's goal is not only to learn to speak fluently, but also to pass an official exam, then this approach alone will not be enough.

The advantage of this technique is that it is available anytime and anywhere—уou can listen to the audio course on your smartphone, in the car, at home while cooking dinner, and so on.

The Schechter method

Another approach that was developed after learning how young children learn their native language. The author believes that babies do not just listen to adults and imitate sounds. Kids actively use the trial and error method; act, and then observe the reaction. Adults can also develop their conversational abilities using the Schechter method. "Emotional-semantic" learning was popular in the Soviet Union.

The first principle of the methodology is that the teacher and students always use only English. The teacher never translates incomprehensible words. Sometimes the coach simplifies the approach and just says light phrases aloud, invites students to repeat them. Part of the lesson time is devoted to reading. The read passages are not translated, but they try to determine their content by context. [2]

The Dragunkin method

In this method, the grammatical part and the rules of sentence construction are simplified as much as possible, it is not overloaded with unnecessary information, according to the expert, and is focused on the rapid study of foreign words and their memorization. Dragunkin has not only approaches depending on the student's level of knowledge, but also his own network of schools[1]. And besides that, it has its own vocabulary, rules and so on, so that the Russian person can understand English more clearly. As Dragunkin himself says, using his method, you can easily master English verbs, articles and basic principles of sentence construction.

However, this technique has many opponents who argue that the amount of theoretical knowledge is insufficient and that the system teaches English from the point of view of Russian, and this, in turn, interferes with the correct pronunciation and perception of foreign speech.

Petrov's method

Dmitry Petrov is the developer of one of the most effective English language teaching methods in Russia, Polyglot. According to Petrov's method, English can be learned from scratch in 16 hours. Of course, we are not talking about the fact that after 16 hours you will be able to easily and freely communicate with a resident of the UK on the topic of politics, but about some basic knowledge sufficient to understand and speak fluently. [1]

The technique is based on artificial immersion in the English language environment. From the very first lesson, students communicate only in a foreign language, starting with the basics and moving on to more complex vocabulary and rules. To do this, at the beginning of each lesson, the necessary lexical and grammatical minimum is offered for self-study, and the main part of the lesson is aimed at repeatedly repeating speech structures and using vocabulary "on the spot".


Learning by yourself is a good option to improve your English. Especially if you combine it with group or individual lessons. This way you can practice in your free time, for example at lunch or while standing in traffic. [2]

But we will deceive you if we say that it is perfect: self-learning has many pitfalls. If you get caught in them, you can waste time and effort in vain or even harm yourself — for example, fix mistakes. Therefore, it is important to make a plan, find out your level and stock up on materials for each step. There are three ways to do this:

As we wrote above, combine self-study and lessons with a teacher. Then he will be able to advise you how to train yourself, help you find useful materials and applications, make a schedule, etc.

Independently search for educational materials and applications based on reviews. But there is a risk that even the most popular options will not suit you, and then you will waste your money. This is a trial and error method[3].

7 Popular Ways to Learn English Yourself

1.Online platforms and applications

This is an easy option for those who do not want to create a program and search for materials themselves. Online learning platforms and applications already have a universal list of topics with theory and tasks, which are divided by difficulty levels. [2] It will not be tailored to your specifics, but here you can go through the topics several times if you do not understand them well. And vice versa-skip topics that you managed to learn well before.

2. Video tutorials by blogger teachers on YouTube

The Internet is full of video tutorials that help develop various skills, including English language skills. You can practice with them at any convenient time and choose the thematic videos that suit you. And it's also free. But there are also disadvantages — for example, you can't ask a teacher a question if something is unclear.

To use this method, you need to find a channel and a speaker from whom you will feel comfortable learning.[1] It's not as easy as it seems. Each blogger has his own methodology, presentation of material and focus on skills. For example, there are channels with content only for Beginner level or only for Advanced. Therefore, if you don't want to waste your time, make sure that the blogger is right for you.

3.Movies and TV series with subtitles

A great way to combine business with pleasure. Firstly, the series are full of everyday vocabulary, and you can immediately see in what context it is used. Secondly, it will be possible to remember by ear how the characters build sentences. And finally, TV series with subtitles will help you hone your pronunciation. With this method, you will notice the intonation of the characters, their accents, accents in words and pauses in spoken speech.

The main thing is to choose the series and movies that suit your level. For example, in Big Bang Theory, Breaking Bad or House M. D. there is a lot of professional vocabulary from the fields of physics, chemistry and medicine. You should not start with them[2]. We advise you to soberly evaluate your knowledge and choose projects that will be really useful. For example, we would recommend beginners to start with films that you have often watched in Russian. For example, "Harry Potter", if you have a tradition of revising it for the New Year.

II. The practical part

The study was conducted on the basis of the "Municipal budgetary educational institution Secondary School 9" in the period from January 1 to January 31, 2024

The study involved students in grades 8-9. Of these, grade 8 students are 34 people, 19 of whom are girls (56%) , and 15 are boys (44%), grade 9 students are 43 of whom, 23 of whom are girls (53%), and 20 are boys (47%).A total of 42 girls (55%) and 35 boys (45%) participated in the study

From our work, we see that among 8th grade students, the most popular social networks are Telegram, VKontakte and Tik Tok.34 people (100%) chose Telegram, of which 19 girls (56%) and 15 boys (44%). VKontakte was chosen by -28 people (82%), of which 11 girls (40%) and 13 boys (46%). "Tik tok" -27 people (79%), of which girls -15 people (55%), and boys - 12 people (44%).

The study showed that among 9th grade students, the most popular social networks are Telegram, Tik Tok, and VKontakte. 38 people (88.37%) chose Telegram, of which 22 girls (57.89%) and 16 boys (42.11%). "Tiktok" was chosen by 31 people (72.09%), of which 19 girls (61.29%) and 12 boys (38.71%). VKontakte - 26 people ( 60.47%), of which girls - 13 people ( 50%), and boys - 13 people (50%).

According to the data received, Telegram is a priority among boys in grades 8-9, which is 31 people (43%), as well as among girls in grades 8-9 - 41 people (57%), thus 72 people chose Telegram, which is 93.5%.

Studies have shown that among 8th grade students, 30 people (88%) answered "YES" to the question: "Do you think that English can be learned through social networks?", of which 18 girls (60%) and 12 boys (40%). And 4 people answered "NO", of them girls - 1 person (3%), and boys - 3 people (10%).

The study revealed that 9th grade students answered "YES" to the question: "Do you think that English can be learned through social networks?" - 31 people (72%), of which 16 girls (52%), 15 boys (48%). And 11 people answered "NO" (25.5%), of which 7 girls (64%), and 4 boys (36%).

Based on the data obtained, students in grades 8 and 9 believe that 61 people (79%) can learn English using social networks, where 34 girls (56%) and 27 boys (44%), hence it can be concluded that there are differences between girls and boys in their opinion about the possibilities Learning English through social media is not.

8th grade students answered the question :"Does knowledge of English help you to work in social networks?".The answer is "YES" - 29 people (85%), of which 15 girls (52%), and 14 boys (48%). And 5 people answered "NO", of them girls - 4 people (14%), and boys - 1 person (3%). And among the 9th grade students, the question is: "Does knowledge of English help you to work in social networks?" 35 people (81%) answered "YES" , of which 20 girls (57%) and 15 boys (43%).And the answer was "NO" -8 people (23%), of which 3 girls (38%) , and 5 boys (63%).

We see that the majority of the subjects in grades 8-9 gave a positive answer about the need for English language skills to work in social networks – 64 people (83%), 29 boys (45.31%), 35 girls (54.69%).Thus, we understand that both girls and boys are aware of the need to speak English in order to use social networks.

The subjects were asked to answer the question "How does knowledge of English help you to work in social networks?".

The research work shows that among 8th grade students, the most popular answers are: "Buying goods from other countries", "Communicating with users from other countries", "understanding video content". -17 people (50%) chose to "Buy goods from other countries", of which girls -9 people (53%), and boys -8 people (47%). -15 people (44%) chose "Communication with users of other countries", of which 9 people (60%) were girls, and 6 people (40%) were boys. "Understand video content" was chosen by 15 people (44%), of which 10 girls (67%), and 5 boys (33%). Among 9th grade students, the question is: "How does English language skills help you to work in social networks?" The most popular answers are: "Understand video content", "Communicate with users from other countries", "Purchase goods from other countries".-28 people (65%) chose to "Understand video content", of which girls -15 people (54%), and boys -13 people (46%). "Buying goods from other countries" was chosen by -18 people (41.86%), of which girls -11 people (61%), and boys -7 people (39%). 17 people (40%) chose to "Communicate with users of other countries", of which 9 girls (52.94%), and 8 boys (47.06%).

Thus, we see that the opinions of the students differ. Among 8th grade students, the most popular answer is "Buying goods from other countries." This is 17 people (50%).And 9th grade students have the most popular answer, "Understand video content." This is 28 people (65%).

Scientific work shows that among 8th grade students, the most popular answers to the question: "What aspect of learning English do you consider the most difficult?" are: "Listening" , "Speaking", "Vocabulary". -19 people (56%) chose "Listening", 11 of them girls (58%), and 8 boys (42%). "Speaking" was chosen by -14 people (32%), of which girls -8 people (57%), and boys -6 people (43%). "Vocabulary" was chosen by -11 people (32%), of which girls -5 people (45%), and boys -6 people (55%).Among 9th grade students, the most popular answers to the question: "What aspect of learning English do you consider the most difficult?" are: "Grammar", "Listening", "Speaking". "Grammar" was chosen by 22 people (51%), of which 11 girls (50%) and 11 boys (50%). -21 people (49%) chose "Listening", of which 11 girls (52%) and 10 boys (48%)."Speaking"-16 people (37%) chose "Speaking", of which girls -7 people (44%), and boys -9 people (56%).

The opinions of the respondents also differ on this issue .8th grade students consider Listening to be the most difficult aspect -19 people (55%), and ninth grade students think that the most difficult aspect is Grammar - 22 people (51%).

The study showed that among 8th grade students, the question is: "Why do you think that speaking is one of the most difficult skills in learning English?". The most popular answers are : "I'm afraid to make mistakes", "I don't know the words", "Other"."I'm afraid to make a mistake" was chosen by -14 people (32%), of which 10 girls (71%), and 4 boys (29%). "I don't know the words" was chosen by 12 people (35%), of which 5 girls (42%), and 7 boys (58%). -11 people (32%) chose "Other", of which girls -6 people (56%), and boys -5 people (45%).9th grade students answered the question: "Why do you think that speaking is one of the most difficult skills in learning English?". The most popular answers are : "I'm afraid to make a mistake", "Other", "I'm shy". "I'm afraid to make a mistake" -14 people (33%), of which girls -9 people (64%), and boys - 5 people (36%). "Other" was chosen by -16 people (37%), of which girls -7 people (44%), and boys -9 people (56%). "I'm shy" was chosen by -8 people (18%), of which -7 girls (87%), and -1 boys (13%).

The answers among the respondents in grades 8-9 differ. 8th grade students chose "I'm afraid to make a mistake"-14 people (32%), and 9th grade students chose Another"-16 people (37%).


After conducting a study on the basis of «MBOU Secondary School №9» in Smolensk, we realized that social networks are not only entertainment, but also an assistant when learning foreign languages. Many people cannot imagine their lives without social media.

In this paper, we have reviewed the methods of learning English.We have studied the history of the development of social networks. We interviewed students in grades 8-9 of our school. In the second part of our work, we conducted a practical study based on the data of students of MBOU Secondary School No. 9.And according to the data we have received, we want to confirm our hypothesis that English is necessary for using social networks.

The study involved students in grades 8-9 who study English. There were 77 subjects in total, 35 of them boys and 42 girls.

We found out that the most popular social network is Telegram, as it was chosen by the largest number of subjects - 72 people (93%) of them 31% boys, 57% girls.

The absolute majority believes that English is necessary for working in social networks - 64 people (83%). The most relevant for 8th grade students is the purchase of goods on websites of other countries - 17 people (50%) and for 9th grade students understanding video content - 28 people (65%).

Based on the data obtained, we conclude that working in social networks requires knowledge of the English language. This proves our hypothesis that English is necessary for using social networks.

Since nowadays a lot of content is produced in English, advertisements are displayed, computer commands are used, etc. You can also use social media to practice communicating with foreigners.

However, online communication will never replace real communication!

List of literature:


2. puzzle-english.com

3. ru.wikipedia.org

4. infourok.ru

5. https://martrending.ru/smm/kratkaya-istoriya-poyavleniya-socialnyh-setey

6. https://sssvu.minobr63.ru/istoriya-vozniknoveniya-socialnyx-setej-i-professionalnyx-soobshhestv-v-seti/

7. https://дмип.рф/files/works/611_7475.pdf

8. https://martrending.ru/smm/kratkaya-istoriya-poyavleniya-socialnyh-setey

9. https://moluch.ru/young/archive/11/873/

Просмотров работы: 49