Перевод заголовков газет нашего города на основе грамматического аспекта газетного стиля английского языка.

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Перевод заголовков газет нашего города на основе грамматического аспекта газетного стиля английского языка.

Трофименко Н.И. 1
1МОБУ СОШ №20 г. Белорецк
Алексеева А.В. 1
1МОБУ СОШ №20 г. Белорецк
Автор работы награжден дипломом победителя II степени
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Полная версия работы доступна во вкладке "Файлы работы" в формате PDF


We live at the age of television and computers. But in spite of this fact the importance of newspapers has a central and dominating position. It is connected with the people who have lack of time, so papers are available everywhere: in transport, in offices and cafes, and when people are at rest, at any moment convenient to people. They are always at hand. The key moment in any newspaper is a headline. Newspaper headlines are very important, because they can attract everybody to buy the newspapers. They can do it, because those people who buy newspapers generally look at the headlines at first before they decide if an article is worth reading or not. Therefore it is not surprising if headlines have a great impact on the readers. They should be brief, eye-catching and significant, memorable and effective. So they are written in a short way which is read quickly and fitted easily into a small space on the newspaper.

We consider that the relevance of the topic is connected with the fact, that a newspaper is the main source of information. It saves our time when we search any news. Many readers skim the headlines at first and only then dip into the article. The headline is not only a simple title or a label, but a precise, brief and significant message of information. That’s why it is very important for translators to turn to the problem of deciphering and appropriate interpreting the headlines.

The purpose of the studyis to use some peculiarities of the translation of the newspaper headlines in the grammatical consideration on the examples of the newspapers of our town ‘Beloretskiy Rabochiy’ and ‘Metallurg’.

The objectives of the study:

  • The analysis of the newspaper style.
  • The presentation and characterization of the grammatical peculiarities of the newspaper headlines.
  • The review of the newspapers of our town ‘Beloretskiy Rabochiy’ and ‘Metallurg’ for finding articles with the appropriate headlines.
  • Тhe translation of these headlines into English according to the rules of the Mass Media English.

Hypothesis - some violations and omissions in Grammar lead to the vivid moments to grab attention of people. So majority of people use headlines to decide if to read an article or not.

The object of the research is the grammatical aspect of the English newspaper headlines.

The subject of the researchis the translation of headlines from the newspapers ‘Belotetskiy Rabochiy’ and ‘Metallurg’ into English according to the grammatical point of view of Standard English and Mass Media English.

The methods of the research:

The empirical method:

  • The review of the necessary literature about this item of the research.

The theoretical methods:

  • The generalization of the concept ‘grammatical peculiarities of the English newspaper headlines’.
  • The systematization of the rules used in the translation of the newspaper headlines.
  • The comparative method
  • The comparative analysis of the grammatical rules of Mass Media English and Standard English.

Chapter I

Grammatical features of the English newspaper headlines

The newspaper style was the last of all the written literary English ones to be recognized as a specific form of writing standard apart from other forms. The English newspaper writing dates to the 17th century. At the beginning of the 16th century short news pamphlets began to appear.

The English newspaper style is defined as a system of interrelated lexical, phraseological and grammatical means. It is perceived by the community speaking the language as a separate unity that basically serves the purpose of informing and instructing the reader. The most important informational moment of newspapers is a headline. The headline is the title given to a news item of a newspaper article. The main function of the headlines is to inform the reader briefly of what the news report about. Syntactically headlines are very short sentences or phrases of a variety of patterns. In other words headlines are almost a summary of the information contained in the articles. The newspaper headlines are regarded as a specific style in English. As a result, they have specific grammatical features. Let’s look through the main grammatical features of the English newspaper headlines.

  1. Headlines are not always complete sentences.
  2. Headlines often contain strings of three, four or more nouns. In such expressions of all the nouns except the last one act as adjectives. The easiest way to understand headlines in this way is to read them backwards.
  3. Articles are not used.
  4. Newspaper headlines have a special tense – system:
  • Generally the Simple Present form is used even if the headline is about something that has happened, something that is happening or something that happens repeatedly.
  • Sometimes the Present Progressive tense is used, but the auxiliary verbs (am,is, are) are usually left out.
  • Headlines often use the infinitive to refer to the future.
  1. The Passive Voice is constructed without the auxiliary verbs just like the Past Participle.

In the conclusion of the 1st chapter we can form our grammatical triangle with three main components for translating headlines from Russian into English.

This triangle will be used by us in the 2nd chapter and will become a key figure in our research.

Chapter II

The use of the grammatical triangle of peculiarities in the translating into English headlines from our town newspapers

Having learnt all the grammatical features of the newspaper article headlines we tried to use some of them in our research in the translating the brightest headlines from our town newspapers ‘Beloretskiy Rabochiy’ and ‘Metallurg’. According to the list of the main formulated rules of the writing of headlines in the first chapter we took the most interesting ones from the grammatical point of view. Also our research work is based on the triangle, represented in the first chapter, although one of its components is used in two other ones. It is an omission of some unimportant words to reduce the space of the headlines, leaving only significant and key words. They are articles, conjunctions and particles.

In this research we used two main components of our grammatical triangle - the Tenses and the Voice. In the process of the translating into English the headlines of our town newspapers we also tried to make the comparative analysis of the grammatical rules of Mass Media English and Standard English. And it was presented in the form of the table (Supplement №1). It was used in our project.

We have translated 36 titles from our town newspapers and represented them in the table, where you can see headlines in Russian, the names of newspapers and their dates of the issue, our translations of these headlines in both Standard English and Mass Media English. We have created special brochures for pupils and teachers to use them for working in the section ‘Mass Media English’ (Supplement №2).

Newspaper headlines

in Russian

Standard English

Mass Media English

Present Simple


Она знает нас всех. (Белорецкий рабочий от 05.10.2016).


Рынок живёт и работает. (Белорецкий рабочий от 23.07.2016).


Мало о себе говорят, больше делают. (Белорецкий рабочий от 17.09.2016).


Приносим удачу. (Белорецкий рабочий от 27.01.2017).


ГТО шагает по стране. (Белорецкий рабочий от 03.02.2017).


Опыт приходит с практикой. (Белорецкий рабочий от 28.02.2017).


Девчата не уступают парням. (Белорецкий рабочий от 28.02.2017).


Я работаю в команде. (Металлург от 05.12.2016).


«Вожак» снова в «стае». (Металлург от 28.09.2016).

1.She knows all of us.

2.The Market lives and


3.They tell about themselves little, do more.

4.We bring Good Luck.

5.’RLD’walks along the country.

6.The experience comes with practice.

7.Girls don’t give in to boys.

8.I work in the team.

9.The ’Leader’ is in the ‘pack’ again.

1.She knows all of us.

2.Market lives and


3. They tell about themselves little, do more.

4.We bring Good Luck.

5. ’RLD’ walks along country.

6. Experience comes with practice.

7.Girls don’t give in to boys.

8. I work in team.

9.’Leader’ in ‘pack’ again.

Present/Past Progressive


Число победителей растёт. (Белорецкий рабочий от 13.02.2016).


Готовимся к ремонтам. (Белорецкий рабочий от 07.02.2017).


Ледовые баталии продолжаются. (Белорецкий рабочий от 07.02.2017).


Соревновались медсёстры. (Белорецкий рабочий от 23.04.2016).


Родители держали экзамен. (Белорецкий рабочий от 03.03.2016).

1.The number of winners is growing.

2.We are preparing for the repairing.

3. Ice battles are continuing.

4. Nurses were taking part in the competition.

5. Parents were passing exams.

1. Number of winners growing.

2.We preparing for repairing.

3. Ice battles continuing.

4.Nurses taking part in competition.

5. Parents passing exams.

Past Tenses

Past Simple


Снова конкурс вместе нас собрал. (Белорецкий рабочий от 23.04.2016).


Три ночи на вокзале стали важным этапом моего взросления. (Металлург от 14.11.2016).


Просто служили Родине. (Металлург от 15.02.2017).


Белорецкий медицинский колледж отметил свой 80летний юбилей. (Металлург от 06.12.2016).


Декабрь наступил в ноябре. (Металлург от 03.12.2016).


Школа Металлургов отпраздновала своё 20-летие. (Металлург от 28.09.2016).


Школьный звонок позвал на урок. (Металлург от 28.09.2016).



Если вы получили травму.

(Белорецкий рабочий от 28.05.2016).


Медицина стала ближе.

(Белорецкий рабочий от 06.01.2016).


Сотрудники БМК представили проекты по модернизации. (Металлург от 06.12.2016).


В Белорецке прокуратура пресекла завышение цен на детское питание. (Металлург от 04.10.2016).


Юнармейцы вышли на старт. (Белорецкий рабочий от 28.02.2017).

1.The contest gathered us together again.

2.Three nights in the railway station became the important stage of my growing up.

3.We simply served Motherland.

4.The Beloretsk Medical college celebrated its 80 years anniversary.

5. December came in November.

6.The school of Metallurgists celebrated its twenty years anniversary.

7. The school bell called for the lesson.

1.If you have got a trauma.

2.Medicine has become nearer.

3.Employees of BMP have presented the project in Modernization.

4.The Office of Public Prosecutor has suppressed excessive increasing of children’ s food prices in Beloretsk.

5.Young service-men have gone out in start.

1. Again the contest gathers us together.

2. Three nights in railway station become important stage of my growing up.

3.We simply serve Motherland.

4 Beloretsk Medical college celebrates its 80 years anniversary.

5.December comes in November.

6.School of Metallurgists celebrates its twenty years anniversary.

7. School bell calls for lesson.

1.If you get trauma.

2.Medicine becomes nearer.

3.Employees of BMP present the project in Modernization.

4. Office of Public Prosecutor suppresses excessive increasing of children’s food prices in Beloretsk.

5.Young service-men go out in start.

Future Simple


В город придёт вежливая медицина. (Белорецкий рабочий от 10.02.2017).


И тонны металла уйдут за моря. (Металлург от 12.11.2016).

1. Polite medicine will come to our town.

2.And tons of metal will leave for abroad.

1. Polite medicine to come to town.

2. And tons of metal to leave for abroad.

Passive Voice


В наше время докторам говорили «Спасибо». (Белорецкий рабочий от 30.11.2016).


В минэкономразвития РБ создан отдел по развитию моногородов. (Белорецкий рабочий от 24.08.2016).


Эпидемия ещё не пройдена. (Белорецкий рабочий от 10.02.2017).


Пополнили копилку наград. (Белорецкий рабочий от 03.03.2017).


Кубок достался «Металлургу». (Белорецкий рабочий от 28.02.2017).


Такого в Белорецке ещё не видели! (Белорецкий рабочий от 14.02.2017).


Грант получил – в дело вложил. (Белорецкий рабочий от 27.07.2016).


В Башкортостане проходит операция «Ель – 2016».

(Металлург от 06.12.2016).

1.In our time doctors were said ‘Thanks’.

2.The department for development of single – industry towns has been made in the Ministry of Economic Development.

3.Epidemic has not been cured yet.

4.The money-box was filled up.

5.A Cup was got by ‘Metallurg’.

6.It has not been seen in Beloretsk yet.

7. A grant was got – and put in a business.

8. In Bashkortostan the operation ‘Fir-2016’ is held.

1.In our time doctors said ‘Thanks’.

2.Department for development of single – industry towns made in Ministry of Economic Development.

3.Epidemic not cured yet.

4.The money-box filled up.

5.A Cup got by ‘Metallurg’.

6.It not seen in Beloretsk yet.

7. A grant got – and put in business.

8.In Bashkortostan the operation ‘Fir-2016’ held.

In the process of our translation we noticed remarkable points for us:

some Russian newspaper titles seemed to be used in the Active Voice, but in translating into English we had to use the Passive Voice to keep the right sense. (See in the table examples № 4, 6, 7, 8 in the section ‘Passive Voice’),

it was also strange for us to miss the articles, because they are important and necessary in Standard English,

it was interesting and easy to transform headlines from Standard English into Mass Media English according to our scheme.


There are many aspects to study the newspaper headlines. They can be examined from the different points of view:

  • the structural,
  • the grammatical,
  • the lexical.

We devoted our research work to the grammatical consideration, because it is interesting to compare grammar structures in the newspaper language and in Standard English. We tried to analyze the main grammatical features of the newspaper headlines and to use them in the translation of headlines from our town newspapers. This analysis helped us consolidate our knowledge of the English language in Grammar once more. In the presented triangle we could work out the main and the most difficult grammatical themes from our point of view - Tenses and Voice.

In the process of our comparing and translating headlines we could see main advantages and disadvantages from the grammatical point of view very clearly. The bright advantage of headlines in Grammar is the fact, that the brevity and the omissions let us save space and get our attention. The bright disadvantage of them is the fact, that the Present Simple Tense is used instead of the Past Simple and the Present Perfect Tenses. So such headlines are sometimes easy to misunderstand.

In the conclusion we want to say, that understanding the headlines of the news is a gateway to understanding the whole news, the whole article. So a newspaper headline is an area worth for everybody to go deep into.


  1. Ганеев Б.Т. Английский язык в средствах массовой коммуникации/Башгоспединститут. – Уфа, 1998. – 176с.
  2. Большой русско-английский словарь: С приложением кратких сведений по английской грамматике и орфоэпии, сост. А.И. Смирницкий/ О.С. Ахманова, З.С. Выгодская, Т.П. Горбунова и др. Под общ. рук. А.И. Смирницкого/ Под ред. О.С. Ахмановой. – М.: Рус.яз., 2002. – 768с.
  3. Белорецкий рабочий – статьи. http://www.belrab.ru/rubriki. (Date of the access 09.03.2017).
  4. Архив номеров/Газета Металлург. http://metallurg.betsteel.com/newspapers. (Date of the access 11.04.2017).
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  6. Why Headlines are important. http://sportlens.com/writers-guide/importance-of-headlines. (Date of the access 20.02.2017).



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