Fantastic technologies. Are they myth or reality?

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Fantastic technologies. Are they myth or reality?

Евдокимов Т.М. 1
Михайлова Т.В. 1
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Annex I…………………………………………………………………………………... Annex II…………………………………………………………………………………


Nowadays we live in the century of science and hi-fi technologies. Wonderful inventions are changing the lifestyle of millions of people all over the world. Modern inventions are used in everyday life and make it easier. We can hardly imagine our present day life without important gadgets. One can hardly imagine our present day life without such trivial gadgets as can-openers, air conditioners or vacuum cleaners, calculators, electric kettles, cookers, fridges etc. What are gadgets? What are they for? Why does the modern man need them? I invite you to take part in our work devoted to inventions of XXI century.

People can hardly imagine their lives without modern technologies nowadays. It is almost impossible to go out without a mobile phone or an MP3 player, for example. These devices have become an important part of our life.

All modern offices are equipped with computers, scanners, printers, and other useful machines. One of the most important devices today is the wi-fi modem as it provides Internet. Secondly, technologies surround us at home, in cars and everywhere. It includes TVs, radios, refrigerators, vacuum-cleaners, washing machines, CD-players, e-books, cameras and etc.

So, in our work we decided to study modern technologies, to talk about modern gadgets and robots, to sum up all the words on this theme.(Annex I)

At the very beginning of our work we asked our classmates some questions.

Do you know what are the modern technologies?

What is the most frequently used gadget for you?

Can you imagine your life without your favorite gadget?

Then we have the following answers… can see these answers in our scheme.

So we can see that the theme is rather important and interesting.

Some myths about modern technologies

Any unusual or obscure phenomenon in our life is accompanied by a cloud of myths. We can say the same about modern information technology, where many users make a lot of mistakes and delusions because of its novelty and difficulty in development. Today in our article we will talk about some of them.

1. Using of RAM is bad

This myth is often the reason for many people constantly to try decreasing RAM consumption in every program and the operating system. To tell the truth, this statement is quite the opposite.

RAM is the fastest memory and its speed is faster than hard drives’ or flash drives’ ones. The more data is stored in RAM, the faster you get access to them. And if you constantly clean the RAM, it’s mean that you ineffectively use the potential of your RAM. It is approximately the same as if you would pull out one memory stick and put it in front of you. Here it is such a pure and free as a useless.

2. Unauthorized switch-off a USB flash drive can cause data destruction.

Windows scares us every time that improper extraction of the drive can damage data. Many people believe that if they turn off the stick without the permission of the operating system, their device can be broken with complete loss of all information. In fact, you can safely pull your stick in the case if it is not currently used for data transmission. If the copy or files transference has finished, everything will be ok.

3. You do not need anti-virus, if you are experienced and careful

Sometimes in the articles about computer security you can find out some comments where some users claim that they do not need anti-virus software, because they are careful. “Every virus comes from infected files, doesn’t it? We just do not load any rubbish, so it does not touch us! “.

In fact, this statement became wrong for a long time, and nowadays it is not fully correspond to the reality. Modern wreckers are so clever and use such sophisticated methods of penetration that only the common sense is not enough. Only a comprehensive system of protection can provide the proper level of security. Because along with the rules of behavior in the network, timely updating of the operating system and the software, such system includes anti-virus software with the new databases.

4. Mobile phones cause cancer

Many consumer technologies use some form of light waves. Cellular telephones also emit radio waves and it led to the suspicion that they may be dangerous to health; this thought was confirmed in an alarming report by the World Health Organization. It sounds alarming, doesn’t it? Meanwhile, many researchers tell us that fairly simple physics knowledge debunk this myth. The most dangerous emissions are able to damage DNA but mobile phones don’t explicitly relate to such sources.

5. Every electronic device is dangerous for health

This misconception is based on the myth about the dangers of mobile phones. If they can have a negative impact on us, is it possible that any device with wireless data can be too dangerous? The answer is simple – no.

Pros and corns of Technologies

There is no doubt that in today’s world, technology is an important part of our lives and has a huge impact on the way we communicate, live, and work. The debate continues, however, on whether the part technology plays in our lives is positive or negative in the varied aspects of work, life, and leisure. There are valid arguments on both sides.


1. Global InnovationsIt is a fact that businesses that embrace technology and new technological innovations are strong competitors in the world of business. Businesses that use social media to gain new business and the most cutting edge machines to produce goods are much more likely to thrive than those who do not take advantage of what technology has to offer. On the other hand, although social media may reach more people, it may fail to offer the personal touch that many small businesses used to have with face to face contact; this may result in a loss of strong client relationships and public perception. Using the most up to date machines may ensure faster assembly and production but will also decrease the need for manual labor, which means more people will be unemployed; it also means that smaller businesses will suffer if they can afford new technologies, which again means more businesses will fail and more unemployment will result.

2. AccessHaving access to information any time it is needed is a major benefit of technology today. Most companies, no matter how large, have systems which allow their employees to access or enter necessary data quickly and efficiently, which saves time and money. Unfortunately, these same systems may also be vulnerable to attacks from within and outside the company; hackers and competitors can steal or corrupt data and cause enormous harm to a company’s finances, research, or reputation.

3. EducationEducation is yet another area where technology is having a major impact. Students can find almost any academic material or answer to a research question just by using online resources or academic databases. Not only is it easy and simple to use, it is also inexpensive as many sites do not charge for information that used to be accessed only by purchasing a membership or journal. The downside to all this information available on the Internet is that much of it is not accurate. Wikipedia, for example, is infamous for allowing anyone to add information on a topic; one does not have to be an expert or undergo any fact-checking to make an entry. Many students do not know how to evaluate a site’s reliability and therefore, their research may be flawed.

4. Networking and CommunicationTechnology has also allowed social media to be used for educational purposes. Many educators use it to make sure students are more engaged and can increase their communicative skills; introverted students may feel more at ease using Twitter or Facebook to take part in discussion or express their ideas than speaking up in a classroom situation. Student wikis and forums also allow students with different learning styles and who need time to process ideas more chance to join the discussion in an online medium. It may also allow students to communicate more often and more effectively with their instructors. Twitter and Facebook have been especially effective in helping instructors explain material, answer questions, or share supplementary material with students.


1. DistractionDespite the obvious education benefits, using technology in education also has its disadvantages. For example, students are easily distracted by social media in the classroom; using Twitter or Facebook for non-educational purposes in the classroom can disrupt learning and focus on classroom content. Many educators are worried that students will not learn the social skills that face-to-face communication would teach because they are relying too heavily on social media. If they are not able to express themselves effectively in the real world, this may result in poor performance at social events and job interviews, for example. Perhaps one of the most obvious disadvantages of use of technology in schools is the rise of cyberbullying, which takes place in all educational institutions from grade school to college. Instances of such bullying has been steadily increasing as more and more students rely on social media and technologies such as cell phones and computers to communicate with their peers.

2. Data Collection and ExploitationIt is unusual to meet anyone who does not own a mobile phone, which have become easy to operate and inexpensive enough to be in anyone’s budget. Skype and Google Talk have made expensive long-distance calls a thing of the past; nowadays anyone can make a call or chat with anyone around the world for free or for merely pennies. Not only can people make voice calls, but video calls are also an everyday occurrence. However, owning a mobile phone means that criminals can easily invade our privacy, collecting data and using it for criminal activities. Companies also use cookies to collect data and bombard us with marketing ploys to attract our interest; many companies also sell data to other businesses so that they can contact unwilling potential customers.

There are obvious advantages and disadvantages of modern technology and the debate will no doubt continue for decades to come as technology continues to advance and change. It is certain that technology will continue to be part of our lives and to heavily influence the way we work, live, and interact; whether it be in positive or negative ways seems to be in the choices each person makes in how they choose to use technology in their individual life.

Some Idioms about technology

All-singing, all-dancing

If something's all-singing, all-dancing, it is the latest version with the most up-to-date features.

Bells and whistles

Bells and whistles are attractive features that things like computer programs have, though often a bit unnecessary.

Blow a fuse

If you blow a fuse, you become uncontrollably angry.

Cog in the machine

A person who does an unimportant job in a large company or organisation is a cog in the machine.

Cutting edge

Something that is cutting edge is at the forefront of progress in its area.

Don't push my buttons!

This can be said to someone who is starting to annoy you.

Driven by a motor

This is used to describe people with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder when they talk excessively: 'they act as if driven by a motor.'

Fire on all cylinders

If something is firing on all cylinders, it is going as well as it could.

Garbage in, garbage out

If a computer system or database is built badly, then the results will be bad.

Get your wires crossed

If people get their wires cross, they misunderstand each other, especially when making arrangements. ('Get your lines crossed' is also used.)

Hear something on the jungle telegraph

(UK) If you hear something on the jungle telegraph, you pick up some information or informal gossip from someone who shares some common interest.  ('Bush telegraph' is also used.)

Hit the airwaves

If someone hits the airwaves, they go on radio and TV to promote something or to tell their side of a story.

Hold the wire

If you ask someone on the telephone to hold the wire, you want them to wait and not hang up.

Leading edge

If something is on the leading edge, it is using the most advanced technology available.

Light years ahead

If you are light years ahead of others, you are a long way in front of them in terms of development, success, etc.

On the same wavelength

If people are on the same wavelength, they have the same ideas and opinions about something.

Push the panic button

If someone pushes the panic button, they respond to a situation by becoming very frightened or excited.

Rocket science

If something is not rocket science, it is not very complicated or difficult to understand. This idiom is normally used in the negative.

Silver surfer

A silver surfer is an elderly person who uses the internet.

Sputnik moment

A Sputnik moment is a point where people realise that they are threatened of challenged and have to redouble their efforts to catch up. It comes from the time when the Soviet Union launched the first satellite, the Sputnik 1, and beat the USA into space.

Well-oiled machine

Something that functions very well is a well-oiled machine.


Blender-a piece of electricalequipment that mixesfoods or turnssoftfood into a liquid

Coffee machine-a machine that you put money into in order to get a hotdrink

microwave oven-an oven that cooks food very quickly by passing electricity through it, instead of using heat

fridge- a piece of equipment that is used for storingfood at low temperatures

dishwasher-a machine that washes dishes

toaster-a piece of electricalequipmentused for makingtoast

mixer- a machine that mixes something

grinder - a machine that cutsfood into very smallpieces, especiallycoffee, meat, or pepper

Juicer-a piece of electrical equipment for getting juice from fruit and vegetables

deep-fat fryer- large deep pan used for cooking food in oil

steamer - a container used for cooking food with steam

kettle-a container that is used for boilingwater. It has a lid, a handle, and a spout(=a part for pouring).


Vacuum cleaner-a piece of electrical equipment that cleans floors by sucking up dirt

TV set-electrical equipment for watching films

Hairdrier-a piece of electricalequipmentused for making your hairdry after you have washed it

MP3 player a piece of equipmentused for playingMP3 files

Air conditioner-a piece of electricalequipment that makes the airinside a building, room, or vehiclecolder

Smartphone-a mobilephone that also works as a small computer, allowing you to storeinformation and writeletters and reports

digital camera-a camera that takes and storespictures and video in the form of electronicsignals

teeth brush-a small brush used for cleaning your teeth

mower-a machine used for cutting grass


Computer-a machine that storesprograms and information in electronic form and can be used for a variety of processes, for examplewriting, calculating, and communicating on the Internet

Calculator-a small piece of electronic equipment used for doing calculations

The tablet- a machine that storesprograms and information in electronic form and can be used for a variety of processes

Printer- a piece of equipmentused for printingdocuments that you have createdon a computer

Fax-ax or fax machine [COUNTABLE] a piece of equipment for sending and receiving copies of documents in electronic form

Scanner- a piece of equipment that is used for copying a picture or document into a computer

Lamp-an electric light, especially a small one, that stands on a table or desk

Use a desk lamp when you study.

Duplicator-to make an exactcopy of something such as a document, thing

СonclusionNowadays technologies and devises are very important, technologies of the future are among us, but we must not forget that everything should be within reasonable limits

There is no doubt that new technologies help us to develop, increase life level, prolong our life time and so on. However we are strongly concerned that they should be used only in peaceful purpose, not damaging our environment and our lives.

Annex I

Annex II

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