The Top Colour Of Nature,The Colour Of Hope And Future, The Colour-Moderator!

V Международный конкурс научно-исследовательских и творческих работ учащихся
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The Top Colour Of Nature,The Colour Of Hope And Future, The Colour-Moderator!

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"Going green is simply and easy " Goethe

2017 year has been declared the Year of Ecology and Environment, at the same time it is the Year of especially protected natural territories, the emblem of the Year of Ecology presents rich, unique objects of Nature and efforts to keep the Environment clean and tidy in Russia.So, our Research group has taken the colour concept «зеленый» in three cultures: Russia, England and Bashkortostan as the top colour of Nature. «Зеленый» takes a special place in the spectrum of sunny light: it is between aggressive and calm tints – yellow and blue, active and passive. It is mild, tender and warm, it is so friendly for our eyes, it is colour of our planet the Earth, the colour – Moderator!It is one of the first ancient colours recognized in Russia, England and many other countries.The concept «colour» has a great meaning in any language. The more «colour» words has a language the richer is the culture, customs and traditions of the people.So the words «зеленый», «green», «йəшел» are the Subject of our Research.

The objectives of the project are:


Research the history of the origin of the word «зеленый» in Russian culture, the word «йəшел» in Bashkir language, the word «green» in English culture.


Match the meaning and the usage of these words in concrete cultures.


Familiarize with the influence of national authentically features upon the concept «зеленый цвет» in cultures: Russia, the UK and Bashkortostan through studying fiction, Art, documents, mass-media materials, DVD-CD products, Internet resources.


Bringing up in the atmosphere of love and care for Nature and our Environment: Get growing! Organize teams and get planting in your neighborhood. «It's not our land, we've borrowed it from our children» Indian saying.


Forming the correct attitude and understanding of the idea of Ecology 2017.

Methods of the Research are:


Theoretical – studying informative materials, dictionaries, fiction


Empirical – linguistic watching (proverbs and sayings)


Sociological – interview, surveing


Statistical methods of working up the data

According to D.N. Ushakov, Volkov, Dal, Webster, Longman and Bashkir language Dictionaries the words «зеленый», «green», «йəшел» can be traced off in following meanings.

Indian Sanskrit

the 9-11 centuries

Slavonic – zelenъ – становиться зеленым

Germanic – gelb – желтеть

Old Russian: gēl: gōl- голубой, зеленый, желтый, золотой

– zel – зелень, озимь

Old Germanic – zaligan – зеленый

Old English – grōwan – grōw – grēne - grēn

Turkish – yeşil, йəш, йəшеллек

As the history has been developing the meanings of the concept «зеленый цвет» are becoming more and more perfect:

Зеленый цвет

Позеленевший от зависти







Мягкий, теплый


Молодость, сила

Доверчивый, простодушный

Светофор зеленый

«Зеленая улица»


В отблесках цвета «зеленый» - Наша жизнь!

1. Concept «зеленый» - «green» - «йəшел» and their origin

in three cultures: Russia, England and Bashkortostan

We have studied a lot of reference books, a number of various newspapers, the Internet materials and understood that the words «зеленый», «green», «йəшел» have got ancient origin: they all appeared approximately in the bronze epoch with the usage of copper – green paint at that time. Green colour takes a unique place in the colour spectrum, between expressive and calm shades, it is physically optimal and neutral, the «face» of nature and environment, taken by whole mankind in spite of different religious outlooks: In Old China – the colour of precious stones, Egypt – a wholly positive one for a country with hot climate. Old Rome considered this colour for women, so tender and mild, asking for protection.Christianity assumes «green» as the colour of the Earth and life. Green tints in Islam are much more worshipped, according to it, all the spiritual and material goods are associated with plants: food, shadow, beauty, coolness.In the Middle Century the colour acquired some new shades: «fallen grass», «dark forest», «sadness and solitude».

The concept «зеленый цвет»




из словарей Ожегова, Волкова, Ушакова

1. Зеленый – зеленое, зелен, зелень

2. цвет зелени, травы, листвы, один из семи цветов радуги

3. растительный, зеленые насаждения, парки

4.зеленый город

5. «зеленые» крестьянские отряды во время гражданской войны 1919-1920 гг.

6. «зеленые» улицы

7. напиться до зеленого змея

8. «елки» зеленые!

9. цвет лица

10. незрелые зеленые помидоры

11. «зеленый» друг

12. молодо – зелено

13. тоска зеленая

14. свет в светофоре - разрешающий

grōwan – grōw – grēne – grēn

1. зеленый цвет

2. позеленевший от зависти

3. растительность, листва

4. зеленый, сочный

5. растительная пища

6. незрелый, сырой

7. бледный, болезненный

8. новичок

9. быть не таким простачком

10. иметь золотые руки

11. доллары

12. зеленый свет светофора

13. быть бодрым, в рассвете сил

14. «зеленый» пояс

15. «зеленые» новости

16. «зеленая» партия

17. «зеленый» мир

18. молодо-зелено

19. ревнивый

20. завистливый

yeşil, йəш, йəшеллек

1. зеленый цвет

2. один из семи цветов радуги между желтым и голубым

3. цвет молодой листвы

4. пожелтевший, усохший

5. молодо-зелено

6. зеленое сено

7. зелень

8. овощи зеленые

9. молодецкая удаль

10. жизнь

11. зеленые насаждения

12. зеленое поле

13. болезненный

14. незрелый

15. ярко-зеленый

16. цвет летней зелени

17. свет (разрешающий в светофоре)


Maximal meaning of the concept «зеленый»

«Зеленый цвет» - 14 «Green» - 20«Йəшел» - 17

Common for both languages

Один из основных цветов радуги Green lights

Цвет травы «Grass» colour

Юный Young

Болезненный Ill

Ревнивый Jealous

Different meaning

Тоска зеленая Любовь

Испугаться (позеленеть от страха» Ревность



Напиться до зеленого змея

2. The symbolic meaning of the word «зеленый»

in Russian culture

Colour has always played the main role in the life of any society in the centre of Russian linguistic awareness the concept «зеленый» is the first in the meaning of giving life, hope and future, connected with Spring and living in harmony with Nature, it is the colour of fertility and the richness of the place where we live.The concept «зеленый» has a wide specter of synonyms, describing concrete periods of Russian History and Culture: зеленый, ярко-зеленый, цвет липы, цвет мяты, свежей листвы, оливковый, изумрудный, бутылочный, болотный, цвет весеннего сада.

Since the ancient times the colour «зеленый» has been the symbol of Nature – its greenage and Divine Beauty

One of the main colours – Moderator (taken by all religious confessions of the world)

The Ecology emblem of the year – 2017

3. Tracing off the colour word «green»

in English Culture

To express the «colour nature» of the language, the British use «green» in the following shades: greenish, olive, bottle green, dark green, pea green, sage green, sea green, viridian, aquamarine, emerald, lime. So we can see that the Russian «зеленый цвет» is given in 4 main meanings: Nature, Spring, Lights, Youth.The British «green» is given in 20 meanings, the most important of them: Nature, Youth, Green lights, English garden, Mildness (Mild winter), Love and Jealousy (Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English).In indirect meaning: green appearance – позеленевший от болезни, green age, «green hand» - новичок, «green wound» - свежая рана, «green» old age – цветущий, бодрый. The direct meaning the word «green» denotes «colour»: Nature – (Greenland, greenwoods, green valleys, green fingers.The «green» colour today is a leading one, very successful and competitive with great future.

The colour of Ecology «Green Peace», «Green Party»

The colour of Ireland and England (The Emerald Country, The Garden of the UK)

The colour of successful advertising.

. The «green» masterpieces around the world- «green» poetry

The concept «зеленый» in three cultures has taken place not only in the spoken languages of the people, it has proudly entered into the World Art and Literature The great masters of Pen often used the green paint in their works to express tenderness, power, strength of Nature, its Beauty and Youth. Green – so radiant, so changing into hundreds of brilliant shades. The Russian classics of the 18-19th centuries wrote much about Nature.

Tutchev F.I. Лист зеленеет молодой

Смотри, как листьем молодым

Стоят обвеяны березы,

Воздушной зеленью сквозной,

Полупрозрачною, как дым...

Давно им грезилось весной,

Весной и летом золотым,—

И вот живые эти грезы,

Под первым небом голубым,

Пробились вдруг на свет дневной...

V Zhukovsky. Летний вечер

…И вишням дай румяный цвет,Не позабудь горячий светРассыпать на зеленый сад,И золотистый виноградОт зноя листьями прикрыть,И колос зрелостью налить.

My heart in the Highlands

My heart`s in the Highlands, my heart is not here;My heart`s in the Highlands, a chasing the deer;Chasing the wild deer, and following the roe;My heart in the Highlands, wherever I go.- Farewell to the Highlands, farewell to the North;The birth- place of Valour, the country of Worth;Wherever I wander, wherever I rove,The hills of the Highlands for ever I love.- Farewell to the mountains high cover`d with snow;Farewell to the Straths and green vallies below:Farewell to the forests and wild-hanging woods;Farewell to the torrents and loud-pouring floods.

Great American Henry Longfellow wrote a hymn of Nature in his immortal masterpiece «The song of Hiawatha»

Should you ask me, whence these stories? Whence these legends and traditions, With the odors of the forest With the dew and damp of meadows,With the curling smoke of wigwams,With the rushing of great rivers,With their frequent repetitions,And their wild reverberationsAs of thunder in the mountains?I should answer, I should tell you,'From the forests and the prairies,From the great lakes of the Northland,From the land of the Ojibways,From the land of the Dacotahs,From the mountains, moors, and fen-landsWhere the heron, the Shuh-shuh-gah,Feeds among the reeds and rushes.I repeat them as I heard themFrom the lips of Nawadaha,The musician, the sweet singer.'

Если спросите — откуда

Эти сказки и легенды

С их лесным благоуханьем,

Влажной свежестью долины,

Голубым дымком вигвамов,

Шумом рек и водопадов,

Шумом, диким и стозвучным,

Как в горах раскаты грома? -

Я скажу вам, я отвечу:

"От лесов, равнин пустынных,

От озер Страны Полночной,

Из страны Оджибуэев,

Из страны Дакотов диких,

С гор и тундр, с болотных топей,

Где среди осоки бродит

Цапля сизая, Шух-шух-га.

Повторяю эти сказки,

Эти старые преданья

По напевам сладкозвучным

Музыканта Навадаги".

6. Everyday usage of colour words:

«зеленый» - «green» - «йəшел»

Green, colour of life so fresh and new!

For every nation since ancient times, color has been a means of understanding the world. It served as a description of the most events in Nature and the most valuable things in human's life. Lots of proverbs and sayings are associated with the concept «зеленый цвет».

Many idioms in the Russian language are associated with the word «зеленый»: «зеленый коридор» - разрешение; «позеленеть от зависти» - завидовать сильно; «в глазах зеленеет» - кому-то плохо; «зеленый юнец» - молодой, неопытный. They are the main in the language

Детство - зелено, молодость - храбра, старость мудра.

The attitude of the British to the color «green» is also reflected in language: in stable expressions, proverbs, sayings. Green is the color of life, joy, vitality, physical strength and youth, it expresses:

I. Positive emotions:

green old age – цветущая молодость

the green years – юныегоды

to keep a memory green – хранитьхорошуюпамять

greenfinger(thumb) – садоводческое искусство

III. The word «green» in English proverbs and sayings:

The grass is always greener on the other side (Там хорошо, где нас нет);

To have green fingers (быть хорошим садоводом);

I’m green with envy (Я позеленел от зависти);


One touch of nature makes the whole world kin. (William Shakespeare)

Thus, as a result of our comparison we concluded, that not all expressions that include the name «green colour» will be a literal translation from one language to another.To identify the national identity of the people, world vision requires comparison of two or more languages: Russian, English and Bashkir: "Every nation has its own way of perception and reflection of the world and creates his colour picture of language. This awareness of identity becomes more distinct in the matching process with another system of perception" (Uraksin Z. G.).In this connection it was important to study the lifestyle of the people, their history, customs and traditions in connection with the usage of colour word «зеленый».The practical significance of our Research is in the given materials, statements and conclusions that will contribute to the effective study of the Russian, English and Bashkir languages. And we are sure that the results of our Research will be used at the lessons of Russian, English and Bashkir languages, at linguistic seminars and conferences and will contribute the Ecological culture and Patriotic education of schoolchildren.

You could cover the whole world with asphalt,But sooner or later green grass would break through.(Ilya Ehrenburg)

Reference Literature

Akhmanova O.S.; Russian-English Dictionary, “Russian Languages Publisher”, 1981

Evans Virginia, Dooley Jenny; Spotlight 7; Prosveshenie – Moscow; 2014

Longman; New Contemporary Advanced Learn’s English, “Express Publisher”, 2006

Muller V.K.; “English-Russian Dictionary”, Moscow, 1973

Nuariakhmetov G.M.; “My Homeland is Bashkortostan”; Birsk, 2002

Tomakhin G. D. the dictionary of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. – M.: AST-PRESS BOOK, 2003

Tsaryov A.; Humane English; Sterlitamak, 2003

Vezhbitskaya A. N. Understanding cultures through their key words. M., 2001

Hisametdinova F. Academic dictionary of the Bashkir language, 2015

Shanski N. Fraseology of the Russian language, 1996

Ushakov D. Academic dictionary of the Russian language, 1940

Hotuncev Yu. L. Ecology and environmental safety. A textbook for students of higher pedagogical educational institutions; Academy - Moscow, 2004.

Kostin, A.I. Ecopolitology and global studies; M: Aspect-Press, Moscow, 2005.

Erdakov L. N.; Chernyshova O. N. Ecology; Infra-M , 2013.


Copies of the articles from the Dictionaries.

Copies of the extracts from the fiction.

Copies of the articles from “This is Bashkortostan”

Copies of linguistic issues from “Spotlight” 7, 10, 11

Copies of the photographs and materials of the Internet resources

Copies of the photographs and materials of the Ecological projects of school №12

Copies of the result of surveying among school children and adults of school №12

Просмотров работы: 37