Волшебная сила музыки - The magic of music

V Международный конкурс научно-исследовательских и творческих работ учащихся
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Волшебная сила музыки - The magic of music

Малых С.А. 1
1МАОУ Лицей 14 им. Ю.А. Гагарина
Илларионова Е.А. 1
1МАОУ Лицей №14 им. Ю.А. Гагарина
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It's not a secret that music plays an integral role in our lives. Music is something that haunts you throughout the entire day. No matter whether you are commuting to work or doing grocery shopping, your ears always hear different sounds and melodies. Yet still a few people have a clear understanding of music, it has much more to offer than just education and entertainment.

Music has the capacity to increase people’s empathy. A person’s general physical and mental state ranges from bursting out crying to experiencing incredible feelings of excitement and inspiration that pierce your heart and soul. Everything becomes joyful around. By its rhythm, melody, harmony, dynamics, variety of sound combinations and colors music conveys an endless range of feelings and moods. Its strength lies in the fact that it passes the mind and gets directly into your soul, creates mood. Depending on content, music can cause a variety of feelings and desires for doing something. It can relax, settle you down, cheer up, irritate, etc.

Aristotle claimed that music can influence a person’s character building in a certain way. Avicenna called music a "non-drug" way of treatment, along with diet, flavors and laughter. British dramatist William Contreev was convinced that music has magical power and can pacify a savage, soften a stone and bend a dumpy oak.

Primitive people believed that a sound magically combines the forces of the sky and the earth. Listening to the first melodies of the first musical instruments, such as shamanic drums, ratchets and bone flutes, humanity realized: music can do a lot, including curing. The ancient Chinese believed that music sometimes gets people rid of some diseases that are beyond the control of doctors.

That’s how modern scientists explain the influence of music on health: musical sounds create energy fields that make each cell of our body vibrate. We absorb "musical energy" and it changes the rhythm of our breathing, blood pressure, heart rate. Some kinds of music help us to overcome difficulties, pain, gain mental resistance and give us strength. And some music is able to immerse you into a coma, make feel panic or make you vomit.

The goal and the objectives

The goal of my project is to understand the influence of a certain music note and music sounds in general on people’s health. Also, I wanted to establish how different genres of music affect children at school age.

Proceeding from the goal, I set the following objectives:

1. To study the literature on this issue;

2. Listen to music of different genres and styles;

3. Carry out the survey;

4. Analyze the results and draw conclusions.

How does music affect the entire organism?

music is able to have a certain impact

on the ethical side of a soul; and since music has

such properties, then, obviously, it must be

included into youth’s education.


Music is life! It affects all living beings and the world around us.

It seems to me that music is out of this world. It is like a reflection of a different space, different time and different world. Music sounds in noise of a waterfall, rustling of leaves and singing of birds.

In ancient time wise men worshiped the power of Soul, Melody and Song. Celtic priests attached great importance on music; they even hired a special category of people - bards, who studied music and distributed it to society.

Pythagoras studied music in Egypt and made it the subject of science in Italy. When he received deep knowledge in the God theory of music, Pythagoras established music as an exact science. It is known that the Pythagoreans used special melodies to deal with furiosity and anger. They gave mathematic lessons to the sounds of music because Pythagoreans noticed that it has beneficial impact on mental capacity.

History kept the information that many historical figures used so-called «music therapy». King David cured the depression of King Saul with his harp play, and also saved him from many diseases.

In the III century BC in the Parthian kingdom people built a special music and medical center. Music was used as the remedy for melancholy and mental tension. Ancient people said that the universe has a special sound, but humans’ hearing does not catch heaven sounds. Every human is a part of the universe. Each of us will acquire spiritual strength and physical health if we tune to the harmonious sounds of the space through beautiful melodies.

Since the XIX century, science has gained a lot of vital information about the impact of music on people and living organisms. It was provided by the results of many researches. Nowadays, scientists try to explain the influence of particular music instruments on living creatures. It is also interesting to know the effect of great composers’ masterpieces, traditional folk trends in music, as well as modern trends on our well-being.

Well-known Russian surgeon Academician B. Petrovsky used music sounds during complicated operations: according to his observations, the body of an operated person begins to work more harmoniously under the influence of music.

Sounds of a bell kill influenza viruses in a few seconds. Music therapy is used to treat diabetes mellitus. There is a direct connection between a level of sugar in blood and a person’s mental state. Thus, by changing and regulating one's mental state, a person can change a level of sugar in blood.

Recently, scientists from the German University conducted an interesting experiment: they compared the effectiveness of sleeping aids and lullabies for better sleeping on a group of volunteers. Surprisingly, it was found that melodies proved to be much more effective than medicines: the dream after them was stronger and deeper among the respondents.

Music can significantly distract us while driving (contrary to common belief). Drivers were tested while listening to their own choice of music, silence or “safe” music choices provided by the researchers. Of course, their own music was preferred, but it also proved to be more distracting: drivers made more mistakes and drove more aggressively when listening to their own choice of music. It seems that unfamiliar, or uninteresting, music is best for safe driving.

Particular attention is focused on the influence of great classics’ music on living creatures. Here are just some observations.

Specialists consider Mozart's music to be a phenomenon in the influence of music on living organisms. For example, not so long ago, the world's oldest British scientific journal “Nature” published an article by an American researcher Dr. Franzis Rauscher about the positive impact of Mozart's music on human intellect. The conducted experiments confirmed that music causes not only emotional feelings, but also great effectiveness of mental work. After 10-minute listening to Mozart's piano music, the tests showed an increase in smartness coefficient for the students who participated in the experiment, an average on 8-9 units. It is interesting that music boosted the mental abilities of all the participants - both those who loved Mozart and who did not. During the experiment, scientists also found that:

Mozart's music improves memory and stimulates thinking, positively affects the success in pupils’ studies by 40-50%;

Mozart's music has a relaxing effect, so it is a great way to help anxious children;

The sounds of Mozart's music strengthen the microscopic muscles of the middle ear, improving hearing;

Mozart's masterpieces are recommended for headaches removal, as well as during the recovery period, for example after examinations, tests, conflicts and extreme situations etc.;

Mozart's music gives children a burst of creative power.

2.22 The effect of a particular note on people’s sense organs.

“If there are bad vibrations (mobile phones, microwave ovens, television sets, computers), consequently there must be useful sounds for health, which neutralize harm of bad ones!” These words belong to Russian scientists Vladimir Gorovsky and Ivan Zhelobov. They carried out some researches about vibrations with the help of 123 volunteers. So, the main thing that turned out from the experiment was about a connection between each music note and its influence on a particular organ.


This note is responsible for smelling. Its’ vibrations are associated with the skeleton system, the muscles of a back, with legs and digestive system. Therefore, treatment with a DO note will be a good addition to medical therapy if you have problems with joints, digestive tract disturbance, poor blood circulation and anemia (or other blood diseases). DO increases the level of hemoglobin. And it also removes melancholy and blocks the center of fear in the brain.


RE is responsible for taste sensation. It affects metabolism, reproductive organs, skin and fat deposits. Listening to this note improves the functioning of the kidneys and lymphatic system. The RE note will help to cure asthma, bronchitis and clear your body from toxins, which makes you lose weight. In addition, the note enhances physical and mental energy, relieving you from dullness and apathy.


Mainly, this one is in charge of eyesight. It also encourages cells restoring, stimulates muscles working, and enhances intellectual activity. MI improves functioning of liver, kidneys and it calms nerves, relieves headaches. It is useful to sing or listen to this note if you are bored and messy.


FA is responsible for the sense of touch. Its vibrations are familiar to those which come from a heart, lungs and some endocrine organs. In addition, this note has a beneficial effect on the immune system. Energy notes FA normalizes physiological processes, such as sweating, digestion etc. It also has a natural disinfecting effect. FA is an indispensable assistant in problems with high blood pressure, insomnia and irritability. Another treatment ability of this note is about allergies, hay fever, injuries and shock conditions. Singing and listening to the FA helps to get rid of pain in back and mental exhaustion.


This note is associated with hearing. It affects the hearing aid, nervous system, spinal cord, metabolism and temperature control. SOL’ favorably affects the throat, neck; it has a beneficial effect on cells reproduction in a certain part of the body. It is used for treatment of laryngitis and other infections of a throat, as well as dealing with vomiting, fever, diseases of the hearing aid and head.


The note LA is associated with the so-called sixth sense, and with all men’s feelings in general. It makes muscular deformations proceed more quickly than ever and improves coordination of movements. The note also enhances our ability to control pain. With the help of LA people cure nerve diseases, convulsions, obsessions, frustration and paralysis. LA is a good remedy when it comes to excessive bleeding, swelling, and difficulties with breathing.


Vibration of the SI note has a harmonizing effect on the whole organism. It helps to maintain the proper balance of kalium and sodium, calcium and phosphorus, iron, iodine and other micro-elements. It is responsible for blood in general and for work of the spleen, in particular. The SI note helps you cure neuralgia, convulsions and lack of vitamins. And her vibrations are great for meditations. If you want to restore self-esteem or cope with a personal grief or remove stress - just listen to this note.

Practical part: the survey.

Inspired by the influence of music on a person, I decided to conduct my research among elementary, secondary and senior students of the Lyceum №14 named after Y.A. Gagarin. I made up some questions and asked students. 98 pupils took part in the survey.

Here are the questions:

–Do you like listening to music?

- 100% of the respondents answered in the affirmative.

–Which melody made the greatest impression on you?

(The respondents heard the following: “Hey, Sailor!”; “Green Sleeves”; “Heavy Rock”).

I composed a diagram, which shows students were mostly impressed by classical and lively, dynamic music. In junior classes, there were crazy behavior and noise while kids were listening to the rock.

–Do you consider music essential in everyday life?

- 100% of children claim that music is needed.

–Does your mood change when you listen to music?

88% of respondents answered that their mood improved.

–Which one of the fragments made of you feel better after listening?

In the diagram we can see that most children noticed their health improving after listening to classical and lively music.

The students were offered to express their feelings with colorful pencils after listening to music. The results turned out to be really interesting - the students depicted classic and joyful music in light-rainbow colors, whereas the heavy rock was imaged in gloomy, even aggressive way.


To sum up all the above mentioned information, it is possible to draw conclusions about the influence of music on a person. Classical music is good for any person; it improves memory, calms down and heals the nervous system. There is some music that we listen to more often, because we are attracted by its’ intonation, harmony and rhythm. But heavy rock causes aggression, irritation. It was proved by the behavior of elementary school students when they were listening to rock. Anyway, it’s up to each of us and no one has the right to tell us what to listen. I just wanted to show you how much sounds have impact on every part of our bodies.

I hope you learned something new about the music surrounding us from my project. Maybe this information will be useful for you. I want to finish with the words of D.D. Shostakovich: "The treasures of music are inexhaustible. Thanks to music, you will find new, previously unknown forces in yourself. "

The used literature.

1. Batitsky M.: Do you know music? : M .: Music 1987.

2 Zhavinina O., Zayats L. Musical Education: Search and Finds // Art in School. 2003. № 5. - P. 5-6.

3. The magazine "Healing Forces" №1,1996.

4 Zilberkvit M. The world of music. - Moscow: Children's Literature, 1988. - 20 p.

5. Radynova OP: Musical masterpieces: M.: "Publishing house GNOME and D" 2000.

6 Cherednichenko Т.V. "Music in the history of culture": Magazine "Miracles and Adventures" №1,1996.

7. Shkolyar LV, Shkolyar VA, Kritskaya ED: Musical education in school: Moscow: "Academy" 2001.

Просмотров работы: 106