Смена Королевского караула: бесполезная или исторически обусловленная традиция.

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Смена Королевского караула: бесполезная или исторически обусловленная традиция.

Руденко Н.С. 1
Курманалиева С.В. 1
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Relevance. Great Britain is a country of traditions. The Changing of the Royal Guard is the most colorful one. The changing of the Guard happens every day at Buckingham Palace, the Queen’s home in London. The ceremony always attracts a lot of spectators – Londoners as well as visitors – to the British capital. [1, p. 35]

Aim. However, some tour operators consider this tradition as useless (for example, www.jazztour.com). [3] We were really surprised by this definition. Having looked through Internet sources and special literature we can prove values of this ceremony.

Tasks. The plan of our research is as follows: a bit of history, personnel of the Royal Guard and its financial worthwhile.

Hypothesis. Having learnt the history of this ceremony, we are strongly convinced that the useless ceremony couldn’t exist so long. This ceremony hasn’t changed since 1660.

As for the men you can see in front of Buckingham Palace (and other locations), they are not just ceremonial guards but also serving soldiers. While upholding the traditions of the past, they also perform duties throughout the world as professional military servicemen and are known as some of the most elite and skilled soldiers in the British Army.[4]

The Changing of the Royal Guard attracts not only the tourists but the finance for the country economics as well.

In conclusion, supporting the ceremonial Guards is expensive but is obviously worthwhile. The Government will never spend a lot of money on keeping “useless” traditions. Moreover, the Changing of the Royal Guard tradition has a great moral effect. Watching it spectators can admire everything including the perfect military appearance and bearing of the Guardsmen and their proper discipline.

A bit of History

Changing the Guard is one of the most colorful ceremonies you are ever likely to see. The responsibility of guarding the Sovereign dates to Henry VII, spanning nearly 700 years of tradition. [1, p.36]

Changing the Guard is not entirely ceremonial. It is a tradition that highly trained soldiers guard the King or Queen. These are some of the best soldiers in the British Army and have fought in virtually every major conflict.

Changing the Guard

Soldiers who have been on duty at St James's Palace and Buckingham Palace the 'Old' Guard' are relieved by the 'New Guard'. The strength of the guard is governed by the Queen's presence. If the Royal standard is flying above the palace the Queen is in residence and the guard will be larger.

11.00am The St James's Palace detachment is inspected.11.00am The Buckingham Palace detachment is inspected.11.15am The 'Old Guard' arrives at Buckingham Palace. [2]

The Procedure of the ceremony is as follows:

The Changing of the Guard ceremony is the formal handing-over of responsibility from the “old guard” who have been standing guard at St. James’s and Buckingham Palace/ to the “new guard”. The ceremony begins at 11:00 a. m. when Foot Guards of the old guar from up in Friary Court at the side of St. James’s Palace. A Corps of Drums, a Pipe Band or a full Military Band then plays the guard down The Mall to the forecourt of Buckingham Palace.

11.30 a.m. when the new guard forms up inside Wellington Barracks while a Regimental Band plays. When the old guar is ready, the new guard marches across into the forecourt. Once the old and new guards are drawn up facing each other, the Captain of the old guard hands the keys of the Palaces to the Captain of the new guard. New sentries are then marched to their positions while the Ban plays and the Colours (regimental flags) of the old and new guards are paraded.

12.10 a.m. the sentries have been set. The band and old guar then leave for Wellington Barracks, slow marching out of the forecourt and saluting the new guard as they pass. The new guard for St. James’s marches behind its music up The Mall to Friary Court. This is where the Changing of the Guard ceremony ends, and a tradition that goes back.

Personnel of the Royal Guard

A Royal Guard describes any group of military bodyguards, soldiers or armed retainers responsible for the protection of a royal person, such as Emperor/Empress, King/Queen, or Prince/Princess. They often are an elite unit of the regular armed forces, or are designated as such, and may maintain special rights or privileges. The men you will see in front of Buckingham Palace (and other locations) are not just ceremonial guards but also serving Soldiers. While upholding the traditions of the past, they also perform duties throughout the world as professional soldiers and are known as some of the most elite and skilled soldiers in the British Army. Therefore, Changes may occur in the guard change as the soldiers are required for operational duties.

The Queen's Guards are all part of the Household Division who have guarded the Sovereign and the Royal Palaces since 1660.

The Household Division is made up of seven regiments of the British Army:

TheHousehold CavalryRegiment

The Life Guards

The Blues and Royals

Five Regiments ofFoot Guards

The Grenadier Guards

The Coldstream Guards

The Scots Guards

The Irish Guards

The Welsh Guards

Most of the time it is soldiers from one of these regiments that will be outside Buckingham Palace, but do not be surprised if on some occasions you do not see the traditional guardsmen, particularly in August when often other regiments guard the Queen. The responsibility of guarding the Sovereign by the Household Troops (as they were known at the time) dates back to the time of Henry VII (1485-1509).


Having learnt the history of this ceremony, we are strongly convinced that the useless ceremony couldn’t exist so long. This ceremony hasn’t changed since 1660. The Changing of the Royal Guard attracts not only the tourists but the finance for the country economics as well.

In conclusion, supporting the ceremonial Guards is expensive but is obviously worthwhile. The Government will never spend a lot of money on keeping “useless” traditions. Moreover, the Changing of the Royal Guard tradition has a great moral effect. Watching it spectators can admire everything including the perfect military appearance and bearing of the Guardsmen and their proper discipline.


1. L.S. Baranovssky, D.D. Kozaks. How do you do Britain? M., 2007;

2. Changing the Guard at Buckingham Palace. – Guide for tourists;

3. www.jazztour.com

4. www.wikipedia.com

Просмотров работы: 234