Секреты китайской кухни

V Международный конкурс научно-исследовательских и творческих работ учащихся
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Секреты китайской кухни

Шмаева О.В. 1
1Одинцовский лицей №6 им. А. С. Пушкина
Скира Н.М. 1
1Одинцовский лицей №6 им. А. С. Пушкина
Автор работы награжден дипломом победителя II степени
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Aims: To explore Chinese cuisine, to learn new hieroglyphs, to cook one of the dishes of the Chinese cuisine and make a film about Chinese cuisine.


To explore the secrets of the Chinese cuisine;

Basic rules of the Chinese cuisine;

Culinary schools in China;

Meal in China;

The basic rules of the Chinese feed system;

To explore the history of the dish Kung Pao chicken;

To find the ingredients and to cook the Kung Pao chicken.

Steps of working on the project

October 2017: exploring other projects that my English teacher gave to me;

Results: I have known how to make my project;

December 2017: preparation, finding the information about Chinese cuisine;

Results: I have collected the information for the project;

January 2018: making a booklet with recipes and learning how to cook the Kung Pao chicken

Results: I have cooked the Kung Pao chicken and made a part of the project;

February 2018: making the project, the film and the booklet with recipes;

Results: I have done the project.

One of my main hobbies is studying the Chinese language. I have been studying Chinese for 2 years.

My main goal is to learn as much as possible about the country of the studying language, to visit China and to get an education that will allow me to develop Russian-Chinese cooperation.

I have chosen this topic because I am interested in Chinese culture and Chinese cuisine. I want to learn new information about China and tell it to others.

In today's world, China's economy rank is the second in the world after the USA. Cooperation between Russia and China is growing up every year. The history and culture of China is about 5 thousand years old.

Main body

1. Chinese cuisine is among the three most refined: along with French and Russian. Chinese cuisine has been around 5,000 years old. Russian and European cuisines are a little more than 300 years old.

Chinese cuisine is treated with respect. "Seven items are necessary for life: firewood, oil, salt, soy, vinegar, tea and rice" - a Chinese proverb says.

The main secrets of cooking, Chinese people believe, the ability to slice and fry correctly. The dish should consist of small pieces that it is easy to eat.

Chinese cuisine is distinguished by the duration of cooking and an unusual combination of products, such as meat with sugar and fruits.

True culinary art begins with the seasonings. Seasoning should bring out the best taste of food. Soy spices are used for almost all dishes.

2. In China there are «Eight big culinary schools» «中国八大菜系»1 [zhōng guó bā dà cài xì]. This «Eight» consists of Shandong cuisine 鲁菜2 [lǔ cài], Sichuan cuisine 川菜3 [chuān cài], Guangdong (Cantonese) cuisine 粤菜4 [yuè cài], Fujian cuisine 闽菜5 [mǐn cài], cuisine of Jiangsu province 苏菜6 [sū cài], Zhejiang cuisine 浙菜7 [zhè cài], Hunan cuisine 湘菜8 [xiāng cài] and Anhui cuisine 徽菜9 [huī cài].

The most popular is the Sichuan cuisine. The dishes are very spicy there. The most famous are: pork with garlic 蒜泥白肉10 [suàn ní bái ròu] and claws of the Phoenix 泡椒凤爪11 [pào jiāo fèng zhǎo].

The most exotic is Guangdong (Cantonese) cuisine. Snakes, cats, mice, raccoons, dogs, crocodile, monkeys, turtles are eaten there. Chinese say «除了四个腿儿的桌子不吃,其他什么都吃,这就是广东人12» it translates «Cantonese eat all food that has four legs, except table». The most famous dishes of Cantonese cuisine are: the chicken stew with a snake 鸡烩蛇13 [jī huì shé], monkey brain soup 猴脑汤14 [hóu nǎo tāng].

Seafood is famous in Shandong, Zhejiang and Fujian kitchen. Game dishes are famous in Anhui kitchen.

There are a few more cuisines that are not included in the" big eight", but also have their own unique features: Beijing cuisine 京菜15 [jīng cài], the most famous dish in this cuisine is Peking duck 北京烤鸭16 [běi jīng kǎo yā].

At Harbin cuisine 哈尔滨菜17 [hā ěr bīn cài] had a great influence the presence of Russian culture. This cuisine is like Russian, dishes are salty. Moscow borsch, that calles 莫斯科红菜汤18 [mòsīkē hóng cài tāng] is cooked here, people eat smoked sausage 熏红肠19 [xùn hóng cháng] and black bread 大列巴20 [dà liè bā].

3. How do the Chinese relate to food? When Russians meet they say «How are you?», but Chinese ask «chi fan le ma?» («Did you eat?»).

For the chinese people food - is the most important thing in their lives. Breakfast, dinner and supper in China are the most important things like taking a shower and washing face. Anyone doesn’t miss meal if they are busy.

Chinese eat at round tables. In the center of the table there is a round rotating stand made of thick glass, all dishes are put on this stand. Any meal can’t be without rice. Word «food» - on Chinese is «fan», that means – rice, word «eat» is «chi fan» - that means «to eat rice». One of the important elements on the table is fish or meat in small numbers. Fresh and stewed vegetables are put on the table too. Broth is given at the end of the meal.

The loveliest Chinese deserts are red or green bobs with ice-cream, sweet rice and small cakes of rice-water.

Chinese don’t use forks and spoons, they use steaks. People in China think that cutting food with a knife is indecently. That’s why when they set the table they don’t put knifes. A chef cuts the food into small pieces, because it will be more comfortable to put the food into your mouth.

Chinese cuisine is healthier than the European one.

Chinese don’t eat bread.

They don’t use butter – only oil.

They eat a lot of vegetables and fruits.

They cook dishes only from fresh products.

They eat slowly. «You must be fast when you are working, but not when you are eating» (Chinese proverb).

4. The basics of the Chinese feed system

Healthy diet – is one of the most important elements of healthy lifestyle and good feeling.

Chinese have made their own system of healthy diet, they aren’t fat and feel good.

Chinese tradition says that all is divided into «Yin» and «Yang». «Yin» - is the energy of body that is directed outside, «Yang» - is the energy of your soul that is directed inside. These energies must be in balance when you eat. If there is a lot of «Yin» in the body - human can be fat or there is a lot of «Yang»- a human can be thin. If you want to balance the energy of your body and the energy of your sole, you must use this type of the healthy diet:

50% of the diet – are grain products. The basic of the diet must be cereals. They give necessary amount of energy to your body and they are the most balanced food.

30% of the diet – are fruits and vegetables. The most important – is that all fruits and vegetables must be fresh.

10% of the diet – are seafood and bobs. These products have energy «Yin», you must eat them every day, because they replace meat.

10% of the diet – drinks – black and white tea, water and spices, sea salt and nuts. This healthy diet can make your body healthier and improve your mood.

«Food must make you happier, and give you power» - Chinese say. Let us follow this useful proverb by eating food for our health and not for harm.

5. The history of the dish Kung Pao 宮保雞丁21

This famous dish of the Sichuan kitchen was made more than 100 years old. It was made by Ding Baozhen who was a Chinese dignitary. At the Imperial court Ding Baozhen had a position kung pao, this translates as "Palace guardian".

6. Recipe of Kung Pao chicken.

I have found some recipes of Kung Pao. Some of the ingredients are not the same, for example, in one recipe there is cashew, but in another one there is ginger. But in each recipe there is a chili pepper, a soy sauce and chicken pieces. You can’t remove these ingredients, because they are very important. I’ve chosen recipe that my Chinese teacher showed to me.

Here it is:

Two slices of chicken you must cut into small pieces.

Then mix one tablespoon of soy sauce, sesame oil and sugar in a bowl.

Put the chicken in that bowl too.

Mix all together, put a foil on the top of a bowl and put into the fridge for 6 hours.

While the chicken is in the fridge, cut some garlic (3 cloves), chili pepper (6 peppers of 5 cm each), one bell pepper, green onion (bunch, white part only) cut into strips 3 cm of each.

After 6 hours on a hot pan heat a spoon of olive oil and start frying your chicken for 4 minutes.

Fry garlic for 40 seconds. Then add pepper with green onion. Fry them for 2 minutes. Of course add a spoon of hot Cayenne pepper.

Add chicken and fry it for four minutes more.


Now I know the main Chinese culinary schools, the traditions and rules of the Chinese cuisine for my future trip to China.

I have explored new Chinese words and hieroglyphs for my Chinese lessons.

I have made a booklet with Chinese recipes and I have made a film about my project.

I have learned how to cook a new dish and I have taught my classmates how to cook it on the technology lesson. Now my friends can cook this dish for their families. When I have guests in my house I always cook The Kung Pao chicken for them.

Ingredients cost:

700 g of chicken – 250 rub;

1 kg of bell pepper – 146 rub;

1 chili pepper – 50 rub;

250 ml of sesame oil – 200 rub;

150 ml of soy sauce – 139 rub;

Green onion – 15 rub;

Garlic – 9 rub;

Hot Cayenne pepper – 50 rub;

Olive oil, sugar – 5 rub;

Total – 864 rub.

Cooked dish Kung Pao chicken is very spicy. Sichuan cuisine of China lived up to its reputation as the spiciest kitchen of China. I've never tasted such a spicy dish.

In Russia there was a tradition to put an employee at the table and look how he eats his dish. To work hired worker, which is well eats. The Chinese economy is growing year by year, confirming that the Chinese are good workers and know a lot about food.

One wise Chinese said, "Chinese cuisine has the same significance in the world of taste as European music in the world of sounds."


中国八大菜系 [zhōng guó bā dà cài xì] - eigt big culinary schools

鲁菜 [lǔ cài] - Shandong cuisine

川菜 [chuān cài] - Sichuan cuisine

粤菜 [yuè cài] - Guangdong (Cantonese) cuisine

闽菜 [mǐn cài] - Fujian cuisine

苏菜 [sū cài] - cuisine of Jiangsu province

浙菜 [zhè cài] - Zhejiang cuisine

湘菜 [xiāng cài] - Hunan cuisine

徽菜 [huī cài] - Anhui cuisine

蒜泥白肉 [suàn ní bái ròu] - pork with garlic

泡椒凤爪 [pào jiāo fèng zhǎo] – claws of the Phoenix

除了四个腿儿的桌子不吃,其他什么都吃,这就是广东人 - Cantonese eat all food, that has four legs, except table

鸡烩蛇 [jī huì shé] - the chicken stew with a snake

猴脑汤 [hóu nǎo tāng] - monkey brain soup

京菜 [jīng cài] - Beijing cuisine

北京烤鸭 [běi jīng kǎo yā] - Peking duck

哈尔滨菜 [hā ěr bīn cài] - Harbin cuisine

莫斯科红菜汤 [mòsīkē hóng cài tāng] - Moscow borsch

熏红肠 [xùn hóng cháng] - smoked sausage

大列巴 [dà liè bā] - black bread

宮保雞丁 - Kung Pao chicken


At home

At our lesson

Просмотров работы: 60