Необычные профессии

V Международный конкурс научно-исследовательских и творческих работ учащихся
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Необычные профессии

Елтышева  Ю.В. 1
1МАОУ «Комсомольская СОШ»
Голузина  А.В. 1
1МАОУ «Комсомольская СОШ»
Автор работы награжден дипломом победителя II степени
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Every person needs a profession in life. There are so many professions nowadays in the world that it won’t be a problem to find one suitable for you. Choosing a certain profession people shouldn’t forget about their natural gifts and abilities.

Choosing a profession people also have to consider the responsibilities and the conditions of future work. For example, one might think that being a football player is easy. They simply wear a uniform, kick the ball and sometimes score goals. In fact, it’s not as easy as it seems. [7]

There are lots of people who prepare all their lives for a challenging profession that brings both financial rewards as well as job satisfaction together.

They go to school, and often do internships, and after that enter into the workforce well prepared. There are lots of people who do strange, and honestly we can say shocking Unusual Professions. These people are undoubtedly creative who have chosen these type of unusual work to earn their living. [6]

The aim of the work is to learn what are the most unusual professions in the world; to find out what unusual profession would have chosen the students of Komsomolskaya school.

The object of the work is unusual professions.

The problems of the research are:

- to learn the typical professions in the world and in Russia;

- to learn the unusual professions in the world;

- to make a questionnaire survey among pupils at my school;

- to analyze the collected material and make a conclusion.

The topic of my research is popular today because every year people create new and interesting professions.

In our modern world, there are hundreds of unusual professions, and their number grows every day together with a galloping evolution of our world.

In the world of different professions

Typical professions in the world and in Russia

Profession is a type of work which need special training or a particular skill, often one which is respected because it involves a high level of education.

Today there are a lot of job options to choose from out there. Anyway, the choice of professions depends on people's individual abilities and talents. Some people have dreams of becoming a doctor and saving people's lives, others like cooking and become master chefs. There are people, for instance, who like taking care of animals, and therefore become veterinary surgeons. Some people have a talent for painting and are not good at the other things. It is not difficult to guess that they become painters, designers or architects. All in all, today the most popular jobs are teachers, doctors, office clerks, policemen, sportsmen, pilots, firemen, lawyers, waitresses, hairstylists, drivers and some others. [7]

Choosing a career is like any other activity; it is best to work to a plan. Too many people start looking for a specific job before thinking out their occupational aims. It is a good idea to begin by attempting to define in clear terms what your requirements are from a career. This involves taking a realistic view of your strengths and weaknesses. You may think for example, that you would like a job which involves organizing people, but liking such a job is not a sufficient justification if experience you already may have suggests that this is not your strong point. On the other hand, you should remember that training will equip you to do new things. A further point to consider is how far you will be willing to do for some time things which you do not like knowing that they are necessary to achieve your longer term objectives. Having thought carefully about the sort of person you are, try to work out a realistic set of occupational requirements. [3]

But there are lots of people who prepare all their lives for a challenging profession that brings both financial rewards as well as job satisfaction together.

They go to school, and often do internships, and after that enter into the workforce well prepared. There are lots of people who do strange, and honestly we can say shocking Unusual Professions. These people are undoubtedly creative who have chosen these type of unusual work to earn their living. [8]

Many people like to complain that there is no work for them. As a result, there is not enough money for drinking. But you want to get settled in a normal place, where you do not have to do anything, and get the money on time. Going to heavy physical labor, which, as you know, and made a monkey man, not everyone agrees. Who will volunteer to work as a janitor? You cannot sleep there until dinner.

So the young generation dreams of finding a job as an official, sitting in a separate office, leading a free life, visiting entertainment sites on the Internet. Meanwhile, there are some works that you can do to become a true master, singling out millions of gray people. It is enough to master some strange profession and now journalists write about you in the newspapers. [9]

1.2 Unusual professions

Centuries ago there were only a few jobs: people were farmers, bakers, butchers or salesmen. Today there are thousands of different kinds of jobs, and new ones are constantly appearing.

Probably, it is unlikely to surprise anyone with such records in the workbook as "accountant", "cook", "teacher", "seamstress motorist". We, in the main, are accustomed to receive education for classical posts, and yet there are a lot of interesting and unusual professions! [6]

There are many unusual professions in our world. They appeared because people become more creative. [10]

We found some interesting professions in the world:


A storm chaser - This job is for the people who love to do adventurous things and like to explore the natural disaster. We have seen a number of documentaries on Discovery about it and on other channels as well that how during the thunderstorm the lightning and hail get better of the skyscape. [5]


A pet food tester - This job is very painful for the people who find the smell of the pet’s food very stinky. Before you land the food in your pet’s bowl these food testers, taste each sample of the food to analyze the nutrition, texture and flavor of the food. Over the years, they have become an expert in their field and must have tasted thousands of pet food till now.


A writer texts for happy cookies - after cracking a fortune cookie, you read something which brings a smile to your face! It happens with all of us but have you ever wondered who wrote this and seal the message for us. That’s a job of the fortune cookie writer in which they have to be clever and playful with the words, that’s all it takes to be a fortune cookie writer.


A dog walker - This job has grown so large that there are even online websites offering their services with a precise plan of the map, all needed breaks for your dog and even cute and sweet photos of your loving pet! Workers claim that they earn enough for their living and even have some time for pleasure as you only can choose this job if you really love walking a lot and hugging.


A snake milker - Drug companies use poisonous snakes to create the anti-poison. For extracting this poison, pharmaceutical companies hire professional snake milker who induces the snake to bite on a jar i.e. covereded with rubber or other material. Its fangs can penetrate. The snake milker then collects the poison. That is also used to make medicines.


A video game tester- A dream job for all fans of video games really EXIST! And it does not differ very much from their usual daily activities. However, you get paid for playing about 70 hours per week.

Your main task will be to test the game you have been chosen in multiple categories like to find flaws that crash gaming consoles, loop dialogues, freezing in games, erase progress, or skew visuals. [6]


A secret shopper - in fact it is absolutely normal buyer, but at the same time a secret agent hired by the controlling company to check the quality of service and their own employees.


A water slide tester - It’s day 5 of your family vacation, and your kids are driving you crazy. It’s aqua park time, a day for your kids to release all their pent-up energy and for you to let loose a little. A perfect water park has fun (for kids) and safety (for adults). A water slide tester’s responsibility lies in taking multiple trips down the slide to see how much water it needs, how quickly you can reach the bottom, and how safe and fun it is. What a hard job!


A worm picker - A simple job that requires you to be in love with being outdoors. When somebody goes fishing, they need worms, which you can buy in many shops. Have you ever wondered how the worms get into the shop? Worm pickers walk in grassy areas (gardens, parks, golf courses) after dark and pick up earthworms.


A golf ball diver - If you enjoy scuba diving and being outdoors, then you are a perfect candidate for this unusual job. Golf ball divers are responsible for collecting all the golf balls from the bottom of ponds on courses. Sounds easy and enjoyable! Well, the truth is that many ponds are not well taken care of, and you can find a lot of nasty mud, algae, and even snakes down there. Gross. (Addition 2)

As for me, I’d like to be a text writer for fortune cookies because I start cooking and I like it very much. Also, these fortune cookies make people happy. (Addition 4)

What is your favorite job around those? What would you do that is not stated here? There are lots of people who prepare all their lives for a challenging profession that brings both financial rewards as well as job satisfaction together. They go to school, and often do internships, and after that enter into the workforce well prepared. There are lots of people who do strange, and honestly we can say shocking Unusual Professions. These people are undoubtedly creative who have chosen these type of unusual work to earn their living. [9, 10, 11]

II A questionnaire survey

2.1 A survey

We made a questionnaire survey among the students of the 4th forms at Komsomolskaya School. We asked 18 students. They are 10 girls and 8 boys. We asked 5 questions to everyone.

Most students know about the existence of rare and interesting professions.

Some pupils think that these professions are popular today and there are only 3 students don’t think so.

We got acquainted the majority of the students with unusual professions. They considered that the most popular professions are: dog walkers, secret shoppers, storm chasers and snake milkers.

On this question there are some students who hadn’t answers. But the majority finds them up-to-date and think that these are results of new tendencies.

The majority of the students want to be a video game tester and a water slide tester because they think it’s interesting and at the same time you earn money. 4 students want to be a dog walker because they love pets and animals. And 2 pupils want to be a text writer for happy cookies because they adore cooking and make people happy. (Addition 6)

2.2 My future profession

A child usually dreams to be a doctor, a teacher, a firefighter or even an astronaut in the future. These professions are very important, so it is wonderful when child’s dream comes true and he or she becomes an expert in the particular field, for example, in medicine. [7]

My dream is to become an interpreter in the future. Why have I chosen this particular profession? The answer is quite simple. I like studying English language and culture. I can find something unusual, unique, fascinating or even strange there but it is the wonderful experience.

The profession of an interpreter gives you an opportunity to meet new people from different countries or social groups. It teaches you to make decisions right here and right now. It is the experience that you cannot get even being a translator, for example. This is the main reason why I want to be an interpreter.

Speaking about an unusual profession, I’d like to be a text writer for happy cookies because I like cooking and I can make presents for my friends and family. These cookies can make them happy. (Addition 3)


In our modern world, there are hundreds of unusual professions, and their number grows every day together with a galloping evolution of our world. Some years ago there were many interesting professions, but today they are more extraordinary.

According to the research work the aim was achieved. We learnt many and new interesting professions which exist in our world. Also, we found the most interesting professions among the students at Komsomolskaya school.

We have made such conclusions are:

- learnt the typical professions in the world and in Russia;

- learnt the unusual professions in the world;

- made a questionnaire survey among pupils at my school;

- analyzed the collected material and make a conclusion.

People go to school, and often do internships, and after that enter into the workforce well prepared. There are lots of people who do strange, and honestly we can say shocking Unusual Professions. These people are undoubtedly creative who have chosen these type of unusual work to earn for their living.



Англо-русский и русско-английский словарь., В.Мюллер., 2011., с. 1022


Русско-английский словарь., У.Фромм., ЛадКом., 2005., с. 600


Журнал «Древо познание», «Профессии будущего» Джой Кларк, МС ИСТ ЛИМИТЕД., № 11., 2003.,


Student’s book Starlight 3, Part I., Module 3., Virginia Evans, Ksenia Baranova., Express Publishing, 2016., c.78


Student’s book Starlight 7, Module 1., Virginia Evans, Ksenia Baranova., Express Publishing, 2017., c.193


Student’s book «Gateway», David Spencer., Macmillan., 2014, c.167


The article «The most unusual professions. Reality»: http://realityandmyths.com/the-most-unusual-professions/


The article «Six unusual and novel professions around the world» https://fablefeed.com/lifestyle/unusual-professions/


Article «10 Most bizarre professions you didn’t know existed» https://www.oddee.com/item_98471.aspx


The article «10 weird jobs»


Addition 1

The most common professions in the world

Addition 2

The most unusual professions

The most unusual professions

Addition 3

My future career

Addition 4

My mum and I are cooking fortune cookies

Addition 5

…almost ready

happy cookies are ready!


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