Do you play the same games?

VI Международный конкурс научно-исследовательских и творческих работ учащихся
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Do you play the same games?

Вильданова Д.И. 1
1ФМБОУ СОШ №7 г.Туймазы - "ООШ №9 г.Туймазы"
Салахова  Г.М. 1
1ФМБОУ СОШ №7 г.Туймазы - "ООШ №9 г.Туймазы"
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All children love to play games. But today many games have been forgotten. Children no longer play games with rules or outdoor games. We do not know what games our moms, dads and grandparents played because adults work long hours now days. There are no people who can teach children to play different games. Besides, children don’t have enough time to learn and play games. They are too busy at school or prefer computer games. Children often play alone. How can we find real friends without communicating with each other? Playing together, we make friends, communicate and learn the world around us.

Moreover, we do not know what games our peers play in other countries. Different nations of the world have their own games. We suggested that there are games that are well known to children all over the world. We hope if we study games our peers in England play it will help us to become better acquainted with the culture of the target language.

So our Research Project is centered on games which Russian and British children play. The project considered the nature of games, their usage and the rules.

The object of the exploration is the games.

The subject of the work is studying difference between Russian and British children games.

The aim of our project is to find out if Russian and British children play the same outdoor games.

The following tasks were set:

To find out what an outdoor game is and its value for children.

To study outdoor games which Russian and English children play.

To define games that are played by the children of both countries.

To publish a book of outdoor English games which differ from those we play in Russia.

Hypothesis: we assume that there are games that are well known to children all over the world.

Methods of the research work: theoretical analysis, surveys, observation.

The theoretical significance consists in generalization of the material on this topic.

The practical significance: the results can be used in English lessons and learning English in general.

Chapter 1. Games in the modern world

I.1.The concept of the outdoor games

The outdoor game is an activity for children with assignments and rules. P. F. Lesgaft said thatan outdoor game is an exercise which helps children be prepared for life. [5, c.19]

While playing, children expand their knowledge about the world; develop their agility and wit. Playing, we learn to know what's bad and what's good. In a game we learn how to behave and how not to behave. We respect those who play honestly, who follows the rules and who wins. Playing, we always strive to succeed and win. The game develops children’s imagination. Very often we change the rules of the well-known games and sometimes invent new games. There are games which traditions are moving from older children to younger, which are loved by several generations of children. In a normal school every few years a new generation of children introduces new traditions.

I.2.Different kinds of outdoor games

We don’t know the exact number of games in the world. Children can come up with any game. They play games at school while studying or play role games like war, mom-dad, in politics, in the economy.

There are different kinds of games:

Games with rules (hide and seek, blind Tom, tag, patch, chase, classics, "Brook", "Boyars, and we come to you" "Who", "Breaking the chain", "Chain forged", "Goat (leapfrog)", "king of the mountain", "Ribbons", "Stone, scissors, paper");

Object games with rules ("Ring", playing with stones, marbles, sticks ("Klek", "12 sticks", including ball games - ball against the wall, tossing and catching a ball, and so on);

Sports games (football, hockey, towns, pioneer ball, tennis, and bowling). [2, c.219]

Games can be played alone or together. Collective games always have a spirit of competition and mutual assistance. Only combining team efforts players can defeat the opposing team.

If you play alone, these games are called single. When the game is played by several people-it is a group game.

In addition, games can be simple or complex. The games are divided into ages of the participants.

Games are distinguished by the fact if there is any equipment (balls, jump ropes, sticks, and other), the number of participants in the game, whether they need a leader or not, the venue (the courtyard, bathroom, water), on how to score, and so on. [3, c.56]

As we have seen, the games are different and there are a lot of them. We will study group outdoor games with rules, which Russian and British students play.

We use Korotkov’s classification of games. (Appendix 1)

I.3. Outdoor games in the life of children

We are going to talk about the value of outdoor games. These games develop us physically, strengthens our muscles. We practice running, jumping, climbing, throwing, catching, and so on, i.e. strengthen our health.

Outdoor games mean not only running and jumping but also thinking. When we seek to win, we consider ways of its achievement. We calculate in advance all our steps, and therefore, develop logic.

Outdoor games have a great influence on the development of one’s personality. These games develop will, intelligence, courage, agility and other personal qualities. Cooperative actions in the games help children make friends, teach them how to communicate, give them the joy of success. In the game there are not only winners but also losers. We learn how to behave in case of loss: not to be offended, and to gather all the strength to win next time.

Playing outdoor games according to the rules teaches us to spend free time interestingly and distracts from committing bad actions.

Some games have come to us from our parents’ childhood (hide and seek, tag, latki, catch-up classics, "brook", "Boyars, and we come to you."). And it means we learn the history and culture of our ancestors. But many games are forgotten. And we have no idea about foreign outdoor games. Therefore, it is very interesting to study outdoor games children in Russia and England play. [2, c.233]

Conclusions to сhapter I

All children love to play. But for all the seeming frivolity, the game-an integral part of childhood, has a huge impact on various aspects of human development. In fact, in the game children learn the skills of socialization and independence, reveal their creative potential and find solutions to many problems that they have to face in adulthood.

School-age children need games that allow them to use physical energy and develop mental abilities. During the game, it is easy to teach children new concepts that, in normal classroom learning, would probably only bring boredom. The most interesting at this age of the game, which is a friendly competition. These games for students can represent physical and sports competitions and intellectual games.

Now we can conclude that outdoor games are interesting, useful and necessary for all children. Playing, we turn our irrepressible energy into useful knowledge and skills that will be useful to us in adult life.

Chapter II. Main features of outdoor games in Britain and Russia

II.1. Russian outdoor games

The practical part of our research consists of some steps.

Interrogation about favourite games of Russian children.

Interview an English student.

Comparison of Russian and British outdoor games.

Making a booklet «The collection of British outdoor games».

Every six years in a normal school appears a new generation of children who come up with new games. Moreover there are some games that were played by our grandmothers and parents. We carried out a survey of popular games in our school. First of all, we decided to find out how many children like to play outside.

We asked 100 pupils from school № 7. The following questions were posed:

What do you like to do in your free time?

Do you like to play outside?

100% of children in our school gave an answer: “I like to play in the yard/playground very much.”

Next step of our work was to know at what age children prefer outdoor activities.

As you can see in our diagram, 10-14 year old children like to play outside more. It is easy to explain: outdoor games allow pupils to run around and expend their energy after sitting at school. (Appendix 2)

Also, we found out about favourite games in Russia. Russian children from school № 7 gave the answers and we made up the top ten favourite outdoor games in Russia. (Appendix 3)

In Russia, were popular such games as "Catch-up", "Dead Man's Bluff", "Goat", "Cops and Robbers", "Bouncer", "Buttons", "Broken Telephone", "Halihalo, stop", "Classics "," Rubber Bands "," Edible-inedible "," Sulky "," Potato " Shtander-Mander. " They were known to children all over the country. Today, we know some of them. Also some new games appeared. Let’s have a close look at some of them. [3, c.29]

These results show, children play outdoors in Russia and have their favourite outdoor games.

II.2. British outdoor games

British people are discreet. But very often, this coldness is a tribute to traditional politeness and tact. As a matter of fact they are fond of having fun. And folk, outdoor games such as "pancake race" is a vivid example. Kids’ games are closely related to folklore because you could hardly find a game without a traditional song or Counting. For example, the famous dance game "The Mulberry Bush" or a game "The Merry-Go-Round", something like the Russian "a bunch of little".

Now days in England children practically do not play in outdoor games because their parents are afraid to let them go out into the street. And the children themselves do not want to play. British Children's Society confirms that the children began to play much less.

So we decided to study what games are still popular among children in England.

As we know, in England, the climate is milder than in Russia, there is no snow, the fields are covered with grass. English children like to play games such as croquet, football, cricket, bowling on the grass, rackets, scramble. We all know kids are constantly on the move. Do English children have favourite outdoor games?

Therefore, the next step of our work was an interrogation about favourite games of English children. We contacted a friend of my sister Sharafiev Nail, who is currently studying at a language school in the British Study Centre Oxford. He spoke with English teenagers and collected information about the favourite games of English students.

He asked English friends about favourite outdoor games. English children have given their answers:

Helen: “My favourite outdoor game is Capture the Flag and basketball”

English children play: “Capture the Flag, Tag, soccer, football, ''the ground is lava'', dodgeball, wallbal, disc golf, water gun, balloon fights.”

Mike: “Rounders, riding my bike, tag, football, hide-and-seek, british bulldog, what's the time Mr Wolf, grandma's steps...”

Ann: “wanhunt, capture the flag, red light greenlight, handball, baseball\stickhall, kickball, redrover, mother way, freeze tag, hockey”.

According to the answers, we have made up the top ten favourite outdoor games in Britain. (Appendix 4)

We have known new different English games but some children’s outdoor games have the similarities.

II.3. Similar outdoor games

At the next stage of the work we compared Russian and English games. As we find out, children both in Russia and in the UK play outdoor games. We have different traditions and culture so; the games differ from one another, but some games are very similar. (Appendix 5)

All children play games with rules, use equipments such as balls, skipping ropes, sticks, etc., they play in open space and use rhymes.

Such games as "Classics", "Salochki, and “Dodgeball”, “King of the Hill”, “Chains, and chains forged” are played in England with a few differences in the rules of the game.

Next step of our work is to learn a lot of new and exciting games that we do not play in Russia.

We have read many English books and have found more than 30 Classic Games for Simple Outdoor Play.

As we have found out, children in the UK play exciting outdoor games.

We are interested in these games and continue to collect English outdoor games and today we are ready to present them. Here you can see games for a large group, a small group and hand-clapping games.

As the result of the researching work we have made a booklet of outdoor English games, which differ from those we play in Russia «The collection of British outdoor games».

We hope that our book will be interesting to other children and help them to spend their free time effectively.

Conclusions to chapter II

After completing the practical part of the work we can make a conclusion that children both in Russia and in the UK play outdoor games. We have different traditions and culture; the games differ from one another. But it is possible to allocate their similarities.

We found out thatoutdoor games play an important role in children’s life. There are some games that are familiar to us since our childhood and they are played by English students too.

We need to restore games to be more active, spend more time with our friends outdoors.


We have studied the games of England and Russia. We can say that outdoor games have become less popular among the children of both countries. This means that game is experiencing a crisis. Children often sit at the computer, or in front of the TV. It is bad for their health. We do not find ourselves in the fresh air, get sick often. We do not communicate much with friends. This means that very soon children will lose their communicating skills.

There are a few sources of literature on the topic "Games of British schoolchildren". This issue must be studied more deeply, because it is not clear and schoolchildren in Russia do not know games their peers play in Britain. We found that there are some games that are familiar to us since our childhood and they are played by English students to. We hope that our book will be interested to other children and help them to spend their free time effectively.

We came to the conclusion that due to the fact that children play less, we need to restore games to be more active, spend more time with our friends outdoors. This will help children benefit from spending their free time, save them from committing crimes. You can try playing games that we have studied. And maybe playing games you’ll be able both to master your English to learn the culture of the country.


 Артамонова Л.Н. Игры на уроках английского языка и во внеклассной работе // English. - 2008. - № 4. - с. 36.

Берн Э. Игры, в которые играют люди. - М.: Прогресс, 2002. - 400 с.

Былеева Л.В., Коротков И.М. – Подвижные игры, М: 2012 г. – 105 с

Игры на уроках иностранного языка //Коммуникативная методика -2003 № 3191 - с. 9

Лесгафт П.Ф., - «Руководство к физическому образованию детей школьного возраста» СПб., 1901—1904, 3-е изд., 2008, c.19

Уличные подвижные игры - http: // www.streetplay.come

Умные игры – портал развивающих игр для детей и материалы для педагогов и родителей - http: //

Derba Wise - Big Book of Children's Games

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.      Longman - Словарь современного английского языка. 2012

The Outdoor Handy Book: For Playground Field and Forest.The Minerva Group.


http: //

http: //

http: //

http: //

http: //


Аssignment -  something such as a place to sit, piece of equipment etc that you are given to use for a particular purpose.

Outdoor games - games that are played outside, games not played in the house. 

An imagination - the ability to form pictures or ideas in your mind.

Mutual -  mutual feelings such as respecttrust, or hatred are feelings that two or more people have for each other.

Defeat -  victory over someone or something.

Distinguished -  successfulrespected, and admired.

A venue - a place where an organized meeting, concert etc takes place.

Irrepressible - full of energyconfidence, and happiness so that you never seem unhappy.

Agility - able to move quickly and easily.

Boredom - the feeling you have when you are bored, or the quality of being boring.

Appendix 1

Appendix 2

The age of children preferring outdoor activities

Appendix 3

The top ten favourite outdoor games in Russia

Appendix 4

The top ten favourite outdoor games in Britain

Appendix 5

The similarities of outdoor games

Look at list of similar games:

English games

Russian games


Hide and seek






Blind Man's Bluff



Red Rover

Цепи кованые


Leap frog






“Hot potatoes”

Горячая картошка


“King of the Hill”

Царь горы


''The ground is lava''

Земля - лава




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