Растительный компонент в государственной символике

VI Международный конкурс научно-исследовательских и творческих работ учащихся
Старт в науке

Растительный компонент в государственной символике

Халиков А.Р. 1
1МБОУ СОШ № 7 г. Туймазы
Садыкова  Р.Ф. 1
1МБОУ СОШ № 7 г. Туймазы
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One of the important attributes of any state is the presence of a coat of arms, a flag and an anthem. This triad did not appear immediately. Only in the 20th century, an obligatory tradition was established all over the world - each country has its own coat of arms, its own flag and its own anthem. They were necessary as the embodiment of its history, a reflection of the past, present and future of the country, as an expression of the patriotism of its citizens and as its visual image. People of different countries are proud of their state symbols. But it is important not only to know what they look like, but also to understand their symbolism.

Heraldry is a very interesting, but at the same time very difficult science. Studying the coats of arms of different countries or cities, you can learn a lot about the features of a particular country, about the history of a city, a rural settlement.

But how often do we think about why we see exactly this image on the coat of arms, what meaning it has, what are the historical reasons for its occurrence?

Thus, the topic seems to be relevant and it is important for understanding the meaning of a particular sign on state symbols.

And if the state symbols of the country are well known to students, then the contents of the symbols of the cities of their area are practically unfamiliar to them, In our opinion there are not enough sources on this issue.

The aim of the work is to study the emblems of our republic, its towns and districts that have plants.

The objectives of our work are: to understand the concepts of heraldry, coat of arms; to learn about the meaning of plants in heraldry and state symbols; to learn about the emblems of towns and districts of our region; identify the reasons for the choice of a particular plant as a heraldic symbol of a particular locality.

Object of our work is heraldry of towns and regional centers of our region. Subject of our research is the presence of plants in heraldry of towns and districts in our region.

Hypothesis: the plant elements used on state symbols contain deep meaning, every symbol can tell about the origin of a country, city or region, its history, heroic past, national traditions, unique natural features or economy.

We used such methods as analysis and systematization of the literature on the research topic, analysis and synthesis of the obtained material.

The novelty of our research is the systematization of information about plants used in heraldry of our region.

Theoretical and practical significance of the research is the knowledge gained in the course of the research can be used as additional material for class hours; in the Science lessons, on extracurricular activities of a patriotic orientation.

Chapter I. Heraldry as the science of the multifaceted features of the country

I.1. The concept of a coat of arms and heraldry

The most ancient of the state symbols is the coat of arms. In the “Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language” by S.I. Ozhegov and N. Yu. Shvedov, the word “coat of arms” is defined as “the emblem of the state, city, class, or family, depicted on flags, coins, seals, state and other documents” [6,45] .

The study of the arms is engaged in the science of heraldry. Heraldry (from the Latin. Heraldus - herald) is medieval art of drawing up and describing the coats of arms [5,51]. Each element of the image on the coat of arms is not just a “picture”, but a sign of the international “language”, meaning a certain concept that has a certain meaning.

In dictionaries and reference books you can see several definitions of the word Coat of arms.The coat of arms is a kind of shield, with the image of signs assigned to the state on it, city, noble family and so forth. Stamped paper, an act, with a state emblem, serving as a receipt for paying the treasury for duties [2,138].

The first coats of arms appeared in the Middle Ages in Western Europe. It was a distinctive sign of the knights. It served in order to be able to distinguish the soldiers chained in iron armor from each other. Such a symbol appeared on the knight's shields. The coat of arms was a sign of the family and its military prowess.Special people - heralds gave a description of the coats of arms, followed their correct composition. Later, even a whole system of strict rules was worked out, according to which the coats of arms were compiled. A science that studies the emblems, received the name heraldry. In our work we will not consider the individual subtleties of the emblem, shape, color, and so on, but only focus on the main figures that are used in the preparation of the emblems.

The main figures used in the coats of arms include: natural figures, artificial figures, fantastic figures.

In heraldry, all those images that reflect the phenomena and manifestations of the diversity of the natural world are called natural figures. Natural figures are divided into three main groups:

- space objects, planets and elements, natural phenomena;

- living beings;

- flora [3,97].

The third group of natural figures include all types of plants. We want to stop at this group.

I.2. Plants in heraldry

The use of plants in heraldry has a long history. The most common are trees, leaves or branches of trees, flowers, herbs, crops and fruits. In heraldry, each character necessarily symbolizes something [3,78].

Trees. In heraldry, trees are usually depicted with obvious signs of their breed. Most often they use the oak - the main symbol of wisdom, as well as laurel, birch, linden, pine, maple. Fruit trees are also rarely used. On the arms you can find cherries, apples, pears.

Trees can be depicted as a whole and are called “torn out” or in parts: the trunk with leaves and fruits, the trunk without leaves, the trunk without branches, branches separately, stumps with roots and stumps without roots. Each of these types of images has its own meaning.

Leaves. Important in heraldry are the leaves of trees, depicted separately, because they are even better than the whole tree, can specifically indicate its species, and, therefore, more clearly reveal the meaning of the emblem. Leaves of oak, laurel, linden, as well as images of maple leaves, palm trees are widely used in heraldry.

Flowers. The flower is considered the most important plant attribute, since it is the most ancient symbol. By virtue of their antiquity, flowers in heraldry have non-natural, and conventional images. This applies primarily to chrysanthemum, rose, lily, lotus.

Fruits and berries. Fruits play a significant role in heraldry. Most often, the fruit is used as a supplement, for example, to the cornucopia or woven into wreaths. So, in the arms you can find the fruits of trees, berries or tropical fruits. Of the classic "heraldic" fruits, grapes, nuts, pomegranates, apples, pears, as well as acorns, cones of spruce and pine, raspberries and corn cobs should be noted, which in heraldry are classified as fruits. Recently, this group includes: orange, lemon, pineapple, coconut, banana, nutmeg, found in the modern emblems of a number of tropical island states.

Cereals. Images of cereals are often used in heraldry. Especially often they began to be applied and has acquired special significance in the symbolism of states in the 20th century already.

Herbs. In addition to all the listed species, herbs are used in heraldry. On the arms, they are often depicted as a bundle or stem, in one, green color.

Thus, each element of the flora in heraldry has its own meaning.

I.3. The meaning of plants in heraldry

Elements of flora are widely distributed on the state symbols of various states. Each element of the flora in heraldry has its own meaning [1,162].

The meaning of plants on the arms can be divided into groups:

a) characterize the nature and economy of the country;

b) reflect the spiritual and political values of the country;

c) plants - endemics included in the arms of countries.

a) plants characterize the nature and economy of the country.

The coat of arms of each country or city can tell not only about its history, but also about its particular nature.

One of the most popular is the image of cornflower. Cornflower blue grows in the fields, more often in crops where the soil is poorly cultivated. Cornflower is a natural non-heraldic figure that has become widespread in territorial heraldry.Cornflowers are a symbol of holiness, respect, tenderness, simplicity. The plant is a national flower for Estonia.

The plants depicted in the coat of arms can also tell about the main occupation of people living in this area. Ears of wheat or wheat sheaves stand out in a special group among the plant emblems in heraldry due to their special, high value in the emblems, especially among the states that emerged in the twentieth century. For example, wheat - the same age as human civilization - is highly respected in heraldry as a symbol of prosperity and hard work. Spikes can be depicted separately or grouped into wreaths, or be combined and alternate with each other, or depicted in sheaves. Cereals (ears) are found in the emblems of the countries of Central Asia. Of the cereals, rye, millet, and rice (in the coats of arms of the states of Asia), oats, barley, and buckwheat are depicted. Millet, although not an important agricultural plant, in heraldry means “successful completion of business with the acquisition of wealth,” and if it is golden in a blue field, it means “the preservation of public good, based on its own wealth and its own virtue”, which is the rarest combination of colors . The symbolism of the preservation is borrowed from popular beliefs, where protective forces are attributed to the millet, which are capable of preventing losses. Images of oats are extremely rare, some ears of oats and sheaves mean "too dangerous and difficult enterprise." As for barley and rye, they are not ascribed special symbolic meanings, but the ears of these cultures are found in the French coat of arms.

The clover is a symbol of good luck. It is a symbol of Irish national unity. Heraldic shamrock has a green natural color. In heraldry, the shamrock was rarely used.

b) reflect the spiritual and political values of the country

The lotus symbolizes purity and nobility. With all the popularity of the lotus of its image adorns the coat of arms of one state - a small Bangladesh.

The thistle (burdock) is an integral element of the Scots coat of arms and symbolizes stamina, tenacity and resistance.

The national flower of Japan is the chrysanthemum. According to legend, the origin of the country is connected with it. According to another legend, the chrysanthemum is a symbol of the sun, from which came the Japanese people.

The emblem of Great Britain has been decorated with a rose since its inception. This beautiful flower has long been a symbol of not only love, but also greatness. The rose, the queen of flowers, often occupied a place of honor on the arms. According to the laws of heraldry, wreaths and garlands of roses could flaunt only on the arms of the royal family.

c) plants - endemics included in the arms

Endemics are truly a unique part of the flora of any region. Endemics are plant species characteristic of a relatively small area.

For endemic plants include:

Ginseng ordinary. Ginseng is a unique plant of the south of the Far East, which has extraordinary healing properties. It is rightly called the king of the southern part of the seaside taiga. The golden color of ginseng is a symbol of wealth, confidence, justice and generosity.

Rhododendron is one of the most specific alpine plants of Karachay-Cherkessia. On both sides, branches and flowers of rhododendron adorn the coat of arms of the Karachay-Cherkessia Republic. Rhododendron flowers in heraldry are a symbol of peace, health, purity.

Most of Mexico is in the arid zone, and the main plants there are all kinds of cacti. It is not surprising that the cactus with red flowers got to the national emblem.

Conclusionsto chapter I

By studying the literature on the research topic, we learned that the first published manual on theoretical heraldry was the work of I. Bekenstein in 1731. Many scholars and historians were engaged in the issues of heraldry and emblems, among them: V.N. Tatishchev, A.T. Knyazev (“The Armorial), N.V. Ustyugov, E.I. Kamentsev. In 1672, the St. Petersburg Archaeological Institute published the state book "Titulnik".

We also got acquainted with the works of Drachuk V.S. "Heraldry tells" and A. B. Lakiera "Russian heraldry". The books address the question where, when and how the first heraldic emblems appeared on the territory of our Motherland and what they meant at different stages of its history. In the book Bortnik O.I. "World heraldry" presents modern and historical emblems of various cities and countries of the world.

After we had studied the literature on the topic we can make following conclusions:

Firstly, the plants on the arms can characterize nature and emphasize the leading branch of agriculture,

Secondly, they can reflect political and spiritual values.

Also, plants that live in a relatively limited range, can emphasize the uniqueness, the peculiarity of a particular territory.

Chapter II. Regional plant symbols

II.1. Plants on the arms of towns and districts of the Republic of Bashkortostan

As the practical part of our research we planned to study coats of arms of towns and district centers in our region and make the rating of the most popular plants. In the course of the study, we found out that plants are depicted on the 31 arms of the republic. These are 5 municipal district centers and 26 districts.

But in more detail we want to stay on the emblems of districts and municipal district centers. We found plants on the coats of arms of 5 towns and 26 districts.

The symbol of the Republic of Bashkortostan is the kurai. The kurai is a local plant, a close relative of the angelica and the hogweed. The flower depicted on the coat of arms has seven inflorescences. It symbolizes exactly seven ancient clans that live on the territory of the republic, and their unity. The image of the kurai on the coat of arms of Bashkortostan is symbolic: its seven petals are the seven clans that were the founders of the modern Bashkir people. The kurai is a symbol of friendship and a sign of perpetual motion[7].

Agidel. The atom surrounding an open olive wreath indicates the peaceful nature of the atom. Also, a golden olive wreath symbolizes in the coat of arms the prosperity, glory and wealth of the town.

Blagoveshchensk. The central element of the coat of arms is a pigeon holding an olive branch with green leaves in its golden beak - a symbol of good news, peace and prosperity.

Ishimbay. The image of the golden Kurai above Mount Tratau symbolizes the historical fact of the kurultai of the ancient Bashkir tribes on Mount Tratau.

Salavat. A kurai flower is a symbol of friendship, its seven petals are seven genera, which marked the beginning of consolidation and unity of the peoples of Bashkortostan. On the territory of one of the seven clans - the Yurmaty clan - the town of Salavat is located.

Sibay. The flower of a kurai at the head of the coat of arms is a symbol of the unity of the multinational population of the town.

Alsheevsky district. The oak branch, falcon - Ylasyn and tamga "kozen" - columns is a tree, a bird and a sign of the Bashkir kind of Min, whose descendants live in the district. This is respect for the memory of ancestors, continuity and order for future generations to preserve traditions.

Arkhangelsky district. The emblem allegorically depicts the contents of the legend. Its central figure is a mighty oak with strong roots. In the lush green oak stands nine acorns, symbolizing the nine sons of Tabantai. At the same time, the oak is a symbol of strength, power. The gold of the oak and its acorns is a symbol of justice, mercy, as well as wealth and independence.

Aurgazinsky district. Agricultural production is successfully developing in Aurgazinsky rayon - two golden spikes on the sides of the coat of arms speak about this in the composition of the coat of arms.

Bakalinsky district. The composition of three golden ears in a gold base means that the main activity in the area is agricultural production and farming. The whole composition indicates that a multinational people live in the area, united by creative labor.

Baltachevsky district. Seven grain ears in the coat of arms symbolize the unity of the seven clans, which initiated the consolidation of the peoples of Bashkortostan.

Bizhbulyaksky district. The area is located in the southern part of the Bugulma-Belebej Upland and belongs to the Pre-Ural steppe zone. This circumstance is reflected in the coat of arms by a stylized image of a silver feather grass - a symbol of the steppe, which at the same time symbolizes space and breadth of the soul and steppe expanse.

Birsky district. The fertility of the land of Birsk, the abundance of apples, reflect two apple-tree branches with green leaves and ripe apples. Two apple branches symbolize peace and friendship of peoples. Apples are a symbol of the triumph of life, their scarlet color is a symbol of love, courage and generosity.

Blagovarsky district. The grains in the golden ear of a coat of arms are a symbol of the unity of the people of their own bourgeoisie in their quest for good and light, for the prosperity of their native land. The grain in the image of the coat of arms is bordered by two bands of silver color - the color of pure water, reflecting faith, virtue and nobility, purity of thoughts. At the same time, this is a symbolic image of two rivers of the region - the Chermasan and the Karmasan.

Blagoveschensky district. The central element of the coat of arms of the rayon is a pigeon holding a golden olive branch with green leaves in a scarlet beak - a symbol of good news, peace and prosperity.

Duvansky district. At the head of the emblem on the right, the golden inflorescence of kurai is a symbol of friendship, its seven petals personify the seven clans, which initiated the unity of the peoples of Bashkortostan. Golden ear of wheat is a symbol of fertility and wealth of the land. The crossing of a kurai and a wheat ear personifies the unity of the multinational people of the district. Two golden firs denote joy, freedom, peace and peace, as well as an abundance of forests in the area.

Dyurtyulinsky district. Four ears also symbolically reflect the name of the district "Dyurtyuli" - four-room.

Ilishevsky district. A golden full-bodied sheaf of grain ears is the embodiment of the power of life, diligence, desire for development and advancement inherent in the population of the area.

Kaltasinsky district. Oak branch indicates the forest - one of the natural resources of the area. Oak is a symbol of wisdom, respect, strength, fortitude. The branch is located diagonally, which indicates movement forward. The slopes in the beak of the black grouse are a symbol of agriculture, the main occupation of the population of the region.

Kiginsky didstrict. A mighty oak tree with roots symbolizes strength, power, struggle and victory, the strength of the people living on this earth.

Krasnokamsky district. In the upper right part of the shield field in a green field there are two golden-colored ears, reflecting the historically formed agrarian sector of the region's economy. In the left upper part of the shield field, also in a green field, there is a golden-colored pine symbolizing the forest riches of the area.

Kugarchinsky district. The golden branches of elm are a tribal attribute of the Bashkir kind of Kipchak, living from the Middle Ages on the territory of the modern Kugarchinsky district, they symbolize the continuity of the history of the development of the region, the connection of times: past, present and future.

Kushnarenkovsky district. Wheat grains are depicted on the right side of the shield, indicating that the region is agricultural and grain production is a priority of its economy. Golden grains also symbolize the welfare and friendship of the multinational population. On the left side of the shield are bunches of grapes, meaning that in the region, for the first time in the republic, graded varieties of grapes have been developed and viticulture is being developed.

Kuyurgazinsky district. The oak branch symbolizes the strength and reliability of a multinational people.

Meleusovsky district. Seven golden ears is a symbol of the work of the tillers of the land, a sign of the region’s wealth. The number of ears - seven - symbolizes the seven clans, which marked the beginning of the unity of the peoples living in the territory of the republic. The golden inflorescence of the kurai at the head of the coat of arms reflects the seven towns that marked the beginning of the unity of the peoples living in the territory of Bashkortostan.

Mechetlinsky district. The stylized inflorescence of kurai depicted in the upper part of the coat of arms shows the unity, friendship and harmony of the people living in the area.

Miyakinsky district. The kurai inflorescence of seven petals symbolizes seven Bashkir clans, which initiated the unification of the peoples of Bashkortostan.

Sterlibashevsky district. In the center of the book is a golden ear growing out of the golden field of a tip, personifying the life-affirming power of the people, well-being gained by labor.

Sterlitamaksky district. Seven golden ears, like seven petals of kurai, signify seven Bashkir clans, which initiated the unity of the peoples living in the territory of the republic.

Tuimazinsky district. In the center of the emblem there is a golden semicircle of wheat ears, arranged in three rows, as the personification of the fertility of Tuimazy land, rich farming traditions, handed down from generation to generation, diligence, well-being, security and generosity of its inhabitants.

  Kurai symbolizes the multinational, friendship and unity of the peoples inhabiting the territory of the region, the peaceful beginning of everything, the desire for light, the heights of perfection and development, the inner spirituality of the inhabitants.

Khaibullinsky district. In this regard, in the center of the coat of arms rises a golden grain of corn. It also reflects one of the main areas of the district’s economy - agricultural production.

Sharansky district. Three pine trees reflect the beauty and uniqueness of the this land, emphasize the pride of the people who love their home, looking to the future with optimism, symbolize joy, freedom, rebirth (Appendix I).

Mainly the plants on the coats of arms characterize the nature and emphasize the leading branch of agriculture. Also, plants that live in a relatively limited range, can emphasize the uniqueness, the peculiarity of a particular territory.

II.2. Rating of the most popular plants

The next stage of our research is to make a rating of popular plants on the arms of towns and districts of our republic. The aim of the study is to find out the most popular plant on the arms in our region.

The most common symbol is the spikes, found in 14 emblems. In the second place is the kurai, it occurs 8 times. Then comes the oak 5 times, an olive branch 3 times, the grain and the pine 2 times, the feather grass, the apple, the elm and the grapes are found once.

The most popular symbol the spikes distinguish agriculture as the main occupation of people living in Bashkortostan. The kurai is a national symbol of Bashkirs, the national musical instrument kurai is made of this plant. The olive is not typical plant in our region. It is a symbol reflecting the spiritual and political values of our republic. The oak and the pine are typical trees in our region, they characterize its nature.

The most often used names of trees are the oak, the pine-tree, the elm-tree and the olive. The most common flower is the kurai flower. The fruits are apples and grapes. The cereals are the wheat ears and the grains. Herb is the feather grass.

If we consider these plants how often we find them in the symbols of other countries, the kurai is characteristic only for our area. We cannot find this symbol in the symbols of other regions. It is a plant-endemics. We think the feather grass is a plant-endemics, too.

Conclusions to chapter II

We can draw following conclusion to chapter II:

We can find plants on the coats of arms and flags of our region. 5 towns and 26 districts have plant symbols on their arms and flags. These plants are spikes, the kurai, the oak, the olive, the grain, the pine, the feather grass, the grapes, the apple and the elm. The spikes symbolize agricultural production and farming and the unity. The kurai symbolizes exactly seven ancient clans that live on the territory of the republic, and their unity. The oak is a symbol of wisdom, respect, strength, fortitude. Apples are a symbol of the triumph of life. Golden grains also symbolize the welfare and friendship of the multinational population. An olive branch is a symbol of good news, peace and prosperity. A feather grass is a symbol of the steppe, which at the same time symbolizes space and breadth of the soul and steppe expanse. Elm branches symbolize the continuity of the history of the development of the region, the connection of times: past, present and future. Bunches of grapes mean that in the region, for the first time in the republic, graded varieties of grapes have been developed and viticulture is being developed (Appendix II).

We can see that plant symbols reflect the historical development of our region, mainly the plants on the coats of arms characterize the nature and emphasize the leading branch of agriculture. Also, plants that live in a relatively limited range, emphasize the uniqueness, the peculiarity of our territory.


Modern heraldry is a living, ever-changing system. Historical emblems are preserved, new ones are being created. This research will also be updated with new emblems with plant elements.

Studying of coats of arms is a manifestation of respect for the history of one’s land and country, for cultural heritage.

The hypothesis of the study was confirmed. The plant elements used on state symbols have a deep meaning. Knowing the symbolism of plants, everyone will be able to tell about the origin of a country, city or region, its history, heroic past, unique natural features or economy.

When performing this study, we studied more than 30 emblems with images of plants, and we came to the following conclusions: plants on the coat of arms are one of the most important elements for characterizing the features of a city, rural settlement, district, region; each element of the flora in heraldry has its own meaning. First, the plants on the arms can characterize nature and emphasize the leading branch of agriculture, and second, they can reflect political and spiritual values. Also, plants that live in a relatively limited range, can emphasize the uniqueness, the peculiarity of a particular territory.

The coat of arms is not just a legislative sign, but also a monument of history, passed down from generation to generation. Everyone needs to learn to "read" the arms.

Respect for the state symbols of your country is a manifestation of patriotism. And a true patriot not only honors traditions, but also loves his native nature, cares about its preservation.


1.Бортник О.И. Геральдика мира. Изд.: Харвест, 2008. – 243 с.

2.Даль В.И. Иллюстрированный толковый словарь живого великорусского языка / В.И. Даль; Под ред. В.П. Бутромеев. - М.: Олма Медиа Гр., 2013. - 448 c.

3.Драчук В.С. Рассказывает геральдика. – М.: Книга, 1997 – 256 с.

4.Лакиер А. Б. Русская геральдика. – М.: Книга, 1990 – 432 с.

5. Ушаков Д. Н. Большой толковый словарь русского языка, М.: ДСК, 2011 – 960 с.

6. Ожегов С.И., Шведова Н.Ю. Толковый словарь русского языка: 80 000 слов и фразеологических выражений. — 4-е изд., М.: Высшая школа, 1993. — 944 с.

7. Docplayer.ru


Anthem – musical composition of celebration, usually used as a symbol for a distinct group, particularly the national anthems of countries.

Coat of arms – heraldic visual design on an escutcheon (i.e., shield), surcoat, or tabard

Cornflower – herbaceous plant that belongs to the daisy family.

Endemics –  the ecological state of a species being unique to a defined geographic location, such as an island, nation, country or other defined zone, or habitat type; organisms that are indigenous to a place are not endemic to it if they are also found elsewhere. 

Herald – an official whose specialty is heraldry.

Heraldry –the science and the art that deal with the use, display, and regulation of hereditary symbols employed to distinguish individuals, armies, institutions, and corporations.

Medieval –periodlasted from the 5th to the 15th century.

Middle Age – the middle period of the three traditional divisions of Western history: classical antiquity, the medieval period, and the modern period.

Wreath – an assortment of flowersleavesfruitstwigs, or various materials that are constructed to resemble a ring.

Appendix I

Local coats of arms

The name of the place

The symbol

The name of the place

The symbol

The Republic of Bashkortostan

Dyurtyulinsky rayon


Ilishevsky rayon


Kaltasinsky rayon


Kiginsky rayon


Krasnokamsky rayon


Kugarchinsky rayon

Alsheevsky rayon

Kushnarenkovsky rayon

Arkhangelsky rayon

Kuyurgazinsky rayon

Aurgazinsky rayon

Meleuzovsky rayon

Bakalinsky rayon

Mechetlinsky rayon

Baltachevsky rayon

Miyakinsky rayon

Bizhbulyaksky rayon

Sterlibashevsky rayon

Birsky rayon

Sterlitamaksky rayon

Blagovarsky rayon

Tuymazinsky rayon

Blagoveshchensky rayon

Khaybullinsky rayon

Duvansky rayon

Sharansky rayon

Appendix II

Plants and their meanings





Olive wreath

The prosperity, glory, wealth


Olive branch




The historical fact






The unity

Alsheevsky rayon

The oak

The memory of ancestors, continuity

Arkhangelsky rayon

The oak

The strength, power

Aurgazinsky rayon


Agricultural production

Bakalinsky rayon


Agricultural production, farming

Baltachevsky rayon

7 grain ears

The unity of 7 clans

Bizhbulyaksky rayon

The feather grass

Space, the breadth of the soul, steppe expanse

Birsky rayon

Apple branches


Peace, friendship

The triumph of life

Blagovarsky rayon

The grains

The unity of people

Blagoveshchensky rayon

The olive branch

Good news, peace, prosperity

Duvansky rayon

The kurai


Dyurtyulinsky rayon

Four ears

Reflect the name “Dyurtyuli” – four room

Ilishevsky rayon

Grain ears

The power of life, diligence

Kaltasinsky rayon

The oak branch

Wisdom, respect, strength, fortitude

Kiginsky rayon

The oak tree

Strength, power, struggle, victory

Krasnokamsky rayon

Two ears

The pine tree

Agricultural production

The forest riches

Kugarchinsky rayon

The elm branches

The continuity of the history

Kushnarenkovsky rayon

Wheat grains

The welfare, friendship

Kuyurgazinsky rayon

The oak branches

The strength, reliability

Meleuzovsky rayon

Seven golden ears

The kurai

The work, wealth

The unity

Mechetlinsky rayon

The kurai

The unity, friendship, harmony

Miyakinsky rayon

The kurai

Seven Bashkir clans

Sterlibashevsky rayon

The golden ear

The power

Sterlitamaksky rayon

Seven golden ears

The unity

Tuymazinsky rayon

Wheat ears

The kurai


Friendship, the unity

Khaybullinsky rayon

The golden grain

Agricultural production

Sharansky rayon

Three pine trees

Joy, freedom, rebirth

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